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Everything posted by Taipan

  1. Their landing light switch may not be linked to the same FSX switch for landing lights. Try using the default FSX key for landing lights at the same time. Some planes I had to map in FSUIPC both the VC switch and the default FSX action for the lights to make it work.
  2. Man you guys make a laugh! Thanks for that made my night
  3. Your $85 wet is about the same as the "fuel surcharge" that gets added on top :( I have considered living in the US for a few years one day, it's much more affordable there so that would be one plus.
  4. Have many of you started flight training, or finished flight training, yet gave up soon after? I'm seriously considering giving up flying :( The cost in Australia is one of the highest in the world. There are cheaper options but safety is compromised sometimes, and even the cheaper options are still expensive. Looking at other life goals that could be achieved with the same large sums of money, I consider the "opportunity cost" of flying. In the end, having a PPL isn't worth much if you can't use it.. I also get stressed when I can't fly due to work, weather or family and don't like not keeping regular lessons. I wonder how people keep current after they have kids? Or do you fall behind and have to refresh your knowledge and skill on flying later? Is it really worth the effort on top of a busy life?
  5. I don't follow their forums, did anyone see any plans to make the 2160 as well?
  6. Good points, it's so hard to get so many addons setup nice, I wouldn't want to start again. That is a worry if some devs aren't going to support it in the long term. Interesting John Venema already knows ORBX is compatible with P3D 2.0, there may be some good collaboration going on which is good news. I guess some developers are looking ahead. Although ORBX being a VFR product and PMDG being for more serious flyers it's strange for PMDG to not support it when an obvious entertainment level product like ORBX is. Anyway like others I think I'll watch the initial reviews carefully and see how the other guinea pigs go
  7. Main one for me is reality xp GNS530 :( If it worked, I would switch.
  8. It probably depends on temperature, I'm surprised Ryan can fly with them fully shut in cruise, maybe on a short flight or maybe in quite cold weather. But I did a flight in summer from New Zealand to Lord Howe Island, across the ocean this is a very long flight probably the furthest I can take it. However it was above FL200, so it should have still been cool enough up there. I had them open only halfway in cruise. Now nothing happened straight away, but about 3/4 of the way there the temperature finally increased to a level to cause a single engine failure, so it happens very slowly. So my opinion would be fully open during climb when there's low airflow. Then in cruise either half open, or fully open depending on temperature. I would only close them fully if doing cold very low speed cruise or in descent. Your oil temp in this turboprop is good down to 0c, unlike pistons where usually 40c is your minimum (in general, I don't own the regular duke so can't comment on that)
  9. How many of you are considering moving to Prepar3d 2.0 if it supports DX10 or DX11? I have considered it, even the current version - but what stopped me - there is no DX10 only DX9 in this version! I know for me, if I can still run my existing FSX compatible addons in P3D 2.0, and if I get DX10 or similar "benefits" from the rendering engine I'll be doing it. This is question for us DX10 users - so please don't move it to the P3D forum (I don't mind boxing rings, but that place is like watching bloodsport )
  10. Scary stuff, guns are just as dangerous as planes.. but much easier to get than a pilots license or even a drivers license in some places. They really only have one purpose.. but I'll hold my tongue there lest we have another political debate on here lol
  11. Very important question! You guessed right, you don't need to setup LINDA, in fact you can't actually use LINDA as it's meant to be used if you use SPAD, because you can't assign SPAD controls to things in LINDA. So you can install LINDA, backup the scripts then remove it. Then in SPAD map things to virtual joystick buttons, making good use of the Profile feature. Then in FSUIPC assign those virtual joystick buttons to LINDA scripts that you have copied, or to FSUIPC mouse macros if available. Make good use of both the Profile feature, and the ShortName feature together and you only have to do setup once for each plane type.
  12. Firstly there's no FPS impact, they are just effect files. I even shockwaved all of my AI UT2 planes as well they now look very pretty Secondly with the planes that have hardcoded some of the lights, you can overlay the shockwave lights if you want, to have a bigger effect on top of the hardcoded ones. But usually the hardcoded ones are actually better than shockwave, e.g. Lotus Simulations L-39 landing lights. In the cases where they are not, or they are too small, you can just put the large shockwave one on top of it. The downside is that if you DO want to overlay a builtin light, then it's not in the cfg file so you have to manually try the x,y,z positions and ctrl ; reload the plane and find it by trial and error. Lastly no one mentioned yet they are directx 10 compatible, but they definitely are and you can fix alot of planes who's lights don't show properly in directx 10 if you use that.
  13. Is it directx 10 compatible? Like at night time do the ground textures disapear?
  14. I think they didn't have permission to publish it from memory, but don't throw in the towel! This plane is awesome. So far I haven't found any "official" recommended performance figures for altering the propellor and power during flight. But I've been flying this plane for a while and built up some notes you might find useful: Condition levers: Always full, except in taxi or engine startup/shutdown. Takeoff - Maximum RPM that I can safely get without busting any of the gauge limits. Generally near full pitch. On hot days watch for overspeed or overheat. Rotate at 90 knots. Climb - For the AP, use 3000fpm vertical speed mode until 10,000feet ASL, then switch to 2000 or adjust as needed to maintain a climb between 120kias - 170kias (cruise climb) Cruise: -Set RPM to low (middle green range), and power to 90% NG (if safe ITT/TRQ). Adjust power for either speed or lower fuel flow if required. For cruise at FL240, 170kias is economical. TAS will be closwer to 270kias at that altitude. -Prop sync on in cruise -Oil radiators stay open. If it's cold and you close them, monitor the oil temp very carefully. Descent: -You can close oil radiators halfway -Use anti-icing if OAT gauge < 0 and/or moisture -Low RPM -Use the VNAV screen on the RXP 530 to determine required VS to meet your initial approach fix or circuit pattern. -Do not descend faster than the pressurisation system can handle Landing: -Gear and 1st flaps is 174kias -Full Flaps is white range 140kias -Long approach speed 120kias+ -Short final speed 100kias -Pitch full fine (in case of go around) -Use reversers (i.e. turboprop power in beta range) until < 40kias on runway Also checkout the checklist within FSX, it has some good recommendations - EXCEPT for cruise! I would love to find any performance charts or recommended ways to adjust the pitch for cruise fuel economy. There must be some standards out there, but I understand the turbo conversion is a rare one..
  15. Can you post a screenshot? I fly the cub and I thought it was fine. I'll compare with your shot
  16. Anyone see this video before? Either people are idiots shooting at a plane they hear buzzing overhead, or there is just that many people firing off guns into the air on new years eve that allow this thing to happen by "chance".
  17. Anyone else reproduce this? Anyone running DX10 with the base fixes but not the lights fixes? Do you get runway lights?
  18. I'm not upgrading. It aint broke so I ain't fixing it... Time to fly Ps my FSX is CPU limited not GPU
  19. Love the post, wish I could escape the city... The noise and the crowds.. Not much jobs outside the city though it's a shame.
  20. Those above are IFR aircraft mostly you will be filing IFR and flying much the same as the NGX, if you really want to try something different then get yourself a personal L-39 jet, no autopilot! Great fun, and very well made addon. Also I second the A2A Mustang. You can do IFR on the civ Mustang and VFR on the mil version. It CAN do small strips in comparison to passenger jets. It had to land in some harsh conditions during the wars. Those two are the "PMDG" of their class. Or back to basics, no lights, no gauges, VFR only in the A2A Cub. Crosswind landings on short fields are incredible fun, and the float version is great as well if you fly ORBX. But that's not high and fast.. I know but sometimes getting back to basics is fun.
  21. We can laugh but some places can't get cable or DSL yet, I know a few who had to get satelite and not even that far from a city. It's slow but better than dial up. We do it tough in Australia lol
  22. I have the Avro setup for voice control now too thanks to the guys at MCE, its awesome. The Avro support and full flows and checklists will come in a patch near future.
  23. His wheels were still on the ground after the strip ran out weren't they? Seemed like it came up for a second and touched down again. Might have been better to hit that creek on the overrun after all.
  24. Hi You can fix alot of aircraft lights using shockwave lights from A2A. It needs config edits but not too hard and I can share my configs. The best looking airliner planes in my hangar in DX10 are the Qualitywings Avro and the Coolsky DC9, with HD textures and shockwave lights it looks amazing like a new sim. The NGX looks good too, it is a big step up from their 747. I would say the NGX has the most graphically detailed VC of all addons. I'm flying lots of stuff, GA as well and no problems in DX10 but most of mine are released in the last 2 years.
  25. Give it up man, nothing comes close to the real thing Each sim has its own flaws, just pick the one the most FUN to you
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