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Everything posted by nas123

  1. Please go to https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/enhanced-api-to-access-all-aircraft-state-and-trigger-all-cockpit-functions/454608 and VOTE on this topic to raise it to MS/ASOBO attention. It is really needed to be able to use our cockpit hardware to its full potential.
  2. If you want find and fly over all 3D cities, get FStarter at Simmarket
  3. I have an Aviatek G1000 setup. The quality is just superb and looks and feels like the real Garmin G1000. Soon to be assembled into a panel.
  4. Looks really good and if it is study level, MSFS is not the only sim for me.
  5. The Bonanza G36 improvement project is my choice flying GA with the suberb G1000 NXi from Working Title.
  6. To practice, practice, practice landings and fly Airport Traffic Pattern at any airport in the most easy and fast way, get FStarter.
  7. nas123

    WW1 airplanes

    For those interested in WW1 aviation.
  8. If you don't have it already, get the G36 mod here: https://github.com/TheFrett/msfs_g36_project 65 knots on final in a G36 seems to be to slow. Try with no less than 80 knots.
  9. I tried a real flight( takeoff, climbing, cruising around for 50 minutes and partly the landing) in an DA40NG some weeks ago after 40 years of flight simming. I agree that the MSFS visual was close to to real flight, but the feel of speed, winds, bumps, down and up drifts etc. are not very real there in the sim compared to the real thing.
  10. Hi, Many third party developers that develop software interfaces to use hardware modules to interact with MSFS airplanes virtual cockpits functions struggle because of the poor implementation of APIs for cockpit interactions. If you are a "home cockpit" user that want to help urging for a better SDK/API, please read the topic below and make your Vote. Enhanced API to access all aircraft state and trigger all cockpit functions - Self-Service / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
  11. To enable the second monitor you just enable it via the Nvidia Control Panel or Display settings menu ( do a right mouse click in desktop window and open it) . Open Little NavMap and drag it over to the new monitor.
  12. First there was Facebook crash, then Telia crash and now MSFS. The Internet is starting to melt down...
  13. It looks almost as in RL if it hasn't been for the to big/high trees. I wonder when MS/ASOBO will correct the tree sizes?
  14. You can't be serious, the trees are way to high and big compare to RL.
  15. I agree with the numbers ,but it will be rather 100+60 Euro.
  16. Last week I was very frustrated about the last SU5 update. Today I took the CJ4 WT out of the hangar and had a flight from ESSA to ENGM. It was a very nice flight and everything work just fine. I had 60FPS and a butter smooth journey through the superb ASOBO virtual world. I guess last weeks flights were bad mostly to the very heavy loads on the server with all the new XBOX users in the air. Today it almost felt like another version I was flying in. When ASOBO gets the remaining CTD bugs and other issues solved, this flight simulator is just superb. No other flight simulators come even close to MSFS.
  17. I just had to fire up MSFS v1.18.14.0 again to see it again with a new and more positive attitude, even though I had decided to quit flight simming for a while. What happen: CTD every time I try to start a flight from the WORLD UI page. For me v1.18.14.0 is not working at all, even though I haven't changed anything since my last farewell flight a few days ago. Maybe MS/ASOBO has banned me from further use because I expressed my negative view of
  18. Due to all the bugs that MS/ASOBO has now introduced with the latest SU5 update the complete game/sim should be sent back to the development department and grounded. It is unplayable with so many different issues popping up all the time. Time to move on to other hobbies.
  19. I guess you just took off in the special high altitude rated C172😜
  20. 5 Gigs now after just 3 minutes. 8x 3 min is equal to a 24 minutes download.
  21. First 2 Gigs downloaded now. It is a fast 39 Gigs update.
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