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About Tino

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  • Birthday 11/07/1989

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  1. From what I understand, if you are using AIG Traffic: AIG Checkbox is selected, no need for AIG Traffic Controller. If you want to use AIG Traffic models with FSLTL injector: External Checkbox is selected, no need for AIG Traffic Controller. So basically, anytime you are running FSHud, AIG Traffic Controller is not required. Sorry, saw someone already answered your question.
  2. This is the only issue I currently have with the program. It takes some extra time, but I noticed If I keep my speed to the first requested selection, it seems to work out just fine. Keep up the great work and looking forward to the next beta update!
  3. We are not late to the party, we are simply still waiting for the actual package from REX. Everything else has been setup on our end for over a week. Hopefully we receive the package soon.
  4. Yes, its located under MENU > CONFIG within the MCDU. I haven't had any issues with it. To un-pause, simply disable the same option (config menu) and the flight will continue. It's the only aircraft I've been able to use Pause at TOD correctly. I'm guessing that's because the aircraft systems are external. I'll have to check if the fuel burn still happens.
  5. I don't usually jump into these sorts of conversations, but thought I'd address some things, as certain comments do seem misleading. I'm not speaking for Austin or the Laminar team, but from a developer perspective, X-Plane is not trying to compete with MSFS. Austin even acknowledged how beautiful MSFS looks. There's no denying that. He simply stated he's starting to see a change in direction, which enables both simulators to co-exist. (Each with its own unique styles and features). This doesn't mean they are ONLY aiming at professional customers. It simply means the platform is ready for those types of customers if they so choose. As I stated in previous interviews, the majority of the Orbx staff are flight simmers too! We enjoy flying on all platforms. I can't deny that MSFS looks outstanding, especially with high-fidelity aircraft. I've been really enjoying the Fenix and PMDG products recently. Although, I still fly a lot in X-Plane. I'd say my time is split 50/50 between each sim, (Not including dev time). From a development perspective, I really enjoy the process of scenery design for X-Plane as I'm comfortable with the tools and the work environment. Others may enjoy the process of MSFS design. It all comes down to preference. Either way, a lot of us at Orbx are excited for X-Plane 12. Just as we were with MSFS. At the end of the day, it gives people choices to enjoy what we all have a passion for. Sante-
  6. The modeling technique used on the engines is superb! Just look at the fan blades\cowlings in the first picture...amazing! The color tones of the blades themselves make them look very realistic. Sure gives it that "depth perception".
  7. Not sure if this would help but, I'll explain what I do within the sim: I usually set the MCP ALT to the first "fix" on the approach chart. For example: If I'm landing ILS 08L at CYVR, I would set 3000' since EMKAM is the first fix on that approach. (This is only if I am flying offline "Vatsim" and have no ATC restrictions. I dont usually fly with the default ATC). All of this is setup before reaching T/D. Once I reach T/D, The aircraft will manage the decent on it's own. The 777 calculates the speed restrictions properly as well. I rarely have to intervene with speed brakes, unless I have a strong tail wind. If the PFD is showing [HOLD] mode, I use the throttle to manually adjust the speed when required. Once I reach EMKAM, The aircraft will maintain 3000' until glide-slope is captured with APP mode enabled. Another tip: I usually set a 7nm ring by entering the arrival ICAO within the FIX page of the FMC. This gives me a distance marker of when I should have the aircraft fully configured for landing. I've always had great landings once I started doing that. I guess the main thing is, try to be "ahead" of the aircraft and everything else will follow. It may not be "real world" at all but, it does help with what I have to accomplish. Hope this helps. Cheers,
  8. Thanks Max, I'll take a look and reply back with any questions I have. Much appreciated!
  9. Well, that's a relief. I always thought onboard audio wasn't as good as a dedicated sound card. I guess i'll give it a try and purchase a card afterwards if I feel it's not performing well enough. Thanks for the information.
  10. Thanks for your reply Glynn. Are these replaceable for a cheaper option? I'm looking to get 7.1 Audio and require a wireless network card. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you.
  11. Good afternoon, After lurking these forums for a while, I though it was time to ask for suggestions on my new build. Currently, I'm looking for a system that's under $2000 CAD that can run FSX or P3D very well. I have looked on various sites regarding the best parts for FSX\P3D and tried to match the best I could for my budget. Here is my current parts list (In Canadian Dollars): Intel Core i7-6700K Quad-Core Processor - $460.98 Corsair H80i GT Liquid CPU Cooler - $99.33 Asus Z170-A ATX LGA 1151 Motherboard - $207.25 G.Skill TridentZ Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory - $119.99 Crucial BX200 480GB 2.5" SSD - $154.99 EVGA Geforce GTX980 4GB Superclocked Video Card - $693.98 Corsair SPEC-01 RED ATX Mid Tower Case - $64.00 Corsair CX-750W 80+Modular Power Supply - $94.98 LG Standard DVD\CD Writer - $16.85 Asus Xonar DS 24bit 192KHz Sound Card 7.1 - $59.88 (Will try on-board sound first) Asus PCE-N15 802.11b\g\n Wireless Card - $34.33 Total (CAD): $1932.57 (After mail-in rebate) Now my questions is, are there any parts that I could possibly change in order to reduce the overall cost but, not affect performance? I know that it's difficult to say what the outcome will be since all systems are different. Any comments are welcome. Thanks for your time.
  12. Thanks for the awesome update. 777 is flying great and VAS has dropped significantly. I am seeing a good jump in frames too! (Might be due to my system since it's not top of the line at all. So any extra processes is well accepted). Happy New Year!
  13. I Love how all of these are taken at YVR. :wub:
  14. That makes sense! It could have been a much higher number in the PERF INIT page at the gate. I might have skipped over it by mistake and assumed PFPX was inputting that information automatically. I will re-visit the flight in the future and see if that was the culprit. Thanks for your time, Kyle.
  15. Steps to reproduce would be to start the flight at KIAD with exact weight\fuel figures. Step climb would be roughly 30 minutes after departure up to FL340. Using the 737-900WL latest version. Also, If you have ASN, I have been using LIVE weather from Dec, 6th. 2015, in case you need to use historical. CRZ ALT was at 32000 in the PERF INIT Page. This information was provided to me by PFPX, exported directly to the NGX. (In case you'd like to reproduce). ******************************************************************************** F O R I N F O R M A T I O N O N L Y ******************************************************************************** UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHTPLAN - IFR UAL1073B N32404 KIAD-KLAX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL WEIGHTS IN POUNDS (LB) STD 06DEC/1850Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFP 1 - PREPARED 06DEC/2222Z BY SANTE SOTTILE 1073B/UAL1073B N32404/B737-9ERW CF ROUTE: (AUTO) DEP: KIAD/IAD 19R ELEV 313 FT MACH: M.81 TTL G/C DIST: 1986 NM ARR: KLAX/LAX 25R ELEV 128 FT INIT ALT: FL320 TTL F/P DIST: 2006 NM FUEL BIAS: 100.0% TTL AIR DIST: 2211 NM AVG WIND CMP: HD042 KT ALT: KLGB/LGB 30 ELEV 60 FT 27 NM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIG DOW PAX CARGO TOTAL ULOAD LIM ZFW TOW LDW STANDARD 94600 153 7417 36429 2048 TOW MAX 136100 174700 157300 PLN 131029 172652 140999 ACT ...... ...... ...... FUEL CORR ENDUR TRIP 31653 ........ 04:51 CONT 5% 1583 ........ 00:19 ALTN KLGB 1026 ........ 00:08 FINAL RESV 2443 ........ 00:30 HOLD 2460 ........ 00:30 MIN T/O 39165 ........ 06:18 ..................................... EXTRA 2458 ........ 00:30 CAPTAINS SIGNATURE (....) TAXI 250 ........ 00:10 RELEASE 41873 ........ 06:58 I ACCEPT THIS OFP AND I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE PLANNED ROUTE AND AERODROMES FUEL TANK CAP 46057 LB / MAX EXTRA FUEL 2048 LB LIM BY TOW TRIP CORR FOR 3000 LB TOW INCR: +313 LB / 3000 LB TOW DECR: -466 LB 2000 FT LOWER: +900 LB / EET 04:47 CLB: 250/280/78 DES: 78/280/250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KIAD STD 18:50Z/13:50L ETD 18:50Z ACT OFBL .... EST T/O 19:00Z ACT T/O .... KLAX STA 00:30Z/16:30L ETA 23:56Z ACT ONBL .... EST LDG 23:51Z ACT LDG .... 05:40 05:06 TTL BLCK .... TTL FLT .... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATC ROUTE: N0474F320 BUNZZ3 RAMAY J149 EYTEE J6 COLNS J134 STL J110 RSK J64 TBC J128 PGS RIIVR2 Let me know what other information you'd like. I can't see what was in my PERF INIT now since it's still showing a descent profile. Thanks, Sante-
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