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Everything posted by albar965

  1. Sorry, no. LNM cannot even detect if there is an airport in there or not. 🤷‍♂️ Alex
  2. The light gray airport boundary? This is most likely an airport developer using apron/taxiway structures in a wrong way for something else. You can try to disable "Aprons" in LNM options on page "Map Display Labels" in branch "Airport details". Also check if "Boundary" is off there. Alex
  3. I cannot create a mark around the airports because LNM does can not even detect an airport (or is it an aircraft or a mission?) for these encrypted things. Adding yellow circles manually is planned for a future LNM version but not very soon. Best workaround so far is to place a userpoint on top of the airport symbol. Alex
  4. Hi Dane, you probably used active pause which is broken in the sim since SU11. Already reported to Asobo. Use the key Esc for normal pause or click the toolbar button for pause to avoid these problems. Alex
  5. After email exchange for others who run into similar issues: The solution was to exclude the loading of the folder "C:/Program Files (x86)/Addon Manager/MSFS/fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways" to the add-on exclusion (lower box in options on page "Scenery Library Database"). GSX adds jetways to the airports which is not relevant to LNM but tricks LNM into thinking that an airport add-on was loaded. You can easily check this for an airport in the information window on tabs airport -> overview and then section "Data Sources" at the bottom. The last entry not from path "Official" determines if it is an add-on or not. Alex
  6. You can also use the toolbar button to pause. This keeps the connection as well. Only Asobo can fix this. I reported this already a long time ago. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Alex
  7. All airports not in fs-base-genericairports, fs-base and fs-base-nav are considered add-ons by LNM. Do all airports show as add-on or only some? Can you give me examples? Do you use links, shortcuts, mapped drives or a scenery manager? Do not exclude "Official" in LNM. This will drop all procedures and other airport features. Also clear all entries in LNM options on page "Scenery Library Database". If all else fails: Can you load the scenery library and then send me the log file (https://albar965.github.io/contact.html)? Alex
  8. This is some anti-virus or other "security measures" of Windows blocking the file. I'm afraid I cannot help much. Solution depends on Windows version, installed anti-virus and settings. Alex Edit: This might help: https://mywindowshub.com/how-to-unblock-a-file-in-windows-10/
  9. Sorry, I don't understand. Aircraft center an zoom or dock windows? Maybe a better description or a screenshot can help. Alex
  10. This is "Course to waypoint" or "Kurs zum Wegpunkt" in the progress window. "Steuerkurs" is "Heading". I took note for a future version. But not in the next updates which only fix bugs, sry. Alex Edit: And a happy new year too!
  11. I already checked this API but it only provides basic information like runways. No aprons, no taxiways and no parking. This would not help at all.🤷‍♂️ Alex
  12. LNM does already show multiplayer positions provided the tools populate all values correctly (MSFS: SimConnect, X-Plane: TCAS interfaces). I cannot change it if MSFS does not provide the information on the SimConnect interface (it does for AI for a strange reason). Implementing more and more interfaces as a workaround is not an option for me. You can try Virtual Flight Online Transmitter - VirtualFlight.Online Alex
  13. Read more about aircraft centering here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/AIRCRAFTCENTER.html
  14. Never seen this. Hard to reproduce without screenshots or a short video. Alex
  15. The orange arrows are already scalable images (SVG) which should not appear pixelated. No idea why this happens. Will check. Make sense. I'll pass this over to the authorities as I'm not doing the web development (anymore). You can try to disable a few of the large fields like "name" in the LNM flight plan table. The change is reflected in the web table. I have to see what can be done besides using a smaller font or maybe two lines per leg. However, I cannot promise when these things can be fixed or changed. Alex
  16. Sorry, no idea how to load and overlay PDFs. Seems like a lot of unneeded effort given that LNM already shows procedures and their restrictions like in charts as well as all available navaids. Alex
  17. This is the Little Navmap support forum. Maybe the wrong place to ask such questions.😉
  18. LNM does not integrate into the XP map. It runs in a separate window. Apart from this you can use it as a moving map on a second monitor, remote computer or view the map on any device having a browser. Alex
  19. Hi Garry, LNM detects the cruise phase if the aircraft reaches the set flight plan altitude. No idea what is wrong with the DC-3. Some aircraft "doctor" the fuel flow to avoid simulator limitations and the SimConnect numbers are wrong. In this case build the profile manually. Will check anyway because there are other reports of the logbook not detecting flights properly on MSFS. Might be a related issue. Alex
  20. You're welcome and thank you for the feedback. I'll correct this for the next build. All the best for the New Year! Alex
  21. If LNM is running on the same computer as the simulator just move its window to the second screen. LNM will start from there in the future. Start order does not matter. LNM will connect to the sim and show the aircraft once the sim is running and you "sit in the cockpit". Read the link I posted if you'd like to run LNM on another than the flying computer. Alex
  22. No sure what you mean by switching programs. If you'd like to run LNM on a networked/remote computer see here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/NETWORK.html You run LNM on the flying computer, load the scenery library and then copy the loaded ready-to-use LNM databases to the remote. For flying start Little Navconnect on the flying computer and LNM on the remote to have a moving map. Alex
  23. Forget my last proposal. It does not work. I removed the post. The problem is not only updates but this means that all network communication including online map tile downloads will fail. I just found out that there is an issue in the Linux build. Edit: You have to install openssl 1.1 in the system. Edit 2: Here is a hotfix: https://github.com/albar965/littlenavmap/releases/download/v2.8.7/LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.7-openssl-1.1.tar.gz Alex
  24. I thought the program gives enough guidance on first installation... This is just an hint to tell you that the airport layout of the mentioned add-ons will not match the layout in the simulator. LNM cannot read the DRM (digital restriction management) encrypted airports and will show the stock one. 2.8.7 fully supports XP12 including scenery library, moving map and weather. Alex
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