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About dragonflightdesign

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    Going around...again.

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    The Kingdom of Mourne, Northern Ireland

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  1. PP - look up Peter Tisma aka Papa Tango. As I said, it didn't end well. A story that I haven't shared until now - Papa Tango were desparate to regain the ground that they had lost and after the release of my SD-360-300 as freeware they contacted me with a view to creating a fully-fledged commercial version. Only the emails were not from Papa Tango or Peter Tisma; they were from a Douglas-somebody with an address I'd never heard of, but (IIRC and it was twenty-odd years ago) the company that he was speaking for was relatively well known at the time. Negotiations went ahead, the money on offer was very good and I was on the edge of agreeing the contract when Douglas slipped up and sent an email from Papa Tango's address. Yeah well. I pulled out of that negotation faster than (insert your own expression here because the one I had in mind would not be viewed favourably by the moderators). No amount of money was going to get me tangled up with that company.
  2. Ah! The Papa Tango approach. Most of the older members remember how that ended... and it wasn't good. Microsoft also tried that approach with FS2004(??) where the SDK EULA stated that anything created with the SDK belonged to Microsoft. That didn't end well either - they were forced to back down.
  3. This is just in passing: does anyone know if Microsoft have fixed their cracked MSFS DRM yet? When that Russian site first broke the encryption, they made a mistake somewhere. Their decrypted versions were a few bytes different from the OEM (I know - I develop for PILOT'S) and so with great glee I set out to create a WASM CRC checker that would detect a pirated version. It worked - perfectly! Then the motherless sons caught up with their error and it's no longer possible to tell the difference 😠😠😠😠
  4. As a developer (just not on this project) I can say that time multiplication presents an 'interesting' challenge. The porpoising you see also occurs at x1 speed but it's so slow and so little that you don't see it. As your time speeds up, so does the pitching to the point where eventually the sim loses control. Locking the aircraft with the autopilot can be one way of dealing with it but that also requires limiting the control surfaces movement. If the aircraft doesn't have an AP, you're basically out of luck. MSFS also presents a new set of challenges because with their 'templates', you don't have direct access to the underlying sim, unlike with P3D. You can write your own templates as many of the big developers do but that's a process I haven't got into. Although MSFS do provide a 'legacy interface' access via C/C++ code and the WASM interface, the expression 'legacy interface' in and of itself implies that Microsoft/Asobo could remove that access point as and when they want. I doubt it will happen but it always has to be born in mind. This just adds another layer of complication when trying to deal with the time multiplication problem. We have yet to see what sort of an SDK will be provided with MSFS 2024.
  5. Hello Garry Apologies for the late reply - I'll point the developer at this post (I was only responsible for some of the textures, so I can't help). -Dai
  6. I believe Stefan is preparing a v6 installer for it, but I don't have a release date. -Dai
  7. You aren't the only one to have found a problem with SODE and v6.0 (not me, yet!). 12bPilots seems to have disappeared and there's no announcement of compatibility or otherwise with P3D v6.
  8. So far we have found no incompatibilities with P3D v6.0. Cockpit/external lighting: P3D v6.0 has new graphics options under the Options | Live Graphics; specifically tab 1 (Graphics) and tab 3 (Tone Mapping). Under Tone Mapping you do not need to adjust the Toe settings; leave them at zero. Lockheed-Martin have done a very good job of allowing you to balance internal and external lighting. Be aware that in the initial release (6.0) the Gamma slider works the wrong way round. I believe LM intend to fix this in the first patch/hotfix. -Dai
  9. There is a bug in P3D v5.4 that is preventing the three artificial horizons (bank and climb indicators) from working. This only affects the B-314; the B314-A has different code and works okay. The B-314 works in v5.3 and also works in v6.0, so I won't be issuing a fix for v5.4 because of the danger of possibly introducing errors to the other versions of the sim. -Dai
  10. I have one defined benefit pension and one contributary pension. Both are the result of 16.5 years employment with two different companies. The defined benefit pension was added to at a rate of 8% of my monthly salary. The contributary pension was also added to at a rate of 8% of my monthly salary, which itself was twice as much as I was earning at the defined benefit company. Guess which one pays more by quite a percentage? It always was that the Civil Service paid less, but you got a better pension at the end of it. Talk about off-topic! 🤣
  11. Ray, I would very much disagree with that. First, you write the code and compile it as a WASM module. You then put it into MSFS which rips it apart and recompiles as a debug dll before loading the simobject. The consequence of the latter two stages (decompile and recompile) means that even a small WASM module, such as those supplied in the SDK\Samples, can take a relatively long time to compile. The sample myGaugesAircraft takes around 10-15 seconds to be decompiled and recompiled during aircraft load. My entire P3D B-314 Clipper that I built for PILOT'S takes less than three seconds to compile on the same PC. BTW; it's compatible with P3Dv6, but you will have to make some adjustments in the Options | Live Graphics as the Autoexposure seems to be a bit flakey. There's no point in me providing suggestions as it will be different for each monitor.
  12. Hello Ian Apologies for the delayed reply - sun's been out and I've been painting the house... The answer is no reason whatsoever for the CTD. It's been running here on 5.4 since release. What's the CTD message? -Dai
  13. P.26 of the Simulator manual. If you can't get it to work, please post the steps you are doing so we can investigate.
  14. You should be able to tune the ADF to the weather ships in both the Atlantic and the Pacific and navigate that way. There are times when the weather ships will be out of range, at which point you'll need to fall back to dead reckoning. A flightplan would require an accurate autopilot and the Model 314 doesn't have one.
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