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Heimi`s Buglist

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I can`t even takeoff.


-Saitek Rudder Pedals not able to assign axis to toe brakes or rudder. They are preassigned by the game to the stick! What the...?!?

-Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Can`t assign my throttle, it`s not assigned by default.

-Trim controls are not fine enough to adjust. Just SLOW and FAST isn`t good enough to fine tune trim.


The controller setup is a real mess, tried to figure it out now for 30 minutes, just doesn`t work.

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How on earth do you control differential brakes or the front wheel?


Flunked first lesson 3 times in a row.

It just goes straight, I can't follow the Taxi line!

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How on earth do you control differential brakes or the front wheel?


Flunked first lesson 3 times in a row.

It just goes straight, I can't follow the Taxi line!


Welcome to the world of Dovetail products. 

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BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

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Working OK with Thrustmaster T16000 twist stick...will try pedals later

Picked up triple screen setup no problem :)

Can't set visibility range :(




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I face problemas also with CH Pro Pedals - barkes left/right. In flight I can see the rudder twisted to the left and it stays there.


Have to check this better.

Edmundo Azevedo

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Watching with interest....


I had pre-ordered, but there's no way I'm installing until I hear that rudder pedals are working properly.  If it's a bug, it's a terribly unfortunate one, and DTG has two weeks to get it fixed.

Jim Stewart

Milviz Person.


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Not bad, for a beginner kind of sim, but on a free flight, I noticed the following:


* Autogen is still popping up!

* What is it with the brightness / contrast? Snow blindness!

* The sky needs to be dulled down.

* Semi-robotic ATC voices.

* Horrible haze layer amplifies horizon color issues.

* Autogen = identical.

* Aircraft ground shadows randomly dissapear.


After looking at the config:


* HideInfoText does not seem to work.

* Enable Widescreen from 0 to 1 DOES work.

* Cannot modify runway lights size.

* Cannot modify street light size (far too big).


Aside from all of that, I think a reasonably good start. I believe these things can all easily be fixed. On a personal note, having been a long time simmer, there is one thing that I simply do not understand

about DFS, FSX, and even P3D, and that is why do so many airports have autogen going right up to the runway? To me, landing is a critical time when you want as many frames as possible to make this part of the flight fluid. I would love it if the devs out there made a "clearway" around runways so that we could achieve good frames.


I can say from my real world flying, as I'm on finals I am NOT looking at anything except the runway!




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I can`t even takeoff.


-Saitek Rudder Pedals not able to assign axis to toe brakes or rudder. They are preassigned by the game to the stick! What the...?!?

-Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Can`t assign my throttle, it`s not assigned by default.

-Trim controls are not fine enough to adjust. Just SLOW and FAST isn`t good enough to fine tune trim.


The controller setup is a real mess, tried to figure it out now for 30 minutes, just doesn`t work.

There is a wide range of peripherals which can be used with Flight School. While we cannot guarantee everything will be compatible, we are working with various hardware companies to provide as much variety as possible. These are the systems we have tested to date and confirmed as working. We will expand this list over time:

Xbox One controller, Xbox 360 controller, Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X, Saitek X52 Pro, Saitek X52, Saitek X55, Logitech Extreme 3D, MAD CATZ Cyborg Fly 5 Joystick, Mad Catz Cyborg V.1, Saitek Pro flight Yoke system (Yoke, throttle, trim wheel)


You can customise your controls in the setting menu. Something to note is there are different sub menus within the control settings. These can be found under the "Event" option. 


One lovely player created this video guide that you might find useful



- Martin 

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I face problemas also with CH Pro Pedals - barkes left/right. In flight I can see the rudder twisted to the left and it stays there.


Have to check this better.

I've had zero problems setting up my CH Yoke and CH Pro Pedals, as well as the various buttons and rockers to my preferences, even though by default they were already working 100%.


It's just that I have certain assignments for the buttons and rockers that I've used for many years, so prefer to keep the same layout and organization.


BTW, the differential brakes work perfectly for me by default.

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Fr. Bill    

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There is a wide range of peripherals which can be used with Flight School. While we cannot guarantee everything will be compatible, we are working with various hardware companies to provide as much variety as possible. These are the systems we have tested to date and confirmed as working. We will expand this list over time:


Xbox One controller, Xbox 360 controller, Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X, Saitek X52 Pro, Saitek X52, Saitek X55, Logitech Extreme 3D, MAD CATZ Cyborg Fly 5 Joystick, Mad Catz Cyborg V.1, Saitek Pro flight Yoke system (Yoke, throttle, trim wheel)

Hello Martin


Did you guys test this with just a Keyboard and a mouse?

(This is on my laptop, it has a full keyboard with keypad.)


I have spent more than an hour trying to steer the plane!

I have tried all keyboard keys, mouse as yoke, etc. I just wont turn.

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Perhaps this could be changed to a general buglist, rather than one persons, if that is ok with Heimi that is? Maybe one bug thread is better than lots?

I had an issue with first boot where all the settings and flight planning icons stopped responding, but I was able to use the back butting to exit and restart, this may have been a one off.

The visuals are a mess, with some very strange and often over bright lighting. Clouds receive no haze, and look dreadful, as does the fading effect of distant terrain. This has to be improved to make anyone with even half an eye on graphics continue to use this, as its that painful on the eye. The fact you are only stuck with weather themes makes it worse, as you have no control over cloud heights or haze distance. Also the UI needs a vsync option, as the tearing is awful.


There is little or no terrain shading/shadowing. It justs gets duller looking as the sun goes down.


Weird clouds


Weird haze

On the plus side it all worked out of the box with Kb & mouse and my Saitek evo stick was configured to work. The UI is nice and the Orbx scenery is a nice step up from the old ms default, though the quality of the data does vary depending on the location. Performance is good once into the flight, and its pretty smooth and relatively stutter free.

I just hope DT will listen to what I'm sure will be a flood of feedback if they are to be taken seriously in the FS market. As its stands this is not encouraging.

For fun I enabled cloud and scenery shadows (in the cfg) which kind of work, but are very buggy. The fact the entries are in the cfg suggests DT are working on these features.

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There is a wide range of peripherals which can be used with Flight School. While we cannot guarantee everything will be compatible, we are working with various hardware companies to provide as much variety as possible. These are the systems we have tested to date and confirmed as working. We will expand this list over time:

Xbox One controller, Xbox 360 controller, Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X, Saitek X52 Pro, Saitek X52, Saitek X55, Logitech Extreme 3D, MAD CATZ Cyborg Fly 5 Joystick, Mad Catz Cyborg V.1, Saitek Pro flight Yoke system (Yoke, throttle, trim wheel)


You can customise your controls in the setting menu. Something to note is there are different sub menus within the control settings. These can be found under the "Event" option. 


One lovely player created this video guide that you might find useful


- Martin 


Thank you Martin that helped.

But i`m still figuring out how to setup all controls. Wasn`t DTGFS intended for beginners not to overwhelm them?

I`m not a beginner and i am overwhelmed by the controls configuration. Too much needless stuff and very hard to understand.


Next Bug or setup error: There is always BRAKES indicated in the lower left corner. But i didn`t press the brakes and i deleted all other brake assignments other than toe axis


@Novation: Fell free, bu i can`t even edit my first post.

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Hi everyone, 


Thank you for trying to be organised and put together a list of any unexpected problems you are having along with your feedback. 


We really view this as just the beginning, so if you do run into any problems or you have some suggestions about how to make it better and further optimise the sim we would love to hear them. 


I am going to do my best to keep track of all the forum threads, but there is a lot of you and even more treads are popping up all the time. 


The best way to reach us for support, bug reports or any general feedback is through our support team. That way we can work with those of you who need some support advice personally, and keep track of all the feedback. 


You can reach us via our website here http://dovetailgames.kayako.com/ 


- Martin

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If brakes are on all the time then check the axis is reversed ala fsx and prepar3d. It is basically the same process as those sims. Select each controller and select axis and make sure only the things you want are assigned.

I've got mine running with a yoke, 2 quadrants, trim wheel and pedals. Everything works fine once you set them up. I had a quick look and it took me about 5 mins to work out and set up my controllers. It is just like fsx. Just remember to check for auto assigned duplicates on each controller.

Also remember that a true beginner probably isn't going to have multiple hardware controllers so it will just work for them.



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