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David Vega

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Everything posted by David Vega

  1. An interesting demonstration of extremism. Though it would be great if PA were to be around completing their projects, I'm grateful for their contributions released free to the community. I hope they reconsider and return, but if not, thank you for your time and excellent quality products. Also thank you for your professionalism in your forums and your patience in dealing with the variety of FS users. Regards
  2. I've been thinking about upgrading from XP32 to Vista64. Thank you for the information in this thread so far. Was wondering if there's an upgrade path or does it require a complete reinstall of all applications. R/dv
  3. The Radar Contact controller usually tells you to be at a certain altitude 40nm or so from a waypoint. As another option, you could set a custom waypoint with its altitude restriction making this part of the vertical profile. RegardsDavid Vega
  4. Suggest deleting your fs9.CFG file. You can find it at C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Microsoft\FS9. FS9 will recreate the file for you. Good luck,Dave Vega
  5. Not holding breadth. I for one would like to see a B717 from a reputable vendor. Yes, the demand would be higher for the stuff that's been done, but there's sales precedence for out of the ordinary offerings, like PMDG's MD10-11. In this case, PMDG could take advantage of how similar the instrumentation is between the B717 and the MD10-11. Have fun
  6. I've heard problems with oscillation, that some say were fixed with patches, but others say are still there. Any one care to verify? I'm seriously considering this airplane too. Regards
  7. Clearly faulty speculation leads to faulty conclusions. Totally agree. What bothers me is the disappointment I feel towards Microsoft. The last few years brought a never before seen level of interactions with the developers. I recall when this wasn't so, Microsoft was very tight lipped on flight simulator development, though we were told they read forums such as this one. The increase level of interaction created a feeling of loyalty. I purchased the latest product, since I still have all the other versions, going back to version 1 in a green box. Then suddenly, without any word or warning, we hear the developers were fired, with only a vague we-will-tell-you-when-we-want-to way ahead statement. I understand business and I've been involved with IT for over 25 years; the types of decisions necessary for profitability have to be made, but in this case, I naively hoped Microsoft, clearly aware of the small flight simulator community, would've showed respect to their loyal customers. Personally, that is more important than if they ever produce any other flight simulator. These are my words, no one else's. They're not intended to convince others to share my opinion, only to express it in this public forum.
  8. One can always download already modified parking layouts for most airports. These are called AFCADS. They can all be found here at AvSim or most other flight simulation web sites. Welcome back to fun. Dave Vega
  9. Great contributions by all. Consider that an FMS data standard doesn't mean the data would be free. It also doesn't mean developers would have to convert their existing products, but that it would facilitate the development of new products. One would expect that this would benefit the customer also since less development effort may mean less cost. I'm old enough to remember the earlier computer generation where each major company, such as IBM, DEC, Honeywell, etc, sold their own format or machine or assembly language; they wanted the consumer to only purchase their products. Look at what the standards in high order programming languages have brought us. Consider what the W3 Consortium have done for the Internet, HTML, XML, etc. This also makes me think about those standards that have been created by a user community. Wonder if AVSIM would mind sponsoring such a standard for FMS data.
  10. Not to steal the thread, but this brings up an interesting topic. Wouldn't it be great if we had a standard for simulator Nav data, one that could be used for all developers? I'm certain this would simplify producing the Nav data. It would also motivate more developers to offer functional FMC implementations. I'm sure there would be other benefits. Does anyone know if this has been attempted? Regards.
  11. Welcome back. That you're back is what's really important. I agree with the recommendations of others. If your interests go beyond the 737 and A32x, check out the Level-D B767 and/or the PMDG B747. Those two can satisfy your hunger for procedure. Have funDave Vega
  12. Bryan,Thank you for this effort. Looking very much forward to the rest.Best regards,Dave Vega
  13. I'm sure you've read all recommendations. You mentioned that it happens after takeoff and while climbing. Does it happen at a specific point every time, like when you retrieve the landing gear? Does it happen with more than one default aircraft? I'm sure you will find the solution, but please no hanging. Though I understand you're using it as a figure of speech, it is only a matter of time before all is solved. Have fun,Dave Vega
  14. Next, if ATC doesn't know how to say "Butte", use EditVoicePack at http://www.editvoicepack.com to make them say so. Have fun,Dave Vega
  15. You are absolutely right Bernd. Now, how does it compare to the Level-D and others? It's way more expensive. :)It's sad this product is outside my range. In fact, for me, it's on the same range as home flight decks. Hope those, like you, who can afford it enjoy it well. Regards,Dave Vega
  16. You may receive more detailed answers, but basically, a virtual cockpit is part of the airplane and not part of a 2-D panel. So, the airplane you have has to already include a virtual cockpit for one to see. As of now, the only CRJs I'm aware with virtual cockpits are the ones distributed by Wilco Publishing. Regards,Dave Vega
  17. I only own the CRJ panel, but I see no reason why the SkyDeck 737 panel wouldn't work with the POSKY 737. A cursory review of SkyDeck's forum tells me that some customers are using the panel with the POSKY offering. Dave Vega
  18. Best I've seen is the one from Skydeck Panels (http://www.sky-decks.com/sd-html_015.htm). Regards,Dave Vega
  19. I have FS9 running on Vista with nothing turned off, including UAC. FS9 is also installed in its default folder. In other words, all I did was to install it normally, no change. Running FSBuild, for example, I get the UAC asking for approval, but that's it, FS runs fine. Regards,Dave Vega
  20. William,I have also seen a download that updates and augments the FS9 fixes. Suggest searching for it. Regards,Dave Vega
  21. Alex,Looks like you have tried all the obvious options. I did a cursory search in the Radar Contact forum w/o results. Suggest posting this issue there. Perhaps the developers can help. Good luck,Dave Vega
  22. If AvSim had a competition for most helpful contributor, I would give Alex M. a solid 10 in all categories, i.e., maturity, relevance, courtesy, patience, etc. It is refreshing to see a thread such as this that exemplifies the true intent of these kinds of forums. Thank you Alex for being an excellent example of collaboration and helpfulness to your fellow sim captains. Best regardsDave Vega
  23. Having just flown in/out of KPHL in the last few days, the pics look impressive. Wish you the best with this project. I'm sure you will have many downloads once you release. Take your time and enjoy the hobby. Regards,Dave Vega
  24. Just to show you how overstressed and underpaid those rude people are. Sad, isn't it? :)Dave Vega
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