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Everything posted by DavidP

  1. Cool video. Love to know how you make videos like that.
  2. I often wonder the same thing. I think there may be some FMGS software updates or something. Other than that, they are wing tip fairings...
  3. Then you've exercised your right as a consumer. PMDG decide their pricing policy and no amount of complaining here at AVSIM will change that.
  4. Have you configured it correctly? - see page 5 of the User's Guide
  5. Come on, unless you are in the inner circle at PMDG that is pure, unfounded speculation. There is no way of knowing what goes on behind the scenes there and what they needed from the SDK.
  6. I love the conspiracy theorists. Seriously, people like PMDG, FSL etc. are businesses. Do you really think that if they had what they needed to tap into the market now, they would hold back and not take advantage of a new revenue stream? Too many people commenting are letting their prejudices get the better of them 🙄
  7. The PMDG forums may be a better place to ask, or even better, submit a support ticket via their web site.
  8. And I said that where? Don't put words in my mouth.
  9. Gamers out number simmers. How many gamers would know or care whether a GTN, GNS or any other piece of advanced avionics is properly modelled?
  10. This is what ruins MSFS for me - voting for needed things. It perpetuates the idea of being an arcade game rather than a sim. If things are important, why must ASOBO rely on voter feedback to implement or fix something?
  11. Is the GTN the most up to date version? An expired database should not affect the autopilot.
  12. I might be wrong here but I think the Trainer is meant to be installed in its default location.
  13. Did you reinstall from the Flight1 wrapper? This sounds like it might be a licensing issue.
  14. It's just the usual PMDG bashing that goes on at each release.
  15. They are updating the VC this year as a separate update. They have been quite clear about that.
  16. As a current Flight Instructor, I think you're placing too much emphasis on the database. Follow the advice given by @RXP to update it as far as you can, but in terms of training the nav data for a PPL should not be that important. You haven't wasted your money, as you are learning to use the GNS.
  17. Have a read of the numerous number of threads on this issue
  18. @NickW61, you may well have IT expertise - however as @RXP has pointed out, many users help here with their relevant expertise in using this fine product. Instead of berating the help of @fppilot, perhaps you should continue discussions with @RXP by PM on the more technical aspects of this issue. There are lots of knowledgeable users of this product who go above and beyond the call of duty in helping new users in particular (I'm looking at @Bert Pieke as well as @fppilot) and they should be treated with respect for taking the time to help as they are under no obligation to do so.
  19. False positives have been occurring for many years with software related to the F1 wrapper system. There is nothing to be concerned about.
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