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Everything posted by FDEdev

  1. Stalls can be extremely violent........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2CsO-Vu7oc Don't know about the 'newer' 747s but the 100 and 200 didn't pitch down at all during a clean stall.
  2. Since an aggravated stall can lead to a spin, I didn't notice that the term aggravated spin is being used as well. Not judging by some youtube text but by re-reading text from e.g. Rich Stowell. I do stand corrected.
  3. It doesn't need to be entirely fictitiious, just look e.g. Carenado/Alabeo, none of the aircraft features the name of the company that actually builds the aircraft. Basic damage modelling like shredded tires and bent landing gear legs like in DCS would be really nice. This kind of damage modelling, plus the ability to e.g. fly formation with your own created AI traffic increases the likelyhood that the new MS sim might not replace DCS on my PC.
  4. It would be difficult to use the trim wheel on the 767 since there isn't one 😉 On the A320-A380 you can't use the trim button on the side stick because there isn't one. (you don't trim in these aircraft except in the non-normal case) If there's an electric/main trim (yoke) you use it of course, since you are controlling the thrust levers with the other hand. Same usually goes for GA aircraft for the same reason. There are some where the electric trim is badly configured and reacts very slow and/or with considerable lag and pilots usually revert to the trim wheel in such cases.
  5. Never heard of an aggravated spin. I assume you mean aggravated stall. Apart from the spin entry you missed the most obvious bug. The roll attitude in the stabilized spin is aerodynamically impossible. If a 172 will spin, even with a correct spin entry, depends mostly on the CG. With a forward CG it can be impossible to spin it.
  6. That's the video from the September 12th update.
  7. Boeing: I don't know what altitude has to with the requirement to trim. This depends basically only on CG and speed changes. Airbus: There are still quite a few A300 and A310 flying 😉
  8. No, it doesn't. Trimming during the flare is simply a bad habbit. During the flare implies that you are already applying back pressure on the stick/yoke, hence you aren't in a trimmed condition in any case.
  9. If you don't set weather rate of change to zero, random clouds will start to pop up after a few minutes of flying.
  10. FDEdev

    1.3 is out

    The different cfg files are for the different sims/versions. During installation the correct one is being used and named aircraft.cfg. No need to change anything
  11. And Austin claims since 25 years that x-plane will leapfrog the current MS flightsim with his next version....it never happened. Only when MS stopped developing flightsims he could finally catch up.
  12. There is no Milviz Twin Otter, maybe Aerosoft?
  13. 0% condition levers is not feather, that's only minimum rpm! You can't pull the props into feather with the mouse. You need to either use an axis assignment, a button or a key for 'reduce prop rpm' to move the props into feather. IRL there's usually a gate or at least a noticable increased resistance so you can't accidently pull the props below minimum rpm into feather.
  14. It would be interesting how this emergency systems overrides e.g. gear, flaps and throttle control. Do you get three greens with the gear down but the lever still up? How does it control throttle since there's no auto throttle on such planes etc. etc. If this video would have been posted on April 1st I would know the answer!
  15. FDEdev

    1.3 is out

    That's a difficult one since some users are still reporting bugs others apparently never had like e.g. the shut down 'bug'.
  16. Works ok here. Just make sure that the condition levers are fully aft. If they are even a fraction forward of the fully aft position, you will not be able to move the red backstop release levers to shut down the engines.
  17. I'm truly shocked. It's the first time in more than 40 years of flying that I feel completely needless with a pilot license. 😞
  18. You are using your real e-mail address in forums? Seriously?
  19. It's almost funny how people who know nothing about flight models, aerodynamics and flight model designers, feel the need to post something, apparently just for the sake of posting. Maybe some of you didn't watch the whole video since it actually lasts 29sec.
  20. And you really believe that you can sell aircraft with old flight models, or tell the paying customers that you don't have the time to update their aircraft?
  21. Any proof for this statement?
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