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What We Want (Part 2)

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Doesnt it seem this is getting out of hand a little bit? If you add every want on here, it is quite the list of wants.  Like kids who want everything lol.   I agree with a lot, but lets be realistic here and want a fantastic performing, stable, visually beautiful and accurate base sim, with a  3rd party system to help and enhance further,  released in the very near future to start off with I'm sure that all these other want features will be possible to some extent in due time.  I am just thrilled the dev team is listening to the community and eager to implement the wants, assuming its possible to simulate, but we simply need to be realistic on timeline and what can be expected.  

in 10-15 years or so I envision this being an entire virtual world with flight sim, train sim, ship sim , farm sim and whatever sim all coexisting within and being alive as one interacting with each other. 



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You are right but some requested features may give the developpers ideas they need to implement in the core sim in order to be extended in future updates or even to give 3rd parties the ability to develop them.

Limitations for 3rd parties are the worth thing, we already saw that in our current sims.

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I should add an aircraft selection menu where you actually walk between all the planes you have in a giant hangar.

In order to save performance, only the exterior models can be loaded, and when you step in the aircraft (with a nice animation) the interior model is loaded.

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A lot of great suggestions here!

To keep things in perspective, I'd like them to focus on the essentials first, release a stable sim as soon as possible and add everything else in regular updates later.

Essentials are

- a stable sim that runs smoothly on todays gaming hardware

- an immersive rendition of the earth as it is seen when flying at usual altititudes (there might still be some imperfections, in particular when flying real low).

- an immersive weather environment 

- a nice selection of default aircraft (one per category) with authentic flight dynamics (at least on par with what we have with A2A, Majestic and FSL now) and systems

- a standardized addon platform: all addons should - mandatory - be installed, updated, managed and uninstalled within the same system (something alike as can be seen in Orbx Central), to avoid the total mess we have now: every addon installs in a different way, there are configuration tools and files all over the place, you have to search dozens of places to keep all your addons up to date, every addon has to be updated differently etc. I don't want that any more.




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26 minutes ago, RALF9636 said:

A lot of great suggestions here!

To keep things in perspective, I'd like them to focus on the essentials first, release a stable sim as soon as possible and add everything else in regular updates later.

Essentials are

- a stable sim that runs smoothly on todays gaming hardware

- an immersive rendition of the earth as it is seen when flying at usual altititudes (there might still be some imperfections, in particular when flying real low).

- an immersive weather environment 

- a nice selection of default aircraft (one per category) with authentic flight dynamics (at least on par with what we have with A2A, Majestic and FSL now) and systems

- a standardized addon platform: all addons should - mandatory - be installed, updated, managed and uninstalled within the same system (something alike as can be seen in Orbx Central), to avoid the total mess we have now: every addon installs in a different way, there are configuration tools and files all over the place, you have to search dozens of places to keep all your addons up to date, every addon has to be updated differently etc. I don't want that any more.




One remark . I do not want a standardized platform which would give MS control rights on what the user wants to add from a third commercial party and would discourage the little freeware guys by its complexity. 

I don’t like the present mess either but in a way it is the price we pay for our freedom of choice. It has to be improved without giving a monopoly to the MS store.


Simming since 1981 -  4770k@3.7 GHz with 16 GB of RAM and a 1080 with 8 GB VRAM running a 27" @ 2560*1440 - Windows 10 - Warthog HOTAS - MFG pedals - MSFS Standard version with Steam


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1 minute ago, domkle said:

One remark . I do not want a standardized platform which would give MS control rights on what the user wants to add from a third commercial party and would discourage the little freeware guys by its complexity. 

I don’t like the present mess either but in a way it is the price we pay for our freedom of choice. It has to be improved without giving a monopoly to the MS store.

Totally agree. But that should also be possible. 

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Haven't posted in a while (years) I guess. 🙄 Been busy flying the real thing (thanks MSFS for somewhat getting me into this haha...) so I skipped the whole P3D era entirely. However this new sim freaks me out as most others.
Interesting to see how different the wishes are. I myself for instance wouldn't care one seconds about pax/cabin/career simulations at all. I find there is really almost nothing you'd have to do with pax, and the flight safety relevant interactions with the cabin crew during an actual routine flight are minimal. Personally I'd rather have accurate aircraft, physics, weather, environment and in fact a lot of eye candy that was not possible earlier with older hardware, which sort of makes up the world around us. So anyway, here's my list:

One huge thing for me: LIGHTS.

  • First and foremost let me say thank you for finally fixing the PAPI, as seen in the videos they now fade between red and white just as they do IRL, been waiting for this forever!
  • For scenery devs, add the possibility to make the lights dependent on view direction. When you fly at high altitude at night there is a great number of runways that you cannot see from above as the runway and approach lights very often "point" in the approach direction (get an idea here). Actually from above you will recognise airports much more often from their apron lights etc, and much less from the runway and taxiway system. It might be different in other parts of the world but that's the observation I made.
  • In general, fix those strobe lights, be it on aircraft or on approach lights. I do know that modern LED strobes will rather "blink" than flash. However I'd love to see the classic strobe lights "flash" for the shortest time possible in the sim to resemble the real effect, e. g. one frame or so. Not that smooth fading in and out.
  • Also regarding the previous point, fix the approach lights, the rabbit i. e. sequenced flashes and runway threshold flashes. AFAIK most installations will trigger the rabbit at 2Hz, and once it reaches the threshold the threshold lights will flash. In the trailer the rabbit can be seen for the fraction of a second, again, I'd get rid of that smooth fading and rather have a super short flash (instant on-off rather than fading).
  • I do hope lights will actually "propagate" through fog more than their unlighted surroundings. This is something the old sims were never able to do. And is basically the essence of a low visibility approach. As can be seen in any such video you will see the lights through the fog a much greater distance than e. g. the ground itself. Which is the reason why there are lights...
  • Just the other day I did an approach in marginal weather conditions and was amazed how the sharply focused PAPI lights illuminated the fog patches around. A crazy great effect, and the closest I could find is this and that. So in conclusion I wonder if also the approach lights etc. will illuminate fog volumetrically. I know, just eye candy...
  • I'd love to see "physical" lights, e. g. these things right there on the ground. Also I'd love to hear the thump when you hit them with a wheel (also maybe coupled to force feedback). A very prominent effect IRL.
  • Different light intensities. I just once asked a tower ATCO what he could do and he told me they had a 0/1/3/10/30/100% choice of approach light intensity, this might be different among airports but at least I'd like to see a difference between a daytime CATIII and nighttime CAVOK approach.
  • I do hope that light-wise there will be a difference between full and new moon nights.
  • Some conditions will render a halo around the moon that I'd love to see. Also, when closely above the clouds, with the sun in the back or above you you will often see a halo around your aircraft shadow on the clouds. They got realistic rainbows, so again, would be amazing to have.
  • We've seen landing lights illuminate fog and clouds volumetrically, I do hope a lot they do the same for rain and snow.
  • I'd love to see landing, taxi, position, wing and probably logo lights (all non-LED) to "fade in and out" when switching them on and off. Most prominent on the powerful bulbs, this effect right there.
  • Not sure if I saw this in any of the previews, but I'd like to be able to identify roads or especially highways at night by the cars driving on them. It's quite a prominent effect when you fly at low altitude over a high traffic highway at night and see all the lights of the cars.

Other stuff that came to mind:

  • More diverse runway wear and tear, unlike FSX, maybe procedural and somewhat dependent on airport size
  • Even in the current previews I still see propellers "turn" in some way, even at full RPM (yes, this effect). I think this is simply not what the human eye sees. I'd rather see a blurred, rather "static" prop disc when it's turning (that can very well look different depending on the sun angle). I think this comes closest to the actual image that you'd see IRL.
  • The visual and physical effects of wet and damp (or even otherwise contaminated) runways and taxiways would be greatly appreciated.
  • I'd love to have some jitter on nav signals depending on where you are compared to them. Often I will see wildly fluctuating LOC needles when parked on the apron, also no one can fly NDB approaches as beautifully as on a simulator because the needles on most sims behave in a perfect way (even on FFSs). Which they absolutely don't IRL.
  • I'd love to have some sort of an instructor station. Be it via network or whatever. Be able to freeze, change position, wx, failures, inject traffic for TCAS RAs, log the flight path, some of the stuff you could do in a FFS.
  • Also as a long term request I'd really like to have some ATC possibility in order to act as a controller. FSX had this "some sort of", in quite a bad way. I'd like to have much greater functionality. In an ideal world: better, feature-rich radar, voice comm with functioning frequencies. Also the ability to interact with the airport you are controlling, fail single navaids or components thereof (e. g. G/S), fail and switch on/off airport lighting, be it approach, runways, taxiways, holding points etc.
  • Ability to push back onto a taxiway that can be chosen, not some random pushback as it was before.
  • Some sort of a generic built in "ACARS" to get weather and ideally D-ATIS without having to listen to an actual voice ATIS.
  • In the preview videos I see hot air from jet blast which is neat, but I'd also love to have moisture effects like vapor on top of wings or the wakes around flap edges and fog in engine intakes during relevant conditions. Talk about this. Also spray water while reversing on a wet runway.
  • I totally want some interface for the navaid data etc. ("AFCAD"...) to be updateable. Also 3rdPDevs should have some access of aerodrome/navaid, weather and terrain data via the SDK, but as I imagine this will be the case. Please no more BGL disassembling etc.
  • Solid, smooth and stable shared cockpit would be amazing.
  • Force Feedback support. Maybe with more realistic trimming. Although I always wonder how much sense that would make on those relatively small joysticks with their limited travel, but nevertheless.
  • As we saw in Episode 4, flight deck touchscreens will be supported. As nowadays most people do have actual touchscreens (i. e. tablets) at home, I'd appreciate to undock touch-enabled parts of the panels to a tablet. I guess this is one of the (many 😝) rather unrealistic wishes, but I thought I'd bring it up.

Sorry for the lenghty post. I thought about it for some time. 😜

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Well, that should keep everyone at ASOBO occupied for the next twelve months...

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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Indeed, you will just have to rename the sim to FS2021.. 



"Onward & Upward" ...
To the Stars, & Beyond... 

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Dont know if this has been mentioned as there are soo many posts now but

Volcanoes and ash- Can Asobo consider using the VAAC data to render some nasty ash conditions and the effects flying through this will have on the aircraft 

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18 minutes ago, ErichB said:

It's a forum.  It has a life of it's own.  Sometimes Jekyl, sometimes Hyde.


True, but it was a simple request the moderator made when he started the thread. What we have ended up with is a clone of the first "what we want" thread. I guess the problem for many is that they jump in after many posts and don't read the first post. Pity, it would have been much easier for MS to sort through the requests in list form rather than having to tease out the "want" amongst the rest of the detritus. 

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A virtual tablet in virtual cockpit that one can view her/his documents and maps with. And virtual laptop would be nice too to display the other apps running in the backround. I am serious. It will be valuable when flying with VR. And A320 has a table for laptop already 😉

AMD Ryzen 5800x3d | 32GB DDR4 @ 3200MHz | RTX 3080 | 3440x1440



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