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Everything posted by Wink207

  1. I also am very pleased. These guys put out a quality product and stand behind it with rapid response support.
  2. Please read my most recent post. The aircraft is imminently flyable. It is a very nice aircraft in all respects.
  3. Exactly. My feeling is that if everything is working fine, any change is bad.
  4. Please see here a copy of the customer support note I sent in just now to Flysimware: Hi Support: I owe you my profound apologies. Today I flew another flight and the climb/capture worked just about perfectly. The reason I thought it was not working properly was that I had not realized the altitude selection gauge needs the entire altitude entered. I had been entering the flight level i.e., 330, where the gauge requires 33000. So I was confusing the AP. I love the aircraft. Ground handling is terrific, hand flying stable, and climbs like a rocket, even at max gross. One question I did have concerns lighting. Is there a dome light or flood light for the cockpit so that when one starts a flight in a cold and dark cockpit, one can illuminate the cockpit to go through the lineup? Thank you for the beautiful aircraft and once again I apologize for my rant. Rick
  5. Great and thank you. Where can I download 1.9? Thanks
  6. the other important one is "...raise the dead...."
  7. I fly the GTN version with Bert's mods and it is great. Great looks, great sounds, reliable autopilot. Why suffer? Hand flies very well, flies ILS and RNAV approaches well. Just mind the altitude.
  8. Thank you but my installation on my system does not perform as the video shows. Yes, thank you. I saw that. I just wanted to add to the discussion. I am very disappointed with this aircraft. With AP bugs like this it is so reminiscent of another aircraft modeler who release things to us in the marketplace with buggy autopilots.
  9. Hi all: I know there is a thread on this already but it is a long thread and I wanted to get this up front so it isn't overlooked. Below is a copy of a tech support note I just sent in to Flysimware Hello support: I am writing concerning the Lear 35A I purchased yesterday. So I installed the aircraft in FSX yesterday and took my first flight today. It is a nice looking model and the installation went smoothly. However, my first flight was a difficult time due to your autopilot issues. The AP will not capture or maintain an altitude. I followed the directions exactly, setting the desired ALT and choosing ALTSEL, trimming the aircraft for a reasonable climb rate, then watched it pass right through the selected attitude without any attempt to capture. It does not respond to the ALT button. So I fiddled with it for about an hour shooting below the desired attitude, then shooting above. This was true using V/S and Speed functions. Hobby horsing with me all the while trying to make it capture. Finally after an hour or so it finally settled at an altitude 1000 ft above the selected. The flight then proceeded until the TOD and the descent went fine by trimming down, throttling back, and descending using V/S and AltSel. Finally I tried to level off at 10000 which was my selected altitude. Well, nothing I could do with trim, V/S, ALT, ALTSEL, would make that aircraft level at 10000. Finally I just let it descend to approach altitude and tried to level at 2400. Again, nothing worked and I finally disabled the AP and flew the approach by hand. I might add I have been simming since 1995 and have thousands of hours of experience. Your autopilot has serious issues and needs immediate repair. I am not ready yet to ask for a refund but the aircraft is unflyable as is and needs immediate fix. My system is: Intel 4820k @ 4.6 nVidia Titan 7200RPM hard drive and Samsung solid state drive 16 gig memory Win 7 Pro 64 Best regards Rick
  10. Awhile back FSUIPC once had a capability to do that. Don't know whether that is still available.
  11. I understand the differences between ground and flight idle. The question on the floor is FSX modeling. That question is that since the .air file will provide different thrust settings as a function of aircraft speed and N1 setting, why is that not a reasonable (assuming the .air file developer put some thought into it) model for flight idle and ground idle? There are typically values of thrust for N1~20% and o.o Mach? Rick Messier
  12. Well, I'm sure you are an expert in sim modeling and I am not, but I dabble. On your point about FSX not modeling flight idle thrust, if you go look at some representative .air files for transport type aircraft you will see that there is non-zero thrust at low N1 throughout the aircraft speed profile. Why is that not idle thrust?
  13. Interesting discussion. But I haven't heard any discussion of the idle thrust of the engines in the actual aircraft, which also contributes to the descent performance at idle. That is also a variable depending on manufacturer.
  14. I nearly lost my mind on this one awhile back. It seems there is a section called [CONTROL] in FSX.cfg. There is a line in there that goes something like this (can't remember exactly) controls=standard or something like that. When we calibrate controllers it creates another line controls=current. It seems that unless controls=standard is no-oped with // when FSX starts up it reverts to controls=standard and it appears the entire calibration is lost. Hope that helps
  15. Look outside and see if the nose wheel is turned hard to the right and locked. Then we go from there.
  16. The discount is available for those who purchased the earlier version FROM CARENADO DIRECTLY ONLY
  17. Different ships, different square knots
  18. Two suggestions. RW pilots abhor using speed brakes. Considered a screwed up descent if speed brakes are needed. Second, since FLCH reduces throttles to idle on descent, that's what happens. Ergo, that is why V/S mode is used mostly on descent. One exception may be an ATC instruction to "...make immediate descent to FL XXX...". Then FLCH would be used since it will give the quickest descent. The challenge is to arrive at your desired geographical point or NAVAID at assigned altitude and on assigned speed, such as fix xyz at 10000 ft, speed 250 kts in a smooth and professional manner.
  19. Hi Rob: Just wanted to take the opportunity to pass along a "well done" to you guys. The Duke is among the finest aircraft I have ever owned. You guys have the Q/A that should be the model for the industry. Thanks for your great work.
  20. In all modern transport aircraft with sophisticated AP systems, VS mode is used in conjunction with autothrottle speed control and is the most used descent lineup. VNAV typically does not provide sufficient speed control where required by ATC and FLC can "hunt" on descent rate in favor of speed, providing a bumpier ride. Both VNAV and FLC are most useful during climbs, and VS during descent.
  21. Thank you sir. I may just be able to take it from there !
  22. When you begin a descent with VS by selecting the desired new altitude, the AP immediately commands a 1000 ft/min descent rate. More convenient if the descent does not begin until the pilot selects VS and dials in the desired descent rate. Not so much of an issue at TOD in cruise, but during an RNAV type approach one would like to be able to say select MDA and then dial in a typical descent rate of say 600 ft/sec shortly thereafter. So it would be nice if the default VS were zero rather than 1000. In some aircraft the default VS is shown in the aircraft.cfg and is easily modified but not so for this one. Opening the .mxl file for the AP, the number 1000 appears a number of times but way beyond my capability to muck about in there.
  23. Yes that would be nice if someone (read that Bert would fix that that VS default to 1000. On the climb, I've been climbing out at torque on 1450 and FLC with speed at 120kts. Takes awhile, especially at Max Gross
  24. Does anyone notice the aircraft begin to lose altitude when using APPR and capturing the localizer when below the glide slope? Seems like I notice the altitude begin to decrease and I find I need to push ALT to stop the descent.
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