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Everything posted by NZ255

  1. Thanks! Yeah pretty easy for this paint. Only a couple of places to pixel push to line them up across seams.
  2. CowanSim MD500E ZK-ILO » Microsoft Flight Simulator
  3. Just waiting for the paint dry on a local helicopter.
  4. I haven't read it anywhere, but you can control the visible objects via the fuel and payload toolbar. E.g. turn off the mirror by setting its weight to 0.
  5. You need to scale the sensitivity unless you have a long joystick to get the same throw amounts.
  6. First of all, well done WT! May I ask how you implemented the features? A mixture of turning knobs and presumably custom code? If so what tech, wasm?
  7. And now it’s a critical, production tool haha
  8. Lvars are what Rob said they were using as a communication interface between the two. He said lvars could only hold ints though? If that’s the case, (as a thought exercise as I’m interested 🙂 ) what algorithms/formats could you use to encode some data to an integer (not sure how many they can store)?
  9. Will be keen to see the ground handling improvements
  10. That other company is Boeing. “They also happen to make a 787”
  11. I would have thought now that the data’s coming at 5Hz, the aircraft could be shown slightly delayed using a start position and the end position and animating between the two frames. Rather than what was needed before when the updates came at once every 5 seconds, of using the acceleration to guess what’s going to happen until the next packet comes in.
  12. Milviz now Blackbird have been working on this ATR for at least 6 years, announced for FSX and P3D back in 2017. It’s unfortunate timing for them with MSFS coming out mid development forcing them to retarget the sims, but we can’t wait for them forever.
  13. Did you get pics? Is it reproducible?
  14. I think it’s the human Negativity Bias. As soon as we get a feature or fix that becomes the new baseline and we move to complain about the next thing. Also as others have said people have their “pet” issue, “why are they not working on the thing that means the most to me‽ it’s been x years” etc. Love your work!
  15. Do you know what the New Zealand connection is? Or maybe they won’t always have a connection to the World update country.
  16. Don’t forget to check the sensitivity settings and reduce the dead zone etc.
  17. Look for rotor trim lateral and longitudinal increase and decrease. If you have a 4 way hat switch that’ll give the best results. But that might be how you look around too. Of course VR helps with that 🙂
  18. I prefer the G2 to the 407, seems more refined but that’s anecdotal. In both the ground to hover part needs work, maybe that’ll come from the ground interaction update that’s been talked about. It’s tricky to get a seamless ground -> air transition. But maybe that’s because of my pedals (not anti-torque style). Overall, I like it! Will be interesting to see if Hype use this new helicopter model, or stick with their own. It might be easy for them to find something the Asobo model doesn’t do quite as well as as their custom flight model and dismiss the whole thing.
  19. I don’t know. But could it have been the pressure changing after a weather reload? I’m not sure how they’ve implemented weather updates during gameplay, but it could be they aren’t totally seamless/smooth?
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