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Everything posted by ahsmatt7

  1. Dont do the electrical power down procedure. When you di the securing check, your "securing" the airplane. That's when you give the airplane to another crew.
  2. Last time I checked, I cant warp the airplane I fly to any airport I want in the real world. PMDG is aiming for realism.... Like I said before, this is the closest thing simmers will get to real world ops. Besides, you can fly the route you proposed....just find an airplane parked at YSSY and fly the airplane to RPLL.
  3. I dont get it, Why does anyone fly these types of planes in p3d ot whatever sim one chooses? It's most likely probably because one wants to be the captain of said airliner flying said route. For many people, that's the truth. For some not. If you arent currently flying fir an airline in the real world or have never flown for an airline and have always dreamed of it or have been curious as to what it's like, then this is what like. You take an airplane from another crew and you fly it from your current position. You get told where to go once on the ground and you are expected to leave the airplane in the correct manner. If you have no desire to see what real.life airline flying is like....I would stay away from GFO. If you do though, then this is a fantastic product.
  4. So your saying that because of the new runway, there will be increased traffic? I would argue that that won't be the case. It will help alleviate quite a bit of head aches. Granted, new arrivals and departures should be made to make the new layout efficient.
  5. How would there be a higher chance of midair collisions? Doesn't make any sense at all.
  6. You see them much more clearly in real life. Plain and simple.
  7. Wouldn't it be easier to pitch up to the max allowable nose up pitch attitude and then just take the extra performance? Clean up the airplane on the normal schedule and go from there...
  8. Either way...just trying to lighten the mood
  9. The problem is that this has been said plenty of times.....just no one listens lol
  10. No one knows the exact details of the incident including the weather at ooetuinak airports, the time at which the events took place and where the events took place. Until we do, no captain worth his weight in Gold is going to risk the lives of all the other passengers just to save one passenger. It stinks that you have to take a utilitarian point of view when these things happen but it is what it is. I had a scenario like this on a CRM portion of an interview. It's a tough scenario to be in when you are in charge of the entire operation. That being said, some of you are so unbelievably self-righteous that all you are doing is showing your insane ignorance.....just stick to flight sim. You'll keep the world much more safe.
  11. This post reminds me of crew rooms.....which is why I avoid them at all costs... Your boss is always listening in on conversations... There always other pilots trying to convince others they are right about.....evvveeeryytthhiinnggg... And then there's that one guy/gal who acts like they have the ONLY secret to a happy life... Except this post is about flightsims... not that fancy 4 day that no one can ever hold.
  12. No...that's the right way to do things....
  13. I wonder if it's one of those aircraft specific simulator locations RSR has mentioned in the past....
  14. Couldn't have said it better myself! I feel the exact same way!
  15. You can't hear the engines from the cockpit in real life. I remember the first time I jumpstarted on an md88 3 years back and the first thing I thought was...."hahaha it sound just like leonardo's maddog hahah" I actually cracked a smile when we rotated because it sounded like flightsim lol.
  16. If it has autofeather....it will feather once torque has been lost. It all depends on what prop system the F50 has....
  17. With all due respect....how much of a help do you really think a flight attendant can be. They are in no way trained to do ANYTHING up front. They would be a huge hindrance instead of any help whatsoever. I have to disagree with you on every point you have made. Respectfully of course. Flying a transport category airplane is much much different than a Cessna. Lift/thrust/drag......yeah you're right, it's all there....however, it's all happening so much faster with an airplane that feels so much more heavier. They also react much differently too. I dont thi k anyone could really land an airliner with their only experience being flightsim. They definitely could get into a level d simulator and under near to perfect conditions land the sim.... Even a cessna...they would most likely seriously impress the instructor.
  18. They dont.... Airlines expect their pilots to do what's safest in any given situation. Which in a lot of cases....puts passenger comfort well behind many other more pertinent concerns.
  19. My wife is at ZAU. So did you actually go through the academy? I remember when my wife went through it......it sucked the worst ever.
  20. The first situation you typed out happens quite a bit at ORD. I get instructions to intercept the localizer well before I'm actually ever given an explicit approach clearance...especially when they are doing long finals and keeping guys down quite a bit ways out. By the way, last I assumed....you worked with the FAA...Do you get jumpseat privileges or no?
  21. I don't know how you guys can do long haul. I'm not quite there in my career yet but man...how do you keep busy Lol? Especially with someone who considers themselves to be "introverted."
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