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Everything posted by SN737

  1. Yes but you get the fps hit with them on, it would be nice if there was a possibility to turn them on with a frequency.
  2. Every airport with dynamic lights is affected.
  3. He must have deleted my topic then, the title in this one https://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=144125 was certainly clearer.
  4. This is a major bug IMHO. Just created a topic in prepare3d forums. If anybody knows a quick workaround would be best than having to wait for LM to reply/fix with a new build.
  5. Thanks for replying man, I'm testing with MCX now, trying to open effects parameters and see if changing to something else than what i had (DAY=0;NIGHT=1;DUSK=1;DAWN=1) has any effect. I'm going to try and post this in prepar3d forum, last time i tried to enter couldn't log in.
  6. Just made a full uninstall, deleted the recommended folder by LM's Prepar3D_Download_and_Install_Instructions_v5.pdf, full re-install of latest. Effects are always on in add-on airports that have apron effects for example. I'm specifically referring to light effects and during day (did not test other effects), they will stay on. Anybody else have this? Thanks
  7. Thanks for the info, does this only apply for users that have EA off?
  8. If you have it overclocked as I do (5.2GHz), prepare for a 20 C + of heat when simming. Without touching [JobScheduler] section HT on gives worst performance than HT off.
  9. Someone at prepar3d forums posted a link to download 5.2 OBX26210.bgl
  10. Hello Marcus, did they do the same with day sky textures?
  11. I'm seeing a difference in performance between 5.2 and 5.3 and vol clouds. In 5.2 I could set them to low and I did not suffer such a performance degradation as I'm having now with 5.3. So I correct myself thinking the new PBR cars textures was the issue regarding lower fps comparing it to 5.2.
  12. Thanks Vince, will try this. Just turned HT on and for the first time the sim is not stuttering like it did in other instances.
  13. I did in my post, but here it is again. 9900K @ 5.2 GHz, 32GB ram 3200 MHz and a GTX 1080 Ti
  14. Will do, wish him full 100% recover.
  15. Hi, could you explain how to do it? My .cfg is showing this at the moment with HT off. My CPU is a i9 9900K [JobScheduler] AffinityMask=255 P3DCoreAffinityMask=255 MainThreadScheduler=0 RenderThreadScheduler=2 FrameWorkerThreadScheduler=4 Thank you
  16. What a shame, I feel naked without it.
  17. Sorry, maybe I expressed incorrectly. The procedure of full uninstall/install was made from the get go. So even with a clean v5.3 I'm having performance degradation compared to 5.2
  18. It's happening to me as well, same as your findings but with the NGXu. My procedure was uninstalling p3d completely and deleted all corresponding folders. Then install p3d v5.3. Don't know what it is but it may well be that the new pbr implementations are taxiing my oldish GTX 1080 Ti, I'm on 9900K @ 5.2GHz and also 32 GB of ram.
  19. Hi Stan, I've just restored NVCP program settings (just touched power management to prefer maximum performance) to try and it amazed me too, butter as hell. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Peter's right on, install AIG AIManager and start from there.
  21. Manage 3D settings > Vertical sync > On (Why?). In my system if I don't set it to ON, I'll get screen tearing when below fixed fps (45 in my case).
  22. It has to do with the draw distance in both options. Vol clouds Low will have great performance because the draw distance is very short. Medium increases the draw distance and drops fps and successively with high and ultra. If you use vol clouds Low and then switch to vol clouds OFF and your CDD in AS is (eg.: 150 NM), then you'll have a huge fps drop too. The unfortunate thing here is that you can't have Vol Clouds on Low and get a decent CDD.
  23. Thank you, all is working great on my system after today's update.
  24. He answered back today and sent me the Lib folder, it works as it should, great! So, his working support email is: hotmasterfsim@gmail.com
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