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Everything posted by Sky_Pilot071

  1. Its because it is the year of the cat: Year Of The Cat by Al Stewart with Lyrics (Best Version) - Bing video sp
  2. Beechcraft Staggerwing https://www.bing.com/search?q=beechcraft+staggerwing&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=beechcraft+staggerwing&sc=7-22&sk=&cvid=77D2CD2E79B944DD804B10A0CEBA4AF1&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl= sp
  3. There is no question that the XBOX platform will improve flight simulation and fix the bone-head and expensive thinking we had to live with current sim platforms. sp
  4. Anyone have a good not to long tour of the new Carribean scenery? sp
  5. I just bought KMRY by Beautiful Model of the World which was once by ORBX. Fine by me and on sale -18%. sp
  6. Didn't do anything and no beta and today starting Fullscreen - YAY sp
  7. It only took a 5900x to get me off the Intel bandwagon. sp
  8. Some of the comments interest me but should not get confused. I fly the HJET because it seems a realistic RL experience. I could enjoy the Dukes also for different reasons. sp
  9. I've always used 16x Ansiotropic but if enabled in NVCP and not enabled in MSFS I get an instant driver crash on my 3060ti. sp
  10. It takes 2 minutes to start an engine in the HJET. BYE BYE. sp
  11. Almost always a good thing to hold back a release.
  12. Sorry the beta has the same issues that Ive seen since day 1. No probs now as sim is working great with a silly issue. sp
  13. You will forget about every other Flightsim ever created is my take. 😎 sp
  14. I like DX12 on my 3060Ti with DLSS no FG. I zoom into gauges anyway. sp
  15. Money is subserviant to a good development team in terms of quality etc. sp
  16. I'm not on Beta but ran into some nice turbulence near PAKT. Felt very natural in the HJET. sp
  17. I luv'd the RealAir Duke but now am trying to simulate being an owner in real life so I'm only allotted one expensive HJET. sp
  18. All I want is a nice windsock, flags that blow in the breeze and good looking outside representations. sp
  19. I'm a less is more kind of guy so I won"t be trashing my system any time soon. sp
  20. Good replies and reminds me to revisit ORBX KMRY. sp
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