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About Seth2021

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  1. Same here, Smoothest un-stuttering performance with out any mod.
  2. Could someone let me know which file of custom settings XML should i use for Inspector? Looks like Nexus XML is larger than Inspector custom settings file. thanks
  3. Same here. I replaced the 3.7 files and i have the same question. Do we need to tweak and enable those presets ( E or F ) to see the full potentials of new DLSS? Is this working when we use TAA? thanks
  4. I already updated the dlssg.dll, i speak above about the regular dlss.dll if i need to update both as i mostly use FG
  5. Thanks! Why to be careful, i thought its just a copy-paste procedure. Also why we need to manually update those important nvidia files with dlss swapper etc and not MSFS to change them regularly on every update
  6. Is this the regular DLSS DLL file? https://www.techpowerup.com/download/nvidia-dlss-dll/ the file size is much larger ( 32.4mb) compared with the default ( 13.8mb) I prefer to place it manually than use dlss swapper
  7. As i use only frame generation on 4090, do i need to update also the regular (nvngx_dlss.dll) ? Just saw that i have the file version. thanks
  8. I have some issues with Tobii experience application and MSFS. When Tobii application is loaded i start to have some micro-stutters while moving around panning. I used dev mode with fps preview and as expected i saw those yellow spikes which are the main cause of strutters. The only way to eliminate those spikes is to disable Frame Generation. Also, when Tobii Experience is working , G-sync is not synchronized anymore. This issue reminds me exactly the problem of MSFS frame generation and RTSS. Is anyone having the same issue? thanks
  9. I have the same issue. Check if Couatl64_MSFS.exe is running in the background, If not , then you need to start it manually
  10. yes SU13 is ultra - stable with great performance so far. Well done Adobo team.
  11. Let me know which Flight Simulator had so many updates and support by listening customer wishes as MSFS during those 3 years. Of course there are bugs, and they will do exist even on 2024 release.
  12. Most of X-Plane users are not objective on their comments regarding MSFS. And the main cause of this treatment starts from X-Plane boss Austin behaviour
  13. is GSXpro working with latest Fenix update? Having some ctds while other aircrafts working with out any issue. Event viewer log: Faulting application name: couatl64_MSFS.exe thanks
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