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Everything posted by spacedyemeerkat

  1. 😲 How could you go for King Eric Cantona in such a savage way?! 😁
  2. When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
  3. Oh! Funny post 👍 It's a combination of the lack of trees and a blurry no-man's land outside a radius of about five miles around your aircraft that does it for me.
  4. I'm a little puzzled here. How can you install the "incorrect" version from the in-sim marketplace?
  5. Possibly not. But you're likely to see 200 of them.
  6. The author of the mod has since posted in that thread (and updated the flightsim.to page) to say there is no difference when the mod is active. It doesn't work.
  7. If those in the beta don't want to be quizzed, don't say you were in the beta. Yes, we know there's an NDA but you will get asked. No need to get uppity about it.
  8. Trees not fixed here, either. ChaoticBeauty said it was fixed in the beta so wonder what's happened?
  9. No, Tuskin. It's the downfall of western civilisation as we know it, word not allowed 👍😄
  10. ChaoticBeauty implied they'd been involved with the beta and the tree issue is now fixed.
  11. Only 2m 15s in and I feel horribly twitchy! Real sense of dread.
  12. There are two different issues here although connected: 1) night lighting in general, 2) the bluriness of night lighting in ultrawide resolutions. Trust me, if you've seen the latter, you *know*. It's awful.
  13. Nope. It's horrendously bad on a 5120x1440 display. So bad, in fact, that I absolutely avoid flying when lights are required down below!
  14. My cake was actually delivered this morning. Very nice it was, too.
  15. I nearly choked on my beer reading this in light of your recent posting history! 👀😁 Tongue out of cheek, Dillon's right. The LoD is still far lower than it was prior to the last world update. Or was it the last sim update? I forget. Anyway, the LoD is noticeably reduced, as is the tree drawing distance with or without the three well-known mods.
  16. Well, I have to say this hotfix has blown me away in terms of overall performance. It's not just fixed the hotspot areas, it's also affected the, uh, entire world. Frame rates are up across the board, reminding me of the sim I fell in love with back in beta. Now, if only they'd sort the LoD and tree issue 😁
  17. That's great news! Does this mean you no longer want Asobo to "go under"? 😉😁
  18. Thanks for the tip. Raised an eyebrow at this: "we are extremely confident in saying that Farnborough is the most detailed Airport as yet released by any developer for Microsoft Flight Simulator". Not sure I would agree with that on the basis of their promotional material. Perhaps you need to be there.
  19. I still haven't bought any of Gary's airports for this iteration of Flight Simulator. For me, the value (in terms of money and quality) just doesn't appear to be there compared to other airports at a not dissimilar price point. Just look at Drzewiecki Design's KDCA, for example. There appears to be a rather astonishing difference. Or, more locally, Macco's EGCC. I think I said this earlier in the thread but UK2000 needs to move with the times but I've not seen anything yet that indicates they can. I hope I'm wrong, I really do.
  20. Yes! I usually potter along at a couple of thousand feet in a single prop so it's been great to skip the land at a relatively low level. Can really see the undulating hills in the UK. They barely even look like they're there from 2,000 feet.
  21. Bought the MB 339 yesterday having read this thread. Thank you for the recommendation: it's great fun!
  22. You can just install over the top of the original. It'll do so automatically.
  23. I bring bad tidings: working as intended* 😁 This most upvoted comment in this thread will help explain: https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/77961/do-all-single-engined-aircraft-experience-torque-that-cause-a-turning-tendency-d * unless it's really extreme and you're doing barrel rolls with no control inputs.
  24. Mine has peaked at 100 degrees across a couple of cores but only momentarily. It coincides with enormous stutters that have only started happening since the UK release, exacerbated by the sim update last week. And no, I haven't seen this behaviour in any other game or program.
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