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Everything posted by Tino

  1. Ok, just was checking to see if it was related or not. Sorry for opening another topic. Thanks very much!
  2. Hi there, Thought I'd start a new thread about what I've been experiencing for the past two weeks. AI aircraft have been acting very odd these days. Some AI aircraft will taxi but suddenly pause for a minute, then re-appear elsewhere. I've also seen aircraft slewing all over the airport at random times. Is this due to the ADSB coverage? I'm specifically testing this at RKSI. Although, I've seen aircraft pause at airports other than RKSI. For example: KLAX, RJTT, KJFK. Any suggestions? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I don't ever remember AI acting this way before. I still need to upgrade to 15.6. Thank you.
  3. Yep, same issue here. I need to hold "shift" while right click the icon, then select "move", in order for it to appear again. Just saw the 15.5 update. Thank you!
  4. Was this today? Wish they could provide date stamps for latest versions. EDIT: Looks like the app tells you of a newer version when launching. Downloading now. Thanks!
  5. I am also seeing this issue. Aircraft stop on the runway and disappear.
  6. Yes. I will wait for the Orbx version. This ensures everything plays well with my other Orbx Global products, with an easy installation like their TreesHD product.
  7. I've had my fair share of issues with the 787 once it initially came out for P3Dv4. As time went on and after listening to their customers, v1.3 of the product is fantastic. All major issues have been ironed out. Since the latest update, I haven't had any CTD's at all. It's a really enjoyable aircraft to fly and well worth the price. It will only get better from here. The next update will include the 787-10 and improved weather radar + other systems for free. If anyone is looking at getting a 787. This one will not disappoint you.
  8. Interesting! I had no idea VoxAtc handled AI. Does it do a good job? I might have to give it a try. I appreciate the suggestion.
  9. I agree. I find myself coming back to the 787 once in a while but, get discouraged with the CTD's at random points, or flaws with LNAV\VNAV, inconsistency with step climbs and other options that were previously enabled. I really want this bird to succeed. I'm hoping the next update fixes a lot of those issues. Consistency is key.
  10. Don't you love seeing the clump of aircraft on short final, then have them all do a 180 degree turn at 500ft, when going missed? 😂
  11. I have yet to see any DXGI error since my re-install of windows and P3D. I used to get them constantly.. One thing I did do differently was, to only install P3Dv4 compatible scenery. I left other FSX only scenery in my storage drive. Another thing I've noticed was WIn 10 1809 included newer drivers in the release package. It didn't take as long to update my default drivers to the latest releases. I'm wondering if the previous Windows update didn't overwrite the video drivers properly? A proper re-install may have corrected that. I'm saying this was the solution but, I haven't seen any errors since doing a full re-install. Anyway, thought I'd contribute to the conversation, since it's such a difficult error to pinpoint. Cheers.
  12. Hi Joe, This sounds a little odd. I haven't noticed any performance issues myself. Actually saw the opposite. Jump over to our forums and we will be able to investigate. Cheers.
  13. I can also confirm that 64bit version no longer works. Fresh install of P3Dv4.4 I see there was an update released, I will try 12.11
  14. John has been providing the community with absolutely amazing repaints, for a long time now. The details you put into them are magnificent. Love your work, John. It's at a point where, I can't fly unless I have one of your paints installed. I hope you apply!
  15. TOD was fine. The only issue I saw was TOC. The TOC indicator was a little off. (About 10nm ahead of where it should be). Other than that. TOD worked normally.
  16. You are not the only one. I also re-created all panel states and have that same message. I will try to delete and re-create again.
  17. Just finished flying across the pond with the new update. First time flying with Weather Radar. No issues at all. Aircraft has better performance (for me). I was able to use landing lights without getting the slide show. Aircraft is also much smoother. EFB is way better and derate\takeoff calculations are more accurate. Biggest fix that I saw: The aircraft actually follows VNAV\LNAV path correctly and captures the LOC\GS perfectly. They did a really great job on this update.
  18. I'm going to take a wild guess, You are on a acceptance flight over the olympic mountain range, Olympic National Park, WA. By the way, She looks stunning in that light!
  19. Good to know, thanks for the clarification, Nico!
  20. As per Vpilot documentation: "<ModelMatchRule CallsignPrefix="BAW" TypeCode="B733" ModelName="F1UT2_733.BA.BA" /> " 4 letter codes are still required. It was my understanding that VMRGenerator was no longer required for the latest version of Vpilot. Having 4 letter ICAO in the ui_type field is required to show the appropriate aircraft while connected to vatsim. (Unless I'm missing something?) That is why I still input the 4 letter identifier. So I can switch between Vatsim or PSX.
  21. Good to know! Like I said, I use my custom AI library for multiple things. Using 4 letter code ensures that it works with other programs like Vpilot.
  22. Hi Nico, I never knew ui_type wasn't used.. That makes more sense. I just change that field for Vatsim (VPILOT) model matching, since it still looks at ui_type. (Out of habit I guess). This way, I can switch between PSX and Vatsim, depending on my mood. As for the E175 ICAO, I had no idea they used E170 for that series. Thanks for letting me know. (You learn something new everyday). I edited my previous reply. Cheers!
  23. Hi Bob, This is what your CFG should look like: [fltsim.0] title=Air Canada Express Embraer 175 opb Sky Regional Airlines model= sim=aia_emb_175 texture=aircanadaexpress atc_airline=MAPLE atc_flight_number= atc_heavy=0 atc_id= <----*** Optional. Fill this in with the specific REG of the aircraft if you have it. I use this for speacil liveries so they will show up properly in the sim*** atc_parking_codes=SKV <---- *** This should be the 3 letter ICAO of the airline, which would be Sky Regional (SKV)*** atc_parking_types=GATE description=Model For AI Traffic Use Only. ui_manufacturer=AIA ui_type=E170 <----***Optional for VATSIM model Matching. This should be the 3 - 4 ICAO code of the aircraft type*** ui_variation=Sky Regional You shouldn't see errors after that. Cheers.
  24. Hi Michael, Great suggestion. It will become more realistic that way. Hope this gets implemented. 🙂 Once that happens, you should have a better experience with your extensive AI library.
  25. Just found the culprit. Under "General" in the Aircraft.cfg, the ATC_Model was listed as B77W(.) with a period at the end. I took that out and it's now working properly. Sorry for the trouble! Cheers.
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