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rick celik

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About rick celik

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  • Birthday 09/13/1991

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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. I’ve left it overnight once and it was still stuck at 97%, from what I read a lot of people have had this issue. Nothing seems to fix it. Can’t download all the models and plans in bulk without it freezing, never completes.
  2. I still get the freeze of the application when downloading flight plans and models in the manager. Gets stuck at a certain percentage and never continues. Any ideas?
  3. Personally I think you should reset bios as suggested and then vanilla install the sim. The last time I performed a reformat on my computer was in 2014. I think reformatting and reinstalling a fresh copy of windows is mostly a waste of time.
  4. All I done was select the apron one, remove the ground vehicles etc because I use GSX, set up a few things to my liking and it’s a great turnaround panel save.
  5. From what I know and have experienced, you need a gsx profile for the aircraft and the airport for everything to align properly. Search .to for aircraft gsx profiles and airport gsx profiles. For example, I have a profile for the pmdg 777 and a profile for flytampas Sydney.
  6. Do you have any GSX profile for the mentioned airports?
  7. Very long time since in the MD11 but from what I recall, its where you input the MDA.
  8. Not sure if I remember correctly it’s been forever since I’ve flown the md11 or the 717, but from what I recall the auto flight button should be pressed only once when airborne? Don’t quote me on it!
  9. Perfect to land on 29R at YSBK. Easy exit on A5.
  10. Yes I agree, could it be the replay tool limitations?
  11. “CIA owns this?”… “No, independent aviation consultants 🤣”
  12. This im looking forward to! American Made?
  13. Everyone was up in arms before the release of msfs 2020 that it was going to be all arcade and another failure like “flight”. Just because they are adding missions and career like mode, doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s still a flight sim.
  14. While i agree it did take a little longer to be great, the 717 did end up being one of the planes I really did enjoy having in the hanger. So its clear they wont just release and leave the product behind. I'm looking forward to this one.
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