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Everything posted by espent

  1. Frist of all SEB is a very good programmer. The fact that he is now making a FM is actually secondary. I doubt he knew much about FM before they sealed the deal with MS..That is why it does not matter what background the guy from IL2 has, because he can obviously adapt to the situation. The same with Matt from WT. An awesome coder that can use his skill set to improve any product.
  2. So because he wants to make some money, you would love to see it shut down?
  3. They have confirmed it will be included in the Ultimate Plan that I assume most people have. They could of course increase the price of that plan...
  4. If I was in the XPlane camp my biggest concern would be recruitment. Every day people leaves a hobby for a multitude of reasons, be it life situation, personal health, age or just getting bored and finding a new hobby. Without a constant refill of people the active user group will rapidly shrink. I have a big problem seeing how new users will choose XP before MSFS. It is nothing like the FSX days where all sims required a lot of tweaking and tuning, and whatever you did the vistas were mediocre at best. MSFS gives you a modern simulator out of the box that works more than good for a new user.
  5. After testing XP12 I will laugh out loud to anyone claiming MSFS is on rails compared to XP12. That is clearly not the case.
  6. There is still no one-click solution for flyby, but if you use a Xbox controller it is pretty easy once you get used to it. Set the drone speed to high, move your drone as far ahead of your aircraft as you like and then press right thumb stick.
  7. That and that there is no easy way to see which version you are upgrading from/to is so weird.
  8. The Tobi have a 20% discount these days if anyone is interested. https://gaming.tobii.com/product/eye-tracker-5/
  9. $300 for 2mill images 🙂 But it looks like it is 750.000 free, not 200.000. I would still remember to switch too Google maps when you get close to the limit.
  10. Did you add a credit card to your account? Mapbox call it pay-as-you-go. Make sure they don’t charge you:) extra images are very expensive.
  11. The money part is the key here. If I went to Smithsonian and asked them to pull out an old aircraft so I could take a closer look at it I expect a swift, but polite NO. And spending all that time scanning and traveling around talking to people would probably make sure that I would never get the project into positive figures.
  12. I do not think it makes much sense for a 3rd party developer to make all these old aircrafts, so I am happy Microsoft takes care of that. It makes sure we got the entire history covered.
  13. After upgrading to the latest version that supports DX12, I am also noticing a more magenta hue in the picture. It was absolutely perfect before the upgrade. EDIT: Moving this slider to the left seems to have removed the tint:
  14. FShud has become very heavy on CPU-usage for me. I guess I have to lower my settings. What are you guys using now with the two new parameters you can tweak?
  15. I had to manually edit my .bat file. Open it in notepad and make sure the path is correct.
  16. Has anyone been been able to get it working with dx12, or does it not support dx11?
  17. That was posted July 13th. I am surprised I haven't heard about it until now.
  18. If there is almost $50 dollars difference between the 600 and the 800 I do not see many casual fliers buying the 800. on the other hand it would be strange to sell it cheaper than the 700.
  19. Jorg said in an earlier interview that they wanted the sim to look better below 500ft. I hope this is somehow linked to Blackshark.ai and the first step to improve the melted world.
  20. How do I see which version of GSX I have installed, and how do I see which is the latest published version? The Live Update tool don’t seem to give that information. Every time I start it, it lets me run Update, but it never says what it is doing.
  21. I am also seeing dual jetways. What is the best setting to get rid of one of them? Right now I do not really care which one is showing as long as I only see one.
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