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Everything posted by Barnstormer1

  1. It wasnt the intinitial use of Flight that made me come to the conclusion it wasn't for me. It was the long term, a couple weeks. In the beginning, It was nice and new, like a new and refreshing restaurant or night club and very popular. But I found it to be unsustainable as far as interest. Get a new island, do the missions etc. Basically they are all the same as the original only in a different location. perhaps it my elderly ADHD.
  2. Try FSX. No need tweaking complicated joystick files. It has a graphic interface for simplicity. You can get a much more realistic flight environment and realistic training aircraft! Perhaps Flight is working to draw new people into the Flight Sim experience! Thats good.
  3. Well, at least in FSX you do not have to open an XML file and edit it to calibrate a joystick??
  4. To add. And to have a platform that can be used to create a hobby environment and not just a "game" situation!!
  5. I have Vroute premium. Vroute can be used to obtain submitted/used routes routes from users but it will not "build" new routes for you, least that I am aware of. FSBuild will physically build a route for you. I use FSCommander as I like running a moving map on a networked computer. It also has a flight planner/creator in it with procedures included. There are otheres out there also. Gplan, EFB etc.
  6. Not sure it is a hardware issue Steve? May be a combination of both but suspect it has something to do with the mipmaps or alpha channels used and the way FSX renders them. IOrecall something about Sp1 and Sp2 texture reading. Seems its a LevelD fix thing. I never pursued it because it was a rare occasion. It happened across many Nvidia driver versions anyway? It should be brought up to LevelD.
  7. Agreed. Its very common with the LevelD. It just fails to properly render the panel bitmaps. Usually a reload or changing from windowed to full screen wii fix it. Never seen the issue in FS2004!
  8. Same here after many uses with no problems. sp1b
  9. So. Now that a game aircraft doesnt have an autopilot modeled. We who use one in FS2004/FSX don't know how to fly an airplane? poor excuse for missing features. By the way our companys Cessna 172 has a bendix autopilot and garmin 430 GPS!! You would think MS would at least offer a GPS! I wont pay for an aircraft no matter how "pretty" unless it has some advanced avionics. But considering the target market. Its no surprise there are no advanced avionics. They could be confusing.
  10. That was also discovered in the beta. Someone mention the good old duct tape fix! :)
  11. I believe the VC file name in the effect folder is. CLS_VC_light.fx. The brightness etc is also in this file. There are tutorrials avail to explain it.[ParticleAttributes.0]Blend Mode=2Texture=fx_2.bmpBounce=0.00Color Start=100, 100, 100, 1 //---The start and stop are the VC light colors. You can make these what you want. They are default grey now. RBG.Color End=180, 140, 100, 0 //----"Jitter Distance=0.00Jitter Time=0.00uv1=0.00, 0.00uv2=0.01, 0.01X Scale Goal=0.00Y Scale Goal=0.00Z Scale Goal=0.00Extrude Length=0.00Extrude Pitch Max=0.00Extrude Heading Max=0.00
  12. Turbo charged engines arent really intended to increase cruise performance as much as TO to cruise performance. If you feel its too powerful. reduce the MAX MP and lower the HP. The RW Beech V35 TC is 300HP
  13. You will have to manage fuel flow/throttle/prop pitch much closer than a normally aspirate engine. The fuel delivery is going to match the air delivery. The payoff for performance is fuel economy. It gets to a point where a Turbine is more effecient as a high power piston engine.Specially @ higher altitudes. I usually set MP pressure @ 30 for climb. ( which is still 5psi higher than non turbo) Of course it will use more fuel. Horsepower= increase air and fuel! I build Turbocharged racing engines RW.Note: You should or may also see an increase in CHT/Oil temps. Need to watch mixture very closely. Forced inductions create much more stress on engine components due to considerable increase in cylinder pressures/ Compression. in fact most piston aircraft engines. Continental, run 6:1 compression for turbos compared to 8:1 for non turbo. Ive seen little diff in the cfg file when changing in FS. Lean out a turbocharged engine and you will melt pistons and burn valves.. Not sure its modeled in FS though.too much Boost!http://youtu.be/KgXMrBUFhh4
  14. I suspect as long as there is resonable success with the MS DLC, there wont be a released SDK. Free or not. Sounds like they are giving that concept two years to determine its success/sales numbers..
  15. Obviously, many things changed from the beginning of Flight development. From what what was going to be to what is or what is going to be. Not sure I would read too much into those pak/cfg files.
  16. Two thoughts. Support it, success in the way it is and it stays the way it is. Don't support, bad sales, and MS will have to rethink the concept? Who knows.
  17. Corsair is 1st class! I would sell it on Ebay. You would be surprised what you can get for it.
  18. Seems to me it was an honest Review /opinion without any personal attacks. Sounds like someone doesn't like that and using personal attacks? Which was not suppose to happen.
  19. From observations of other Flight sim forums. Avsim Flight forum readers seems to be much more supportive, less negative towards FLIGHT. The article is not entirely correct.
  20. We brought the sophisticated controller sensitivity issues during beta and nouthing came from it. I believe you need to look at it in the manner as the game is designed for simplistic controlls. It does work very well with a mouse and or Game controller and I believe that is the intention. No calibration etc. required. Not being negative but I believe people are looking at controlls in terms of previous Flight simulator release complexity.
  21. During beta it was one of the first thing I noticed. I had to increase VC fan speed when I was using flight.
  22. Do you have an Xbox account? During beta we found things worked somewhat better when you had an Xbox account. It can be very confusing with the MS system,
  23. Tried, panels, gauges, aircraft. No go!! :) No surprise.
  24. With FSX and our VA ACARS we can talk/text to 50+ pilots at the same time! Its not new or unique.
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