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Everything posted by Gumerson

  1. Disapointed! second reinstall, now manual, cause the first super slow not charming older downloader style autoalmostmatic update broke my P3D V6 with a nice black screen in veichle setection and loaded flight no flush shaders, no the normal procedure for black screen worked. This is not an automatic update as expected, it's a warning pointing to the p3d server for downlading to "an unknown somewhere place in your system" that auto exec itself with a window classic for installing. LOVE P3D V6 but this it's very disapointing. Ric
  2. Yes, and looking for my video this will help me to remember how I migrate the carenados. The video is in dual language, so pleae be patient, spanish and english. Hope it helps. cheers Richard
  3. Hi, Thank you very much for your work and your dedicate help to the community, not only as a developer of freeware, I love AAO. I would like to by a v6 version of CPX as soon as you would get it published. I'm enjoying P3D V6 and this would help us to get the retire of //42 CP using your app and AAO. Best regards Richard
  4. Hi, about the aircraft repair remove, you just need to rename the main p3d folder to something like Prepar3d v5 1, and repairing your pmdg will create a new p3d v5 folder where you will copy to your v6, them you can rename again the v5 to the original name Prepar3d v5. This is without the registry hack. Also you can use this method creating a 'temporal' p3d v5 folder renaiming the original one, and only works with v5 already installed. I have one video in my youtube channel where you could see how clean and easy is the proccess,. but I think that is easy to try, no harm, witrh this lines. cheers Richard
  5. Thanks for your great post at PMDG As soon as I know v6 it’s been released I will buy and will install or try to install my full collection of addons and will share results cheers
  6. So why Majestic Dash 8Q400 is compatible and really have a P3Dv6 installer? Why FSDTGSX LEVEL 2 too? we will see the copy paste thing with PMDG, I really do not thrust in this company anymore. cheers
  7. Here is the change log http://majesticsoftware.com/Distributables/mjc84/changelog_1025.pdf Richard
  8. I've published a video for this topic. Nothing has changed in Prepar3d web site, nor in download section, but why a developer like Majestic Software would include in a tiny update the option to install to v6? Nothing has been posted in Majestic Forums yet about this update.
  9. Hi, Owners of the MJC8Q400 wil find today an update were you will be able to install in P3D V4, V5, and V6! Would that indicate that p3dv6 is more close to be released as we thought? Cheers Richard
  10. Hi In FMC PMDG Options /Simulation... around page 7 or eight, top down on the list. 😊
  11. You can take a quick look how it depicts P3DWX wx when you select REX INSTEAD of ASN in the fmc: It seems more about that ASP3D it doen't fit now with EA on than EA it's not fiting with weather programs. I made a clip: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/824673551 Selecting ASN I got bad wx depiction in NGXU. Setting REX I got the good ones with P3DWX and I'm sure with Rex SKF Please take in count this is not for promoting my channel, it's just for testing and help. Cheers Richard
  12. Not so good, I need to find the right weather scenery, testing now. I will let you know. 😉
  13. Hi I'm streaming now aboard of a B736 NGXu with AS Selected in options and I'm getting wx depictions, not clearly good. Did you check your simulation settings under pmdg options in fmc?
  14. I have make a quick and boring test and with the Majestiq Dash 8Q400 all the weather addons referred above including ASP3D works with EA on. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/824535880 Please just advance the video, it's unedited. I'm going to make a quick video with others addons. Good news Richard
  15. I'm sorry to say that with Rex, P3DWX, FSGRW it's completely working also in aircraft addons that claims to work only with ASP3D. I got it working with MJCQ400 (claimed only compatible with ASP) with P3DWX and REX but not with Active Sky, with EA ON, also with PMDG 737 ngxu (all variants), FSLABS, QW787... The only one success I`ve have with ASP3D with EA on has been with PMDG 747-800. You can try it and see it. For some of yours let me tell that in some cases I had to switch to REX on some aircrafts that has both options to get no native Radar wx addons like P3DWX working on. That's how I fixed. The bad news is that RealTurb only works for me with ASP3D! Hope that helps Cheers Richard
  16. Hi, Rain is formed by 3d particles that you can see like real water drops when you pause the sim and move the camera. I am an audiovisual producer and I can tell you that in real live, for shooting rain you need to make the trick to make it evident in the camera eye, specially when the precipitations are not too hard. You can find for example the famouse scene of the classic movie "Singing in the Rain". The production team had to add some mixture of water and milk to make the rain evident. Maybe Lockheed can add some milk to the stuff. 😉 Cheers Richard
  17. Hi, Thanks for your help. Could you help me about how could I adjust this settings please? Maybe I didn't understood at all if you were referring that next version will provide tools for easy adjustments or if currently we can tweak it. Regards Richard
  18. I'm totally dissapointed with this soft clouds update. At my taste the clouds has turned extremely soft. Please HifiSimtech don't be so soft with clouds. Cheers
  19. Yes!!! Thank you very very very much! Downloading and testing now! Richard
  20. I completely understand to you my friend. We could read days ago how Umberto from Fsdreamteam replied to us customers in FSDT forums when someone asked why they were releasing LSZ and not other updates for P3D. He replied in plain english that if the had the ability to make a quick and nice port to MSFS they had to do it before others release theirs LSZ. In my youtube channel I have one of the best devs as subscribers involved in P3D and MSFS development and they have the same feeling. My advice is that you try to find other supporters for your products in alternative channels, not the bigger and sponsored ones. In my niche there are a lot of people that are using a lot of new addons coming from independent devs, just try this way, I'm sure it will help. People are supporting them, and would pay form most of the free addons because they are great! Don't give up! Cheers Richard
  21. Aerosoft are just forgetting to tell that almost all of the airports that they are releasing for MSFS are in fact just ports from the developments we FSX and P3D users has made posible because we paid for them before. Personally, since May 2020 and after hearing that Aerosoft was not going to release more updates for p3d v5 I'm totally out of their customers list by my own choice. Good news are that I can live without spending my money on aerosoft products with p3d v5. Good luck AS Richard
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