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Everything posted by blueshark747

  1. Yup that one is good enough, I'll grab it! Thanks!🍻
  2. Kodiak and Twotter are great! The Bandeirante is in dire need of a soundpack.
  3. This a common occurrence... 💀 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/ok-so-why-has-my-msfs-deleted-itself/304797 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/fs2020-deletes-itself-and-all-content-steam/345830 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-self-deleted-itself-and-reinstalled/491212 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/oh-lovely-msfs-deletes-itself-yet-again/491886
  4. This really just adds another layer of immersion and feeling of presence on top of the flight sim for me. The on ground exploration gives a better understanding of travel scale, distance and speed. My latest adventure was actually driving from my Star Island home on Miami Beach to the airport. Taking off outta of KMIA and then glancing down passing over Star Island at 250+ knots, knowing I had just driven on that causeway in a car at 70 mph. Very interesting to see others who share the same sim style.🍻
  5. A bit off topic but did you see what else is coming? https://fselite.net/content/a-freeware-bombardier-challenger-300-is-in-development-for-msfs/
  6. Agreed, I just felt it's pretty silly a company like PMDG with a proven track record and history of solid RELEASED QUALITY products and CUSTOMER SERVICE has to prove themselves to be better than Fenix a company with ZERO RELEASED products and ZERO TRACK RECORD of any customer service.🤣 I get the simmer base want's a new hero in shiny armor after years and years of the same devs (PMDG,Aerosoft, etc etc) dominating the 3rd party addon game, but Fenix holds no proven product standard yet that other companies would need strive to be like nor to hold up to. I'm excited for this Fenix A320 as I always try and support all companies and purchase all addon products, even if it means having more than one of the same aircraft model, so I will be excited to see Fenix come out swing hard throwing haymakers at the competition.🤜
  7. Some of the die hard Fenix cheerleaders went from overly optimistic to scorned in only a matter of two months...amazing 🤣😂
  8. It's a very smooth flying plane. A couple texture quality improvements, ATC functionality fix, a quality sound pack for it and you have one great product.
  9. Both are awesome and work great with my Rift S VR Touch Controllers. I don't have any wall issues with the BAE either. I have a video of the MD-82 and a video of the 146 in the works also.
  10. The drone camera function doesn't have anything to do with the SU9 external camera zoom implementation and isn't a solution to what folks are particularly asking for here. There is a particular command that needs to be added to the camera.cfg file of each aircraft that SU9 has enabled the sim to recognize for such changes. We are trying to figure out exactly what the command line needs to be, let's stay on topic until we get our solution please.
  11. Importing 3d peds into MSFS now.( FOR MY OWN PRIVATE USE) The Instant Scenery 3 addon from FSX/P3D conveniently compiled all of my 3D model assets from every addon in my FSX build. Some MDL/GLTF convert/import work and waa laa....
  12. All up in that 3d model loaded terminal interior, with footstep/intercom sounds and all. Thank you Drzewiecki Design!🤣😂
  13. We've witnessed Dillon go from long term 2d pancaker to full die hard VR Evangelist within a span of like 3 months...now he's making over the top thread titles as such as if he's been around since the initial MSFS VR release. Avsim is funny🤣😂
  14. *Tries to push ultra clouds and textures with the performance complex FBW AN32 on pentium 2 potato pc*💡 Naw it's the terminal interiors...definitely the terminal interiors eating all of my performance.😂🤣
  15. Typical avsimmers, some hate any type of fun that is outside of the cockpit below 30,000ft.🤣😂
  16. Agree to disagree.. I feel the Maddog was the ultimate pinnacle of sim craft and the Majestic Q400 a close 2nd in FSX.
  17. Doesn't matter for us VR users...everything looks good in stereoscopic 3D.😛
  18. I don't think this will end well, but I do respect others wanting freedom as PCers and consumers from todays ironed fisted forceful software update practices. Good luck!
  19. Luckily PG can be switched on and off in under a minute while inflight.
  20. I don't care to watch anymore beta/preview videos/streams of these payware addons. It honestly ruins the anticipation for me and I find alot of these content creators quite boring to watch and listen to. Then again....I can't bear to watch the official MS/Asobo live Q&A discussions either.🤣
  21. This! I DO NOT miss the the P3D whole number updates. Guaranteed to lose a third party addon every time and have to wait on dev to fix compatibility.
  22. The MD is more of a brute to handle on descent than the 737, it picks up speed much faster when that nose starts dropping. Speed reduction management is a hefty task when it comes to getting her ready for final, which is one of the things I love about the plane. In FSX days the descent for final approach was showtime because the Maddog really felt like a huge hunk of metal you had to manage to slow down. One of the most satisfying seat of your pants feeling take off and landing simulations I've ever experienced. It honestly makes alot of other addon simulations feel dull and quite numb in comparison. I would rank the Maddog and Majestic's Q400 top tier when it comes to seat of your pants feel aerodynamics.
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