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rick celik

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Everything posted by rick celik

  1. Just hold right click on the mouse and move the mouse or use numpad 4 and 6.
  2. From what I read a long time ago, the business jet companies don’t work well with flight sim companies when it comes to providing data and permissions etc etc…. Is that changing? Not sure, but yeah was for legal reasons from what I’ve gathered.
  3. The internet is your oyster 🦪 There’s preset ones in the camera menu too for the FNX.
  4. Yep probably wrong section of the forums but great video 🤙🏼 Dw some people here are very sensitive as we all know..
  5. Check your bindings like mentioned before, save reinstalling the sim to last resort. Make sure there's no other axis assigned to the throttles.
  6. The water did look better in early releases I know that much. Like mentioned hope we can tinker with the appearance soon..
  7. Just had to post these... real windy approach into Doha!.... power coming on and off manual thrust, bass shaking my apartment. One of them flights where you're left with a big smile on your face and think boy we have come a long way.
  8. Also it’s good to use the provided simbrief FENIX profile, it’s somewhere on this forum. After flight plan is loaded remove the discontinuities and add the sid stars and you’re set.
  9. Hey guys just a question, if we input the FLAP / THS setting do we then need to manually adjust the trim also or is it one or the other ?
  10. Are people having issues with the default pushback or the Better pushback add on? I use the add on and so far pre plan pushback works like a charm.
  11. I only have on issue with the plane just ONE haha! the start up sounds need work!! the rest of the sounds are great.
  12. I think visuals are a very important factor, especially for pilots using it as a training tool at home.. visual cues etc etc. It’s now 2022 there’s no excuse to lack in visuals and tech… the hardware and software is there. If you just want the cockpit then stick to fs9 and use the 2D panels with pop outs. Fs9 even had some great add ons, I still have all the cds of my add ons… favourite being the 742 RFP
  13. I've also had no performance issues with the Fenix 320... i79700K, 3090 @1440P Gsync
  14. I left it as default and all is good. I had the same hunch to install it direct into the community folder but that’s a no go.
  15. WOW now I'm in my element. Performance on my end is as normal. What a treat.
  16. I’m talking specifically about the EFB. Everything else we’ll need to test ourselves. The EFB looks amazing but amazing EFBs have been around for a while, however the Fenix one seems to be much more feature rich than any other we’ve seen.
  17. What else do you need other than seeing it operate? The only difference when we have it in front of us is the option to click whatever we want whenever we want 😂 The videos show pretty much every aspect and feature of the tablet.... I think you're just bored.
  18. LOL NOT A CHANCE. Its night and day. And isn't this a flight sim forum for discussing flight simulation? I personally think a tug of war between my sim and your sim is great. We can point out the pros and cons of all sims, that way devs can see... competition is always good. I have Xplane, P3D and MSFS installed.... I use all... but MSFS is ahead IMO. Don't be so sensitive.
  19. You do you, don't worry about them little insecure characters behind the screen with personal attacks. Great content. And clearly, some of you haven't been taught 'if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say it at all'. Someone's voice shouldn't be the topic of discussion... keep it to yourself.
  20. LOL just read that thread in their forums... its nothing but a comedy... pure entertainment 🤣. I think some people just dont like change no matter what. I'll leave this here... and let the lighting do the talking.
  21. I'm really keen for this bird too. Love the oldies.
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