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Everything posted by spacedyemeerkat

  1. Double post due to no server response. Sort it out, Avsim, or give us a delete button 😁 (Perhaps one exists but I've just not found it after 15 years?!)
  2. Do what makes you happy. We live once. Once. Sure, sound out advice. But don't procrastinate. Follow your heart, enjoy - most of all, be happy!
  3. Peter Tishma! Now that's a name I've not heard since... oh... before- oops, wrong film. Let me see... since what... 1995? Papa Tango of the night lighting scam.
  4. Another excellent video, mrfilbert. Thank you. It seems fairly clear to me that Gary/UK2000 is lagging some distance behind other developers at the moment.
  5. No, I have the 27" PG27U. That 43" version is waaaaay cheaper than the 27" was when I bought it. Wow!
  6. Yes. My experience of HDR1000 and HDR400 is the latter is... well... pointless. Virtually no difference to a non-HDR setup. Definitely worth getting an HDR1000 monitor if you can afford it. And MSFS2020's implementation of HDR is just wonderful. I've got an Asus 4k HDR1000 monitor so would be interesting to see what difference the 3090 makes to a 2080Ti in 4k. My 3090 has been on pre-order since 'release'. Probably at least another couple of weeks away. All in good time!
  7. No, but I know of several Avsim posters I'd like to pop on the flight. Preferably without their communication devices 😁
  8. Why do we always make those assumptions? It could just as well be going to charity. I only watched the iJustine video; perhaps she'll even keep it and use it occasionally. In the world of computer component reviews - and I get that this is altogether different, fire and forget - the equipment is virtually always returned to the manufacturer. Edit: also, with respect to the chap who ended up on an ignore list because of his drumming comment, I think the underlying point was that it's easier to reproduce than to create. I say this because one of my loves in life is progressive metal and progressive rock so I frequent various forums and often see those sorts of comments (progsnobbery is a real thing, too, just like simsnobbery!). On Avsim, though, the comment felt out of place without the underlying music forum context (and it did still come across as a little unkind, regardless). There are many of those sorts of performers on YouTube, so much amazing natural ability whether it's on guitar, drums, bass, whatever. I've been playing guitar for, what, 32 years?, and my ability is nowhere near, nowhere near!, that of some 12 year olds. It's incredible. I genuinely wish I had a 1/4 of their natural ability! It's always fascinating to see if and what they can create themselves, though. I suppose that's very broadly analogous to saying about Messi, "but can he do it on a wet, windy Tuesday night in Stoke?" (side note: no need to ask about Ronaldo, we already know he can 😎)
  9. Just finished watching the video because of your comment... what an enjoyable ten minutes that was 😁
  10. Sorry, what? Not sure what I've been doing in the game for 100 hours but it can't have been flying, can it?
  11. This from the chap who created a post entitled... checks notes... 'Does MSFS do anything really well?', who believes you need to mod the sim to get a [single] "realistic" experience. Poppycock.
  12. Oh, a local flyer! Based in Northants here, grew up in Aylesbury. I love taking flights over Buckinghamshire.
  13. Why do people post these departure announcements? There's literally nothing anyone can say to convince you not to and it just leads to circular arguments. Just move on, it's that simple.
  14. For many, including me, the log has been broken since the last patch. All manner of shenanigans going on with it.
  15. Check your audio output settings. Could be that the centre channel has become unplugged if you're using 5.1, for example. (This actually happened to me a couple of weeks ago.)
  16. I suspect many (the majority?) will end-up flip-flopping between stage five and your stage six 😁
  17. 'twas ever thus. Not saying it's right (as a consumer, it isn't) but this is generally how the gaming industry operates.
  18. People do have a right to moan but man alive, some perspective would be good. Shudder to think of the collective blood pressure on display in this thread.
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