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  1. I'm so hesitant due to FPS, I have a Ryzen 9 3950X with 32g of ram and a 2070 Super and it would really tick me off if I got low FPS when the rest of my planes run in the 60s and higher.
  2. Wont be touching that!! 7 it is.
  3. Hi, I've gone through many pages here and cant find the answer, OpusFSI does not see joystick/yoke button assignments but does see keyboard assignments. I use FSUIPC for everything, does that matter? Thanks
  4. MSE is just about dead last in effectiveness, I would not trust it. I use ESET and it is very good. PC magazine rates Webroot very well, I may consider it on another PC to see just how good it is, the main program is apparently less than 1 meg is size!
  5. I do find the answer rude, there are alternatives to give the same answer. It always blows me away to see forum reactions to certain things, I'm sure there is a very nice person at the other end. Would we address him that way face to face? unlikely;) but easy to do behind a keyboard.
  6. 757 or Embraer 170/190 or a good CRJ700
  7. Gorgeous!! But what is the point? We are going to need a "waiting" add on, a "debarcation" add-ons "security" add-on...LOL (..and all kinds of little moving people)
  8. A friend of mine has traveled all over the world, in some countries you just don't feel good getting on board of some airlines, safety standards are definitely not equal around the world. Personally I plan my travels with big names only. Of course staying clear of war zones that's another story.
  9. What type of switch do I need for building a panel and use Linda? On/Off or momentary? Thanks
  10. Does FTX global take a bite out of the frame rates?
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