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And how many of us are female?

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4 minutes ago, MySound said:

I never heard a single female voice on VATSIM 🙂

I sometimes find it hard to differentiate between a children's voice and a female's voice on Vatsim. Seriously, no offensive. But I've heard females before on Vatsim, mostly in the US.

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Sorry for borrowing your thread @buspelle 

I guess the # women is small in our community, and I have thought about it many times -- why ?

- The most plausible justification is that women are much more RL-Objectives-Oriented than men.

- Most men "play" all along their lives, although they tend to change their way of playing with their "toys" ( no ... not that ... ) based on their need to try to hide this necessity, because some feel ashamed for having to feel the need for playing when they're "grownup"...

Among our community this translates into the typical: " Flight SImulator is not a game !  It's a tranning tool ! ".... Ehhehe

I don't really know if there are any psychology studies on this stuff, but most surely there are, as well as psicanalisis interpretations of this type of behaviour / necessity, with different degrees of dependency / addiction.

When I ask my wife why doesn't she feel interested at all in watching a flight simulator session she very simply explains that - "for me it only makes sense if it's for real... What good is it to play travelling by aircraft to some place ? I'd rather use a real aircraft to be able to visit those destinations"  🙂 and this is pretty much the reply I get from the women I ask...

Let's see how many AVSIM women members will reply 🙂

And.... btw, I do believe I am a man ! At least I like to play flight simulators ... 🤣

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It is indeed an interresting fact that serious and extensive celebrating of hobbies seems to be more a Malething. This can be noticed in other sections aswell like modelmaking, toyrailways or carracing etc, etc. May be Males are a lot more playfull or childisch

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P3D V6 -  PC spec: Intel i9-9900 overclocked 5 GHz HT off, 32 GB RAM, GPU Nvidia RTX3090 24GB, 2xM2 SSD, Skalarki HomeCockpit and Jeehell FMGS on a dedicated Server, PF3 for ATC, MCE, GSX, EFB, AS+ASCA+ENV and OrbXpf3-supporter.gif

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How far does it extend? For instance theres’ often less woman in tech sectors, is it because it’s been made not as socially accepted, or does it not appeal as much.

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1 hour ago, NZ255 said:

How far does it extend? For instance theres’ often less woman in tech sectors, is it because it’s been made not as socially accepted, or does it not appeal as much.

I've been around a good while and been married for 25+ years, so I know a little bit about women, and only a little, as that is all one can know about women.  Although generalizing is never a good idea, it is pretty clear from observing children that females tend to like certain things and males tend to like certain things.  Little girls like to decorate a dollhouse, or set a table and make tea and chat with their stuffed animals, while little boys like to play war games, play with toy cars and trucks, and build structures.  These are not behaviors that are explicitly taught, they are innate.  Yes, there are always exceptions, and neither sex should be indoctrinated to like or dislike certain things or be discouraged from pursuing certain interests.

My wife likes reality shows involving real people and real stories.  She can't stand science fiction stuff.  That doesn't mean that women don't like those things as many women actually do like sci-fi, but I'll bet the audience is mostly male.  She doesn't understand my love of flight simulation at all, but she's also glad that I have a hobby which keeps me at home.

For most of human history, women were simply not allowed to do certain things, which of course was wrong.  There is no doubt that there are good female pilots, scientists, and engineers, and it is good that society has evolved to the point where women are actually encouraged to be involved in those professions if they want to be.  The fact remains, however, that most women simply aren't interested in those things.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Men and women are indeed different.  Having said that, we're not really all that different, as we are after all human beings.  I never bought into the men are from Mars women are from Venus type thinking.

Just my 2c.


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Simulator: P3Dv6.1

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Me, me! Retired factory certified mechanic, hated dolls wanted trucks. Discovered sci-fi at 8, when I ran across "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel." Simming since '83. Hate VATSIM.

Edited by Penzoil3
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Looks down to check. Yep, I'm still an elderly male...

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Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

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I've seen (heard) a few ladies on VATSIM in my time, even controllers. But sadly they seem short lived. Love to see more of them!

Stand by for a whimiscal, though non policitally correct statement:

I've heard plently of young males whose voice made it clear they're coconuts hadn't developed husks yet... (aka "it's not quite news years eve in New York City"), even mistakenly (or not) referred to one or two of them as "Ma'am" on the radio. 

Come on, even Father Bill has to get a giggle outta that!





Dave Hodges


System Specs:  I9-13900KF, NVIDIA 4070TI, Quest 3, Multiple Displays, Lots of TERRIFIC friends, 3 cats, and a wonderfully stubborn wife.

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5 minutes ago, DaveCT2003 said:

Come on, even Father Bill has to get a giggle outta that!

I've actually made that mistake more than once, albeit on ham radio and not flight sim.

It's even more embarrassing to mistake a lady with a lovely baritone voice for a man!

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Yes, Sir...Mam-sir! 😳

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Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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What I was going to post would be misconstrued by everyone. 

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Different puppets...Same strings!

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I think the correct answer should be "not enough ... not nearly enough"  Be that in Vatsim or just plain flight simulating.

Long live the ladies in all the endeavours they may try. There are certainly more and more ladies in the real world of avaition, flying and in all other aspects as well.



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Tony Chilcott.


My System. Motherboard. ASRock Taichi X570 CPU Ryzen 9 3900x (not yet overclocked). RAM 32gb Corsair Vengeance (2x16) 3200mhz. 1 x Gigabyte Aorus GTX1080ti Extreme and a 1200watt PSU.

1 x 1tb SSD 3 x 240BG SSD and 4 x 2TB HDD

OS Win 10 Pro 64bit. Simulators ... FS2004/P3Dv4.5/Xplane.DCS/Aeroflyfs2...MSFS to come for sure.

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This a really interesting topic… I guess we’re all being  a bit careful about what we say here too… 

Id love to see more ladies enjoying flying - so agree not enough.

i guess there’s no one reason why there’s more men than women in our community and there’s little point in trying to generalise. But if I were to guess I’d say a big one is women don’t generally find mostly male communities a very attractive proposition or pretending to fly planes a very good way to pass the time- unless they’re really enthusiasts themselves. 

im sure ladies would love it if they could  actually get an immediate experience, as opposed to all the struggling we have to do with often limited and/or expensive hardware, setting up the sim and learning it. My three grown daughters all love it when Ive given them a go on my sim, but my son is utterly disinterested preferring his real life cars and RC planes 

It may also be available time and age for many people,  as on average many of us are relatively old (69 here) and older women often work harder and are much busier (with family etc) than older men! 

None of my kids, male or female, in their 30s can be bothered to go simming themselves.  

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