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Everything posted by MdMax

  1. This was only one example, where it was possible to capture and read nearly all SSL traffic. Most mobile users are using their device on uncontrolled Wi-Fi networks, so it's a very serious issue, just like the OpenSSL Heartbleed. The main difference is how long you need to wait for fixes for known flaws. Sometimes it's just a shame: http://www.zdnet.com/ios-7-patches-80-vulnerabilities-7000020873/
  2. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT6147 Read more here about the "goto fail" exploit.
  3. If you still feel better trusting closed source code... http://www.techrepublic.com/article/open-source-vs-proprietary/
  4. Thank you. You can even find much better here. You can find video tutorials for JOSM here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Video_tutorials
  5. I like it because it's not a flat runway. It follows the terrain contours.
  6. :wink: If you really care about North America, did you already start contributing to the OpenStreetMap project ? When I started to contribute, my village was only a road. Nothing else. No streets, no buildings, nothing. Today it's different: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/444916-flying-with-world2xplane/
  7. All the pictures are available here: http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php?accion=product&correl=113 With the GNS530: http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/image/productos/XCE2100/28.jpg http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/image/productos/XCE2100/29.jpg http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/image/productos/XCE2100/30.jpg
  8. Awesome 3D scenery ! :Applause: But the resolution of your ground textures is too low for this flight level.
  9. :wink: You're still using an old phone ? This is very very suspicious. Is the black van with tinted windows still in front of your home ? :biggrin: A fixed version of OpenSSL was released on the same day Heartbleed was publicly disclosed. This is very fast, and before that, the source code has not really been verified. OpenSLL had only a team of 2 full-time people to write, maintain, test, and review 500,000 lines of business critical code. Open source is no guarantee of security, but unlike closed proprietary software, you can check everything, or pay security experts to do it for you and improve it. Open source projects are not vetted ? Just try to commit a change to the LibreSSL project. Fact is, with proprietary closed source software, you'll never know how much bugs, vulnerabilities and back-doors you install. Restricting knowledge is the best way to introduce software flaws.
  10. Cool, now we have the choice: we can buy phones with spyware from the NSA, or we can buy phones with spyware from the NSA and spyware from China. :wacko: Always use verified free software (open source).
  11. Am I wrong when I think the EULA does really matter for some commercial add-on developers ? Else, why would they add a DRM preventing the use of their "private entertainment purposes only" add-on inside P3D ? Else, why is this topic so popular ?
  12. Fact is, the webpage where he said this had no future. Now this page is a "404 Not found" error: http://fsxpage.com/interviews-2/john-venema-von-orbx/2/ But you can still find his remarks on web.archive.org: http://web.archive.org/web/20130205070642/http://fsxpage.com/interviews-2/john-venema-von-orbx/2/ He did not only say "X-Plane has no future", he also said "It’s not a good sim". :lol: Looks like he wanted to make sure his customers will not test X-Plane and discover how good this sim is with all the detailed vectors of small streets and paths he'll never be able to add in a 32-bit sim.
  13. Didn't you forget the FlightGear engine ? It was the first 64-bit engine (long before X-Plane) and it has already many features missing in FSX (local weather, cockpit shadows, etc...). It has also the best license for the community (GNU General Public License) which means freedom, but this may also frighten commercial add-on developers. The development or "3.2" version (you can compile it using the Git sources) has new interesting features: http://www.flightgear.org/info/a-preview-of-features-for-flightgear-3-2/ ^_^ It's a bit strange to read more than 20 pages of a topic about a "license" and then read posts claiming people should not care about the EULA of a product.
  14. +1 I think the visuals are already stunning. We're close: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/443663-this-737-is-so-beautiful/ http://forum.avsim.net/topic/443911-x-plane-1030b-flying-around-new-york-san-francisco-portland-lots-of-photos/ http://forum.avsim.net/topic/443039-xpx-1030b1-looks-really-good/ Of course, things will always improve, but we can contribute right now with airports and OpenStreetMap and textures.
  15. Thank you all for the comments. :smile:
  16. Awesome shots ! :Applause: @cptCaptain, it's explained in the first message: converted Aerosoft sceneries with FS2XPlane. You'll find more about this tool here: http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/tools.html http://forums.x-plane.org/?showtopic=44099 http://forums.x-plane.org/?showtopic=35790
  17. Best 737-200 shots I've ever seen in a sim. Stunning ! :Applause:
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