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Everything posted by Toktok

  1. I did. Your topic refers: "...SODE issues (red crosses) after W10 updates ?" so I explained to you that red Xs has nothing to do with Win10 updates. I further gave you the example that updating from 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 in my case did not alter my XML files at all. So the possible issue that is causing the red Xs to show - even after you reinstalled 1.6.5 and the red Xs disappeared for a moment - is related to SODE placement XML files specific to the airports you are seeing the red Xs. Write to the SODE developer and he will tell you the same thing. OK, someone else help this guy with a better explanation.
  2. I had major Win10 updates lately also. Removed SODE 1.6.4 and updated to 1.6.5 just this week when Jeffrey (SODE developer) came out with his new VDGS, so again, it has nothing to do with Win10 updates. Win10 does not alter SODE XML files as SODE is a stand-alone module. SODE red Xs are indication of missing or duplicate XML names, etc. My recent RKSI release had duplicate names/files (red Xs) and had to go back into the placement XML for each gate and fixed the offending files. The red Xs are SODE-related errors. Go into your C:ProgramData\12bpilot\SODE\Log and send the log to the scenery developers to ID the offending XML files, etc.
  3. The red X is a separate model from the base SODE install. Nothing to do with Win10 updates. It is an indicator of missing or misnamed model files. If you reference a model by its "SimTitle" in the xml and the MDL file is missing on the harddisk, then SODE will just place the red X. This is also the case if the "SimTitle" in the xml is spelled incorrectly. In both cases the SODE.log file will reveal the underlying problem with an error message. It could also be duplicate SODE jetways or the fact that SODE models from previous install not removed before installing v1.6.5 I suggest you get in touch with the scenery developers and advise them of this issue which they should fix.
  4. The night lighting and the weather engine itself is simply amazing. Now we are able to "...directly injict the wel deta directly into the ingyne" ..Gotta love David Dedeine's accent. Can't wait for EP3.
  5. That's odd. Is the particular rwy ILS or non ILS? If it is ILS, then try change Type to non ILS. (Note that changing from ILS to non ILS only affects AI traffic). Also make sure to reverse "Forward" orientation to see if that makes any difference. If you haven't yet, extend taxiway width (leading up to hold short point) by a few meters to allow for smooth AI traffic flow.
  6. In afcad for the airport, double click the Hold_Short node (red dot) to open up the hold_short editor and change the hold-short Type to "Hold_Short_No_Draw." If the type is already given that designation by developer, go ahead and try just "Hold_Short." AI's get confused with the hold-short type designation just before the rwy and tend not to take-off even though cleared by ATC.
  7. Pic 17, Lionel referred to in the video is Wewak (Wewak airport), Papua New Guinea. The procedural buildings (autogen) are correctly rendered per Azure AI, except a few high rises (autogen) there don't exist in real life. Good to see MS showing/mentioning my hometown and looking forward to updating/adding bush strips, towns and villages in the new sim.
  8. Watched one of the video reviews and the wife walked in peering over my shoulder with excitement. "OMG! this is jaw-dropping gorgeous." "I know right," I replied. "Which part of the new sim do you think is jaw-dropping?" "Oh, I was referring to the new monitor you just bought." Sigh! I am now of the view that she's going to be disappointed that I won't be mowing the lawn, shuffling snow, take out the trash, go to bed early, etc etc from day 1 of MSFS2020 release.
  9. What assumption? I am going by the DR and progress work already shown (pics and videos) since June. It is in the weekly/monthly updates we are seeing so far. There is really no need for testers to tell me how the progress work looks. You should pay attention to the DR because that is Microsoft's roadmap..
  10. I will tell you now that Microsoft will NOT/cannot afford to risk exposing their product during and after final WIP build simply because we are demanding progress work via testers. Via testers. They control the work-flow from start to finish and will ONLY show glimpse of progress stages at their own pace and scheduled DR.
  11. Your full statement - which I read carefully - informs me that you do not understand how NDA works. Developers, let alone a multi-billion dollar company such as Microsoft, don't haphazardly allow testers to post pics or videos of progress work that is under NDA. Again, educate yourself of the legalese of NDAs before posting uninformed suppositions.
  12. What's the big deal? NDA/EULA. Educate yourself further on what NDA legally means.
  13. Provide SDK in advance of FS2020 release so that we can get a headstart with 3rd party design and development. And if Microsoft reading this thread, include small devs like us to participate in Tech Alphas and betas, pls.
  14. No stuttering from my system. Could be buffering from ISP bandwidth.
  15. Good to see 3D light coverage close-up and at distance. Houses, street lights, cars, objects have lights or are reflecting lights. Breaking through the clouds/fog at night on approach will never be the same again... The night immersion factor has been improved tremendously.
  16. MS finally has people animated. LAX, NY, Seattle, etc looks amazing as well.
  17. Where did you see that you are supposed to buy each sim platform product separately? Our standing policy is that if you own FSX, you get P3D upgrade free. That has always been the case since P3Dv1, v2, v3, v4. Same with discount sales; you pay once and get the upgrade of the same purchased product free. You Only need to ask and you'll get your answer via our email address or at our facebook page. Those who bought our products will vouch for that.
  18. 2018 ends in 4 days and we still have deals at the PacSim Store for folks who've yet to take advantage of the once-a-year Sale.
  19. 12 days to year end, folks. Check out deals at the PacSim Store.
  20. Happening now at the PacSim Store. https://www.islandsim.com/index.html
  21. Folks, Thanksgiving holiday season Sales will be over in 6 days so don't forget to make use of the discount event at the PacSim Store.
  22. Folks, Thanksgiving is almost here so we have begun discount Sales exclusively at the PacSim Store starting today until 30 November, 2018. Our latest release, Reno-Tahoe Int is also on Sale. https://www.islandsim.com/index.html
  23. Below is what you wrote me. I now urge you to pay for the product currently sitting on your system which you got for free. Expect a Payment invoice from me today. Very dissappointing software. I guess I will uninstall it and not use it if there is no support and not even a forum. I'm sure someone else will come out with one that does not have these problems. What a loss of my money again!! I will avoid PACSIM products from now on and stick with FSDT and flightbeam. At least they work with all plugins and have forums and proper support..
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