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Everything posted by Wink207

  1. I have Saitek yoke, pedals, and throttles in use with the C90 GTX with no problems. Well, no more than usual with any hardware.
  2. What a great idea joliebrise!!! By simply renaming carenavigraph.dll my frames go through the roof. Then as you say the best solution is GTN either Bert's mods (which usually also fix some AP bugs) or just as a popup. You lose the FMS but more than compensated by GTN. This really allows max enjoyment of the aircraft. Thanks!!!
  3. At one point the installer presents a page with FSX FSX-E PGD3 and asks you to choose. You hit NEXT and it takes you to a browse button and asks you to browse to your sim. There is also a little radio button just above the browse box that wants to be clicked. BTW, this did nothing for me. I'm still running at 1-3 FPS.
  4. So I bought this aircraft this morning and things did not go well. Install went seemingly smoothly but when I loaded the aircraft a dialogue box appeared Carenado/Navigraph labels and told me it would take some "minutes" to build the database. 4 hours later with the status bar at 75%, Windows 7 Pro crashed. So I uninstalled the C90 GTX and reinstalled using the tip in another thread concerning the radio button and browsing to the install location. So all went seemingly ok again and this time the dreaded dialogue box was not in evidence and the aircraft seemingly loaded ok but with frame rates of 0.5-1.0. Not good. So I exited the sim and checked the properties/security check marks on folder Carenado/Navigraph as recommended in Carenado support. All was as recommended. Next I started the sim and tried to load my Carenado Hawker only to find out that it was corrupted and would only run at 1-5 frames. So clearly there is a conflict issue between these Navigraph platforms, at least on my system. So I uninstalled the C90 GTX again and then uninstalled the Hawker after verifying that the corruption to the Hawker was permanent. Then, trying to reinstall the Hawker I found out that my freaking install limit had been reached. All this has been passed on to Carenado. We'll see. I find it hard to believe that they haven't checked this Navigraph stuff for backward compatibility to earlier aircraft. It does use the same file name between aircraft so they obviously think it will work ok. BTW, I had a similar problem when I first installed the Hawker in that I could only get it to run consistently at reasonable frame rates without sharp drops was to uninstall the Cessna 550, also a Navigraph aircraft. I reported that to Carenado a couple months back and never received any feedback after they said they would try to reproduce.
  5. Carenado web page where you purchase the aircraft still advertises $10 off.
  6. Could someone tell me how I get the $10 off? Is the price $39-$10=$29? Or is it $49-$10=$39. I have bought the earlier model direct from Carenado but the $10 off doesn't seem to show up, unless it magically appears just as I pull the trigger on the CC. Any ideas? Thanks
  7. I simply change fuel and payload using the FSX drop down menu Aircraft/fuel/payload. Simple
  8. When you hear that sound, check the speed brake lever. Sometimes it is not fully stowed. When you stow it completely, the sound stops. I make this part of my takeoff checklist.
  9. I found that there seems to be some conflict between the Carenado S550 Cessna and the Hawker. I had the frame rate issue until I uninstalled the Cessna and that sorted it out. Frames fine now. I passed that along to Carenado.
  10. I've been whining about low frame rates and pronounced stuttering with the Hawker. Carenado have been trying to duplicate the problem without success. Today I believe I have isolated the problem. It appears that there may be a conflict between the Hawker and in my case the Carenado S550 Cessna. I uninstalled the Cessna and my frames returned to normal with no more dips to less than 5. Carenado are investigating. Could be other conflicts for those who have reported such low frames.
  11. Hi all: Just writing to ask f anyone has gotten/found a solution for the low frame rates? The Carenado fix does not work for me and I've been trying to get something out of them for a week or so with little success. Has anyone had success on this? I'd appreciate an answer from anyone who has. Right now the Hawker is unflyable for me and I'm losing patience. Thanks
  12. Hi all: I am seeing what I would refer to as "macro stutters" with the Hawker. When the aircraft loads up cold and dark, the frames are pegged at 30, which I have fixed in FSX. However, as soon as I hit the battery switch and the avionics loads up I begin to see these macro stutters. The frames oscillate around 26-27 but there are frequent dips to less than 5, which has the effect of making the aircraft unflyable. I saw a fix in the Carenado knowledge base and made sure the fix was implemented as suggested, with no impact. Still see the dips. So my question to you is has there been any additional solutions beyond what is in the knowledge base for the frame rate dip? Any other ideas? Thanks
  13. For sure. And each add on aircraft is different on each rig. What I do to get around this is tweak the aircraft.cfg and .air files to customize to my rig, my controllers, and my sensitivity settings. The values I change are usually under [Fight Tuning] and the moment of inertia terms to achieve a more heavy and less "twitchy" feel as you say. Occasionally I will change the engine thrust profile in the .air file to achieve more realistic climb out as per the specs for the aircraft. Some aircraft, like the NGX, I really didn't do anything much. Flew nice on my rig right out of the box.
  14. Maybe you are seeing the causation I did for the loss of the clicks???
  15. My problem turned out to be self-inflicted. It seems there are 2 "glideslope" alarms in the avionics. One in particular had a loud male voice that I found annoying whenever I tried to "duck under" on short final. So I disabled it in FSX/Sound/Carenado/etc. Turns out that if you disable a .wav by changing the name, it causes unintended consequences. Once I restored the name, all was well again. Yet another example of the rule of flightsim that when everything is working, then it stops working. First place to look is the last thing we changed. Pointed out to me by Carenado support, who by the way were very helpful and respond quickly.
  16. I am seeing this in FSX. I even reinstalled the aircraft but still no clicks, whirring, and get this no seatbelt chime! All sounds like the flaps, gear, callouts, seem ok.
  17. Interesting post. Yes I have had this problem with all the throttle quadrants I have used over the years. I fixed it with some inexpensive lumber and sheet rock screws. I built a little shelf down from the work station where I mount the quadrant. The levers are then right about the right elevation and distance from my thigh, kinda like the real thing. I also mount the yoke on the shelf. I use the second configuration on the Saiteks you showed above. I'll post a pic later today or tomorrpw.
  18. A new data point. I noticed yesterday that when hearing this sound at altitude the air brake handle was just a bit out of detent. I nudged it with the mouse and voila! the sound stopped. So it appears to be related to the air brake handle. If so, disabling it may be the best solution.
  19. Thank you for the information. I did download GEX 2.0 and it is a huge upgrade!! Thanks again
  20. Hi all: I'm looking at upgrading my GEX 1.099 to 2.0 and I had a couple questions I'd appreciate some help with. 1. I am running ORBX Trees HD which was installed after GEX 1.099. Does GEX 2.0 overwrite the trees so I need to reinstall the trees after GEX. 2. Does GEX 2.0 overwrite anything in UTX? And in general, any opinions on whether the upgrade is worth doing from a visual perspective? I am always reluctant to make major changes when I have everything working pretty well. Thanks in advance.
  21. Thanks Ken. That helped a lot but that gauge is still kinda squirrely on my system. Flashes and disappears at times.
  22. Hi all: So I've been flying this aircraft a lot lately and enjoying it. I have an issue tho in that I only see the lower half of the VS gauge. The top half flashes on and off. Works ok for descent but not so much on climb. Any ideas? Thanks
  23. I tried (paid for) MyTraffic and UT2. I found the MyTraffic GUI cumbersome and aircraft models circa FS2000. Went to UT2 with good GUI and reasonable aircraft visual models.
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