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  1. I guess I will hold off on updating AIRAC for now. Is it just the MSFS base package to avoid updating or also the PMDG AIRAC as well?
  2. There needs to be an "other" option. I use a mix of co-pilot, voice, and buttons as needed. So, none of the four choices listed are accurate for my usage.
  3. When I got BATC when it first came out, I found a microphone (HyperX Solocast) on sale at Micro Center for about $20. It has worked quite well. I mostly use auto respond, but there are some places where I need to make the request, so use the mike for those times to avoid pushing buttons.
  4. Just curious, where was this confirmed?
  5. Maybe you accidentally read the MSFS2020 ideal spec? Ideal was 32 for MSFS2020.
  6. Siss... boom... bah! (classic)
  7. KDFW is still broken... especially the east side of the field. The only known solution of which I am aware is to turn off photogrammetry.
  8. Hopefully it is "one that looks nice... and not too expensive". 😁
  9. Kind of ironic that you were being "attacked" by something called "Voice Attack". 🤣🤣🤣
  10. You must be new around here! 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. From me it gets a bad rap because KDFW is unusable with PG turned on... been like that for more than a year.
  12. However, I find that you still need to occasionally reply even when using auto reply. For example, when ready for taxi after engine start, when ready for departure after switching to tower, and taxi to gate after landing. So, I would call it "nearly set and forget". 😂
  13. Didn't you read the screens during the purchase process that said essentially that? I can recall at least two screens (prior to actually making the purchase) that warned that the software was early access and to expect bugs. It is also clearly stated on their website.
  14. Since you have included an MS/Asobo airport, I will add KDFW. It has had issues for quite some time when photogrammetry is enabled.
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