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Everything posted by Spit40

  1. Thanks. Now got each image filling the full window area with zoom and drag scroll working with mouse. Just images so far. PDFs and TXT need a slightly different approach, but both could be saved to JPG as a stop gap.
  2. I'm making some progress on a feature I've been after for a while. It needs a bit more work but I think you get the idea. Based on this excellent project. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/re-release-extra-toolbar-buttons-windows-template/349316
  3. Many thanks. I think I have a good enough handle on it now to use it properly and no doubt refine my technique. Appreciate your help.
  4. Thanks, I'm getting the picture. You say " If you want to, set your bars to your desired heading". That moves the whole rose, so I guess I do that before setting the pin. Also I can see how I wouldn't want to change it midflight as then the pin is wrong, unless I reset the pin with the wet compass. Is that what people would do in practice? Sorry if I'm being a bit slow, I guess there's something that feels counter intuitive to my brain. Still, this would have been designed with the technology of the day, whether that made it intuitive or otherwise.
  5. Thanks, but this is still confusing me. I think its the way you use it that I'm not used to. My thinking is that I just want to know what direction I'm heading now. If I set the compass rose to match the wet compass then I'm good on the runway but the gyro rose never moves. So I can also set the arrow (heading / course?) to point straight ahead too and that will move but why have a compass rose then? I'd be grateful if someone would share the typical usage, especially one that would involve a change of course.
  6. I know I am probably being a bit thick, but could somebody tell me how to set up the directional gyro. Do I align the compass rose to the wet compass on the ground, and also the direction arrow so they are both pointing straight up before I take off?
  7. Steam Powered ! I'm really enjoying this plane, particularly the fact I'm having to learn a lot more about aircraft technology such as caging gyroscopes. That got me searching you tube and I discovered that these old directional gyros and attitude gyros literally are (almost) steam powered just like we joke they are. I found this video very educational.
  8. This looks good and it does seem much more printable without supports. Surely round the magnet posts though it will struggle without supports.I'm very tempted by this.
  9. I am very interested in this option, but my concern is that when I had a G1 it pressed on the top of my nose uncomfortably - I ended up making a spacer to move the headset further away.
  10. Great work Chris and great customer service. This product and your company deserves to be very succesful. I've had my yoke for quite a few weeks now and love it. I fly in VR - can't understand these people who would trade the hands on experience of a quality yoke like this and be happy to wave VR controllers around in the air.
  11. I just found this. Any techies here reckon they could show a simple way this could pull in a Chrome window or even a notepad window so we could have some notes in VR. https://www.lunarg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Overlays-in-OpenXR.pdf Also, to give us hope I just read that the developer of VRK Kneeboard is working on an OpenXR version. https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/211308-vrk-a-virtual-reality-enabled-kneeboard-with-touch-and-ink-support/ From the VRK Discord support server: --- So for the MSFS pilots ... I was not aware that Asobo opted for OpenXR API to develop MSFS VR and it caught me unprepared. I was not in the beta program which left me no option to be prepare up-front. Anyway, I'm looking at this API to implement what's needed to make VRK work with MSFS. --- After some more testing, the current situation is: SteamVR: VRK works with no settings/tuning required WMR: you have to set SteamVR as OpenXR backend (from SteamVR settings) and then it works. Performance hit may occur, but I didn't noticed any big difference Oculus: TBD ---
  12. Yes agreed. Found it in the Cessna. No rudders on take off ! Yoke was fine. Exit to main menu and restart and all fine. I'll try swapping in/out of VR next time to see if that kicks it into life.
  13. Well I just swapped by 1080ti for a 3090 and its not smooth for me. So, now I wonder do I throw more money at this and get my CPU upgraded too or tweak the settings and wait for DLSS/DX12? I see your processor is twice as fast as mine, so I'm thinking of upgrading my i7-6700k to an i7-10700k https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-i9-9900K-vs-Intel-i7-6700K-vs-Intel-i7-10700K/3334vs2565vs3733
  14. I'm looking forward to that. I was very tempted to use it with Aerofly FS2 and this could push me to go for it.
  15. This is my kind of plane. Steam driven dials, good vis, simple and fairly raw. A bit like the flying equivalent of driving around in my old Triumph TR3A 🙂
  16. @javelina A bit OT, but I see from your signature you have PointCtrl. Have you got it working with MSFS?
  17. OK, found a feature request for this - time to do some upvoting https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/feature-request-cockpit-size-and-world-scale-in-vr/338584
  18. Thanks. I've seen lot sof threads making reference to this but couldn't get a definitive on the and/or aspect of the two approaches. Is there a thread called VR Corner or a subforum - can't find either. Is there some documentation anywhere how to do the equivalent settings that you get in SteamVR?
  19. So am I right that openXR is now the preferred replacement for SteamVR rather than something that works with it? If so then I wonder about all those many options you can configure in SteamVR. Super sampling rates, audio and any more. Is there an openXR config equivalent? I got the developer tool and there’s just one option - motion vector.
  20. Been after this for years in FS2. Preferably part of the sim. Otherwise this came close, using openvr, so not just for dcs. Presume you need steamvr rather than openxr https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/211308-vrk-a-virtual-reality-enabled-kneeboard-with-touch-and-ink-support
  21. I mentioned this on another thread, so i’m pleased it is getting some attention. The cessna yoke looks baby sized. I guess we should add it as a request on the msfs official forums.
  22. OK, I'm getting the hang of MSFS in VR. First I've had to learn my way around MSFS as I'm brand new to actually flying it despite having got onto the original beta program. No-VR is no fun for me. My wifi is stable on 802.11ac finally and i cleared the rolling cache which seems to have remembered some flaky stored scenery from my wobbly wifi hours flying. I've worked out the Bing scenery option, switched on motion vector in OpenXR, and even though I haven't yet swapped my 1080ti for the 3090 that is sitting here in its box I am impressed and having fun. Sure it isn't as smooth as Aerofly but it is perfectly enjoyable. It must be the 3rd frame interpolation as I expected it to be very stuttery which it isn't. I had a hairy 1/2 hour when I switched on "snow" to see what it was like. Instant change with default 5m on the ground and white out in the air. I totally lost situational awareness and despite best efforts to find a coastline and follow it back home I had to switch on the sunny skies to discover I was miles away. I brought my cessna in on fumes and for the first time had to fine tune the mixture to eek our what I had in the tank! Fantastic experience. The cockpit cabin was steaming up, so I had to hit the ventilation and heater. I'm already loving it on my 1080ti and Samsung Odyssey - next I plug in the 3090 then I find my contact lenses (can't stand the things) and swap for the Reverb G2 while I wait for lens inserts.
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