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Everything posted by jymp

  1. I've always been a FSX/P3D guy, laughed at X Plane, but....with XP 11 coming with its new lighting, new UI, and other improvements such as better ATC and traffic I just may give it a serious look
  2. Again in X Plane the white on the aircraft looks grey...
  3. As a user of FSX SE and P3D V3, I'm excited for X-Plane 11, looks to be a bright future for it with the huge updates coming with 11, especially finally going to a easy to use nice looking updated UI, yes !
  4. Yes !, finally X Plane is getting a much much much needed UI overhaul, graphics are looking alot better as well so X Planes future seems to be bright, hopefully the clouds will be better than in this video, finally X Plane is progressing to the point of a purchase from me
  5. Installed the latest update this morning, joystick still will not work no matter what I do, can't believe there's no fix for this.
  6. Tried the tweak guide, it made the graphics look only a small bit better, bad AA and shimmering are still there, if anyone has any idea how to make the bad AA and awful shimmering go away, I'm listening, right now nothing seems to work, I wouldn't have thought in 2016 a developer would actually go backward 5 yrs in the graphics dept, but by golly DTG has found a way
  7. Agreed, NV Inspector does very little for this, can't believe they released looking this bad with the jaggies and shimmering it has, MS Flight was released years ago, it looked awesome out of the box
  8. Yes, the graphics are quite bad, especially considering this is 2016, MS Flight might have been stillborn but it had awesome graphics and that was a few years ago. DTG you have to do better than this.
  9. No realistic ATC, no realistic AI, no AI at all from what I've seen...
  10. P3D calibration screen is greyed out, can't do anything with it, no FSUIPC at all, have never needed it
  11. For me in game calibration is greyed out, cant do anything with that at all, strange.
  12. After this last 3.2 update my Logitech 3D Pro will not do anything, I'm reading this is the same for other joysticks makes as well, so far no one has an answer, not even Lockheed
  13. I have the same problem, with the same joystick, joystick works fine with FSX SE, will not work at all in P3D v3.2, I tried everything, nothing works. (and yes I mean everything)
  14. Video and or screenshots of the UI would be interesting
  15. Took one look, and knew it was XPlane, the lighting is all wrong
  16. It's based on FSX Technology, nothing more than still beating a dead horse, 64 bit or not.
  17. I've tried XPlane and cannot see any reason whatsoever to recommend it over FSX/P3D v 3.1, My opinion only.
  18. It is great, this is the best Flight Simulation there is right now
  19. I've tried X-Plane several times, I never could get it to run smooth and look good, but it has one thing over the others in that they sure nailed the night lighting, it does look great !
  20. Considering buying the Aerosoft Tomcat, will it work in V3 ?
  21. Has anyone tried the Just Flight F-117A in FSX-SE or P3D v 3 yet, will it work ?
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