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Everything posted by JYW

  1. Off topic: The elevator trim is adjustable in the A2A's tablet. You can dial it right down/up. Click where it shows below ('ADVANCED OPTIONS') and it opens up more options - one of which is elevator trim sensitivity (sorry for the low res pic - I'm not at my PC so this was a pic from the 'net).
  2. Hey, I just finished emailing Gary, to tell him to 'stand down' from investigating this for me 😎 So a few hours after noticeing the above problem, I flew into Cape Town and saw ..... missing terminal buildings! In other words, the issue is not UK2000-specific whatsoever. I'm not sure if it's a LOD issue or some settings Gremlin I've picked up. Going to investigate further now. Thanks for the offer to help, @Christopher Low 🤙
  3. I just flew the FBW from KLAX to KSFO.... no stutters whatsoever. The issue is, someone gets stutters then pronounces that "the aircraft has stutters". Most stutters are often user-dependent. The current dev build isn't the smoothest but there are no stutters on my end. BTW... I am one of the few that loved the Airsimmer! Even with it's release limitations (and failure to be developed to the promised level), I still thought it was an amazing A3XX. Prior to that, I'd flown the PSS (they are now Black Box!) A320 and the Feethere A320. The Airsimmer was a huge step up in textures and VC modelling at the time. 😎
  4. Yes, definitely, it is profoundly different to those two modern aircraft. It has a 'vibe' all of it's own and in my personal opinion, the cockpit texturing knocks the other two out the park.
  5. Ouuuuch! 😄 (But yes, I kind of thought the same).
  6. I personally think April Fools pranks are funniest when they're something profoundly silly (Like Got Friend's paddle boat). When it's something that a lot of people would actually like, it transcends from funny to profoundly irritating, in a heartbeat. I think P42 may not have thought this through - or perhaps it was just to garner attention. Either way, in the scheme of things, it's no biggle. 😄
  7. I'd be careful with this. It's from the same dev that I posted about below... where the plane had brakes stuck on, the wrong RPMs, was 250% overpowered and a whole host of other problems. Heaven Design's Eurofox To be fair, the above plane has been patched to a degree now, but it's still full of glaring bugs.
  8. I bought UK2000 Glasgow today. Most of the airport buildings etc are displaying fine but the whole main terminal building is.... missing! I definitely have no other Glasgow scenery installed and I definitely have the UK2000 library installed.... although I notice that Gary has a download of the library on his website. (Mine is installed via Marketplace). I was nervous about overwriting my version with that from his website (in case it messes up my other UK2000 airports), but maybe I should give that a go. I've sent him an email via his site but thought I'd ask here too in case anyone else has seen this.
  9. If it's any consolation, I spent £60 on sale airports in the Marketplace.. most of which are pretty poor! At least £20 of that money's lost too 😄
  10. I've not heard/read about the flight model for the Duke. But based on the level of details we've seen, I can't imagine he's going to just chuck any old FDE numbers in there. I'm going to trust that the FDE will be as decent as their other planes. I've never flown a Duke any way so experientially, I'd have nothing to compare it with.
  11. That's really frustrating. Oh well, we live and learn!
  12. I've had dozens of refunds from Steam for products bought for other sims. But they were always bought directly from the Steam DLC pages. The rule is usually that you need to not have used the product for more than 2 hours and 48 hours must not have passed since the purchase. Not sure how it will work where the addon was bought from Marketplace.
  13. I have to say, JF and BSq's marketing for this is absolutely first class. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a JF server crash when this is released. Hopefully not! 😎
  14. The ground handling perhaps feels a little nicer, a little more inertia but I can't be sure and it could be placebo effect!
  15. Good thought. But no, I can't get this plane anywhere near the barber pole. It's so slow. I was barely scratching 200 IAS.
  16. It wasn't until I'd opened the thread that I found I wasn't interested 😄 .... "Full screen today" could have been about any number of exciting possibilites 👍 There are at least 3 threads here that cover the "MSFS always opens in window mode".
  17. ITBsim, most probably. Jonathan Beckett, most definitely not! ...and I'll just leave it at that. 😄
  18. If you mean force feedback, then:- XPForce https://www.fsmissioneditor.com/product/xpforce/ (Originally built for X-Plane but now works with MSFS too)
  19. ...and this needed a new thread?
  20. Had exactly the same with the ATR yesterday. Everything set up as normal for VNAV but just kept briefly annunciating VNAV PATH, then straight to PITCH HOLD. I'd really like this plane if it worked reliably but it never does. I've sadly given up on it.
  21. Very similar to what I've just had, landing in Ahwaz in southern Iran! I did perform the autoland and I'm glad I was set up for it as I still had no contact at 200'. Earlier on in the flight. The weather was stunning on this flight. And perhaps surprisingly, the photo scenery over Iran is really stunning for the most part. I chose Iran Air for this one as I've previously only ever flown the cargo version of the plane. And with Iran Air still operating the A300-600R, I fancied taking some self-loading cargo down to the south 😎 :-
  22. Thank you for your detailed reply, Captain @Cpt_Piett, and I'm glad you like my new cockpit interior decor! 😄 So..... It seems INI Manager had manged to right royally mess up my update. Much of this was to do with how it handles liveries and the fact that the naming convention is not consistent. (Most varients have 'GE' or 'PW' but not the GE Pax version!). Once realizing this, I deleted everything concerning the A300 and the many liveries I'd downloaded from INI Manager (second uninstall/reinstall!). I reinstalled (for the 2nd time!) the plane and all liveries, afresh. I'm in cruise now from Tehran to Ahwaz in the GE Pax version (I'm too scarred and scared to fly the PW version again, plus the sound mixing is much better in the GE) and all is well. The busting FCU altitude did not occur on this second reinstall and neither did the 'jammed' autothrottle. I'm going to say that - other than my peeves with the PW's sound mixing, all is well! INI aren't completely off the hook though as their clunky, unreliable INI Manager app was the cause of all this! The pink textures..... no idea. On the 2nd reinstall (this time including a reinstall of all liveries, after the PW update) that issue too has resolved itself. Good to be back in one of my favourite birds. 👍
  23. Did you have any issues with the autothrottle in cruise? Mine just kept accelerating (engine stuck at 96% N1) until the speed tape went into the red and all the alarms were going off!! [EDIT: Above issue was resolved after two reinstallations]
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