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Everything posted by espent

  1. Console gamers are used to pay for access to games through a monthly fee. Most of them only play a subset of the 100´s of games available to them anyway. The more games added, the better the service becomes. Win - Win
  2. I see a lot of community challenges coming. "Land on the street where the shots were fired in 1963. Make sure to take a screenshot of both your plane and the famous window".
  3. I only have 12 years in my company so I guess I can’t compete with your 25.. but anyway; Where I work the developers are very aware of all the problems that the software has. (Usually issues that have much bigger impact on overall performance then what John Doe on a forum can criticize). It all boils down to priorities. “What can we fix by xx days”. You make it sound like you are the only one that notices a small glitch. I can promise you that they have a long list of thing that they are working their word not allowed’ off trying to iron out before release. What have you been doing for 25 years?
  4. From Asobo's website: As the first independent studio involved in the Microsoft HoloLens program, Asobo is now a world leader of the holographic entertainment.
  5. espent


    I understand that it's great to no longer be limited to 4 GB, but I honestly think this is more a sign of bad coding. I mean -74GB in virtual memory?? I hope some smart guy here can make an application that makes it possible to find out which addon uses all of this memory. I know people will say "who cares??", but there can't be full anarchy and just let addons be released full of memory leaks. There are people here that never/seldom ran out of VAS last week, and now we are using 20 times more... that does not make sense to me.
  6. Out of curiosity.. What are considered good values for a landing? Lets say for the 172, the Hawker and the 737. Espen
  7. Have you set FSUIPC to control the time in your sim? If so, you will get this pop-up.
  8. The PAPI lights are fixed, there is SLI support and a Prepar3d profile is included. Why do you think this is not the release?
  9. Is it sufficient to only buy the 750, or do you miss some features\usability by not having the 650? From what I can see on their website it looks like they are 65 dollars each. Espen
  10. You have to set the brakes to "reverse axis". ..espen..
  11. I have noticed the same thing with the default Beach Baron. I will try with FSUIPC to see if that solves my problem.
  12. My PC is sweating a bit when I use those settings. Where should I start adjusting? Are there some settings that are recommended lowering before others? Thanks, Espen
  13. The whole video is great, but the last part of the video (from 7:50 ->) is just fantastic. Never seen anything like it!
  14. Thank you for your effort. Do you have any thoughts on why the VAS usage was different on your second flight? You are using high-end add-ons in both flights. Is it linked to the type of scenery you are flying over? Espen
  15. I downloaded the video to both my PC and my MacBook, and while I see a lot of stutters on the PC, I do not see any of this on the Mac. At around 5:20 in to the clip it is very noticeable watching how the buildings exit the frame on the PC, while they are smoothly gliding out when I view the same scene on the Mac. ..espen.. BTW: There must still be a bug related to the shadows from the clouds. Looking out the right hand window at around 10:10-10:40 you can see how the shadows disappear in a straight line.
  16. Thank you - I will try that as soon as the effect of the New Years Champagne has worn of...
  17. Hello, I am considering buying the Global Ultimate mesh from Pilots and I see that it is +100 GB when it is fully installed. I currently have 2*250 GD SSDs where one is dedicated to FSX. That means that half of it would be taken up by the mesh. Is it possible to create a virtual link to a folder on the second SSD so that I do not have to install it on my main FSX drive? Espen
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