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Boeing or not going

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Everything posted by Boeing or not going

  1. There were volumetricclouds.cfg edits for previous p3d v5 versions that worked great are there any now, for EA on but amortised off?
  2. Every parking spot has a hold short node does that confuse default ATC? My comms menu has a lot of frequencies there was an update to the scenery in my store account I installed this morning. The runway nodes have a invalid surface type and crash ADE if editing.
  3. clear skies? Activesky cloud layers 3 or higher such as 10+!
  4. Any updated cloud cfg edits for EA and P3D 5.2 HF1?
  5. How can I install in p3d v5? What registry is needed for installer to not error with must enter full path?
  6. I did not try but the sound bug I think is generally external back to internal regardless of the camera addon. It is an old fsx bug. PMDG fixed the sound looping in their latest 777 update.
  7. Hello I think I have the latest released version not purchased FMC expansion. I would buy it but the sound looping bug is "bugging" me. No pun intended. Changing camera views (in chase plane) outside then back in, the sound of the fans and engine are on repeat. Requiring to press Q twice every time views are changed. Could this be fixed? In ever V5 P3D version and now 5.2 it is a bug.
  8. check what the SODE.log says sometimes missing simobjects or wrong p3d version coded in the xml c:\programdata\12bpilot\sode\log
  9. LFPG is equal in quality to aging Flightbeam scenery such as PHX and KSFO
  10. Download from my store page on the browser Firefox failing... message when clicking download files is "this file could not be downloaded securely"
  11. Hello 1 more request VH-IJG https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9007651
  12. Purchased today and if you have the correct settings for a Ryanair and Alaska Air config please share thank you!
  13. The links work in Microsoft Edge now. They do not work on Firefox on my computer. I wasted half my download links on Firefox Beta Nightly before trying another browser lol
  14. Is there a source for this? Requesting forecast winds should operate like a 777, and Qualitywings may have it it wrong. In the Qualitywings 787 you manually enter the altitude entries or it does not populate. It should auto fill like the legs page and the 777.
  15. Thanks for the mod, small problem at night turning on the landing lights will light up the floor of the virtual cockpit
  16. I tried in the ini setting avionics and different choices it might be the FDE and panel/engine mods I use that change the electronics...
  17. Had the companies mixed up. Wow why dont you chill out about it.
  18. Milviz is not doing the development anymore it is done by REX
  19. Easiest solution = lock the fps slider to a number such as 30 no more autogen not loading or slowly loading in patches. Lockheed Martin is never going to address this in every version of 4.x and now v5 has the same issue!
  20. The Learjet Immersion package edited my panel.cfg and changed vcockpitxx numbers around they were not counting up from 00 to the end right. I re-numbered them and started and the AP panel lights up as it should. Sorry!
  21. Yes loaded into the default then on the ramp changed to the Lear. First time having the light issue in a long time.
  22. The reflection of the beam on scenery objects is bright most noticing this in the day-time. I will take a screenshot of it. I just purchased the Immersion package and no change on the reflection on objects. I have Prepar3D 4.5 HF3
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