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Everything posted by jfmitch

  1. Dumped V6 namely for losing 75% of my freeware aircraft and causing a terrible cross over of both scenery in V5 and V6 (had both loaded on the same machine). I must admit that the general scenery in V6 is better than V5. That's the only plus it gets from me. Jim
  2. wanted to download KAMA for P3D but got a MSFS download. Who do I contact?
  3. My old landlord a 6"3' female Air Canada pilot of A315 and A320 aircraft told me that I should shoot for anything under 500 FPM. She's too big of a girl to argue with.
  4. I use Malwarebytes. Great program.
  5. This is why I bought a GTX Titan about 6 years ago for $1400.00. Never a word not allowed problem with anything and don't expect any new GPU will catch up to it in at least 4 years more. Jim
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9aj6kj59gk1cz93t8nh0f/Bagdad2.JPG?rlkey=a6ugkrm4jwpuqtdse6en5q0m2&dl=0 what causes these? Jim P3D V5.3
  7. Best darn joystick on the market. Have owned one for 12 years now. " blaunwal" has the answer above. Jim
  8. I have one at 111 GB and the other at 76.3 MB? Jim
  9. For P3DV6 I have found that most aircraft that are FSX and P3DV5 capable are good to go in version 6.
  10. You might check if your CPU is overheating. Download https://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/
  11. I have P3DV5 and P3DV6 on the same computer although in different drives. I have AIG set up on P3DV5 and recently discovered that there is a slot for P3DV6 in the setup. I would like to know if I can run P3DV6 utilizing the AIG setup on P3Dv5? I realize that I would have to run Manager and Controller each time I switch P3D versions. I might be out to lunch with this but would really like to set up both.
  12. I know that the Arctic tree line is moving 40 to 50 meters a year because of warming; but goodness gracious, Canadian Forces Station Alert on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island in the high Arctic doesn't have any vegetation. Why then does P3D V5 have trees growing there. Maybe Lockheed people need to go to the US Base at Thule, Greenland, which is 440 miles south of Alert, to see that there are no trees there either. Enough of my rant,does anyone know of a way to rid P3DV5 of trees north of the Arctic tree line. Jim
  13. Don't overload your AI if you don't want your CPU overheating is my advice. I loaded every AI plane available and set the Controller at 100% and P3D kept shutting down every few minutes. Reduce to 50% and everything now running fine. Jim GPU - Titan X CPU - i9 12th generation 32 M RAM
  14. Never mind i'm getting my money back. If they don't answer emails or instant messenger they don't deserve it. Jim
  15. I bought on Blackbox and am disappointed with their help. Haven't received a reply in two days. Jim
  16. Guess I bought the wrong one? Blackbox doesn't answer my emails. Jim
  17. Does anyone know why Blackbox wouldn't be answering emails? Jim
  18. Is there a BN2B Islander that will work in P3DV5.3 for sale anywhere? Jim
  19. I have the IRIS DA 42 and it works well. Carenado aircraft will work in P3D5 if you use https://carenado.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046625614-Installing-Carenado-aircraft-in-P3Dv5 and follow their instructions. Had the P3Dv4 Duke and first time I tried it too had a transparent dash. Working well now.
  20. This the IRIS model? I have no problems with it at all.
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