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Everything posted by FDEdev

  1. Furthermore since MSFS has a new architecture it will for sure run faster and smoother than FSX/P3D at comparable visual settings. Even P3D runs already noticable smoother than FSX on identical PCs.
  2. Designing a high quality is already a lot of work. With the added aerodynamic capabilities of the new sim and much higher number of calculated surfaces FDE design will be much more complex. Don't expect that if the airplane looks like a 172, it will automatically fly like a 172.
  3. If system design will require less work arounds than in FSX/P3D it might be possible that Carenado can deliver higher quality aircraft.
  4. That's most likely a completely wrong assumption. I'd even guess that designing a top FDE will be a lot more work than it used to be with FSX/P3D.
  5. Sure it will work with the T16000M and a xbox controller. Both are working already nicely with FSX, P3D etc.
  6. The stunt type plane is a Mudry Cap 10 and one screenshot or video did show the wing tip from a Beechcraft Bonanza. Since FLIGHT did include an Icon and a Stearman we might get a Stearman as well.
  7. That's nonsense. I care about a lot more important things and I do use VR.
  8. Why shouldn't be visual damage be allowed? Even in FSX/P3D the landing gear can get stuck in a partially extended/retracted position. Without e.g. gear/tire damage the new MSFS will be IMO much more game like than necessary.
  9. While I agree that VR is absolutely great, it's not even remotely comparable or as enjoyable as real flying and it will never be.
  10. Since FLIGHT did have a rather nice Stearman (and the Icon) chances aren't that bad that the new MSFS might come with a Stearman as well....
  11. Sigh, another one who doesn't know what vaporware is.
  12. I wouldn't call it terrible. It looks like professional CBT graphics and people who are going to buy an expensive highly functional GA jet are usually not that much interested in perfect textures.
  13. or FBIC.....nevertheless thanx for posting a link for a solution 🙂
  14. On the engine nacelle it says in big letters CITATION CJ4.
  15. If you fly the approach steeper you need less power and that's not what you want. Don't understand the part with the feathered prop since a feathererd prop doesn't provide any thrust and you only feather a prop at idle power. The only correct thing you do is to increase the approach speed, the limit is usually around +20 to +25kts. Wingflex has nothing to do with study level (and it presently doesnt' any impact on aerodynamics). Unfortunately since many people think that wingflex is a super realistic feature, some add-ons are having wingflex while the real aircraft doesn't.
  16. Old original Airbus manuals also used 'aircrafts'. There are much worse grammatical errors even from people who have English as their native language 😉
  17. Re-installed the Premier. Static N1 at full throttle is 102%, increases to 103% at 6000ft and 220kts, above FL300 N1 = 104%. The throttles in your video are not even close to max/100% ! Trying to closely match your throttle position, the tooltips are showing 74% and N1 is also 74%....
  18. There are a few strange things going on here. Looks like N1 is around 74% in your video which isn't accurate at all, since it should be above 102% from SL and up. Climb speed must not be less than 220kts, but that's no explanation for the way too low N1.
  19. You've missed a lot of interesting areas in that case and it's quite funny that the team set up the landing contest at Courchevel, since this is a famous ski area, only during winter of course. I flew passengers with a 4 engined aircraft into and out of LFLJ for a few years IRL exclusively during winter and this altiport looks rather strange in summer. Switzerland, Alaska, etc. there are quite few areas which look much better during winter IRL and of course in the sim.
  20. Don't know what you consider a too high' v/s and it's irrelevant. It's IAS/MN that's important, btw the video is still private. What's your N1?
  21. The text says that this video is private and can't be viewed. 1. Check that are using full throttle (100%) at this altitude. 2. Check that climb speed is not lower than 225kias / M0.6.
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