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About Gartro

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    Melbourne, Australia

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  1. Shaun I am assuming that the problem remains with KAMA. After my post, I had a couple of more tries with the same outcome and then put the download to one side and have not revisited it in the past two months, especially as I have not experienced a similar problem with installing about ten other airports which I have purchased in that intervening period. Gary
  2. I have all SXAD airports except Exeter, Lydd and Block Island. My two most recent purchases were KAMA and Aeroflex-Andover. I bought KAMA from the US store of PC Aviator and the other one from Simmarket and tried to install them on the same day. I have never had a problem with installing SXAD scenery but whilst Aeroflex installed without a hitch, my AV, Avast, kept telling me KAMA had Win 32:L Malware-gen and kept deleting oitfrom the download before I could install it. Although I have occasionally experienced this type of problem when installing an aircraft, I have not experienced it with an airport. It seemed to me that if it is an essential component of KAMA which is causing this, why has there not been the same component in my other SXAD products to also cause a problem? Has anyone else experienced this with KAMA and is it a false positive? Gary
  3. Also on sale at Flight Sim Store in Australia. Gary
  4. One of the Orbx people posted on the FTX Forum on Friday: "I'll be reinstating the NA AI pack in a couple of weeks as the regions do make use of the aircraft in their traffic files". On Saturday, he posted an expanded explanation: "The reason it was pulled was that people's "expectations" were not met. Seeing that some of the later NA Regions make use of the aircraft with their own traffic files we will be re-instating the download." Gary
  5. Now also available at the Australian store of PC Aviator. Anthony, can you post here when the retailers have the new installer? Gary
  6. Stew It may be that my recent experience has been assisted by the absence of Global etc and by still being able to run the old version of Libs, a combination which may not be currently available for use by many. Gary
  7. What Stew says has not been my experience. When the problems arose some months back, I turned off my Central updates before I could be affected and I have not migrated. Admittedly, I don't have Global etc, only Regions. Like Bruce, switching Regions is not an issue for me. Since the release of OpenLC NA, I have bought, installed and successfully used the subsequently released Narvik and Melbourne v3. Each time, the version of Libs I have run after installation has been the 160321 version (the last one before the problems arose), not the current one. I accept that the path I have taken means that when Obbx takes over scenery selling from FSS, me being not part of the new system probably means that I won't be able to acquire any new Orbx sceneries but I figure that if I am enjoying what I already have (over the years, I may have bought more scenery than I should have) and have experienced no problems with it, why chance my luck unnecessarily. I realise that I may be in a very small minority with my approach, which may even appear somewhat "heretical" to some. Gary
  8. As a supplement to the posts above discussing the prerequisites for being able to install and use Narvik, I don't have Global etc and although about a year ago I bought FTX Norway, because of the problems of compatibility between Aerosoft airports and FTX Norway, I never got around to installing it. I have FTX Narvik installed over FSX Default scenery. I can't fault the quality of Narvik and how it operates in that context. That is consistent with what I have experienced when previously installing FTX Notodden and FTX Sandane without having the prerequisite FTX Norway installed or installing a number of payware and freeware Global airports without having Global installed - all being installed over FSX Default scenery. Based on that experience, I don't think that the absence of other FTX products ought to necessarily deter anyone from buying and enjoying Narvik. Gary
  9. Following up on post #5, I don't have Global but I have those four Global airports installed over either FSX Default or MSE2 photoscenery. In addition to those, other Global airports I have installed in the same way are Pago Pago, Horovice, Jacksons Airport, Parry Sound and Porta Westfalica. The outcome has been satisfactory to me. However, posts I have seen indicate that the same approach cannot usually be taken satisfactorily with FTX airports designed for a particular FTX Region, something reflected in part of Sott's post #1 and in post #6. I have never tried it. I have all of the FTX Regions installed except Norway and I have not bought any of the FTX Norway airports. Gary
  10. There are posts about this query (post #28) on the Orbx/FTX Forum. There may also be some here on this sub-forum. I have not checked. My understanding is that photoscenery will take precedence over and override landclass-based scenery products (unless the photoscenery is disabled/deactivated) and, therefore, the MSE will appear rather than Orbx scenery where both are installed and active. I don't have any areas where I have both installed. I don't have Orbx Global, merely some Regions. In other areas I have MSE2 or other scenery. As to Orbx airports, I have found that those Orbx Global payware and freeware airports which I have work satisfactorily over where I have MSE2 or FSX Default scenery. Otherwise, I have Orbx airports only on Orbx Regions scenery. Gary
  11. Further to my post #11, I continue to be able to access the FTX Forum and the problems I had about access some days ago have not returned. Gary
  12. I was getting that error here in Melbourne, Australia on multiple occasions on Friday and Saturday but on the one occasion I logged in today (about five hours ago), everything was okay. Gary
  13. Mark In the past hour or so, I have had two advertising/notification emails from PC Aviator (US store) about Night Environment operating with MSE States. Both emails came from the "info" address which Jim mentioned. Try that one. Gary
  14. With my Irish heritage, I could not resist the very generous offer at the US store of PCA on Saint Patrick's Day of a free MSE2 Ireland. It seems that I was not the only one to take up the offer. This morning, I received an email from MSE saying that there was "a totally unexpected response from this giveaway with over 3,000 customers taking advantage of it" which meant that the PCA/MSE server network, which "is capable of serving up around 35 Terabytes per day", was faced with a demand from the offer of "around 60 Terabytes" (3,000 x 20Gb) which "exceeded our capacity" and resulted in lower than usual download speeds. That much would not be unexpected What was unexpected was to receive as part of the usual emailed documents subsequent to and relating to that USD $0 "purchase", a coupon for USD $5 off my next purchase. Who says you don't get anything for nothing nowadays? Here, they effectively paid me (and, presumably, also the other 2,999+ participants) USD $5 to take the product at no cost to the customer. That all amounts to a big "hit" financially but in PR terms imagine its value. Gary
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