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Everything posted by SN737

  1. The important difference between using high, medium or low, is the draw distance between them (on low you will see that you are surrounded by clouds in a very small range, very un-realistic). I run high but with Amortize Clouds ticked. If I approach a fps heavy airport, I switch it to low and un-tick AC. (If you are in clouds and low you won't need too much draw distance). This gives me great fps always.
  2. Stutters every second, once, consistently. When I deactivate it, no more stutters, 100% smoothness. So I had to remove it. It stutters generally when road vehicles is on (I use 15%). Don't know a fix for this other than don't using it anymore. One thing I do now is increase turbulence effect scale to 100% in AS and also increase chase plane's on board plane camera motion effect accels. from 1.0 to 2.3 (on the NGXu).
  3. Yeap, this I would buy.
  4. I use 320000 and don't have stutters. I did and the reason was Realturb products. Disabling this, totally got rid of the every 1 second stutter I was having. I must add that the combination of Realturb + road vehicles was the stutter feast. Road vehicles to cero and realturb activated got rid of them too.
  5. Hi there, do you happen to use M. A. REALTURB products?
  6. Dirk, take notice, just in case, Rob_Ainscough uses 320000 not 32000
  7. It worked for me just after installing v7900, it didn't before. Don't really now what could be wrong in your setup. I'm with max CDD 150 and minim of 140, also using ASCA in Full Dynamic. In p3d cloud coverage density in high.
  8. SN737


    Thanks Sherm, what about upper winds and integration with NGXu's weather radar?
  9. - [08/19/21] Fixed issue related to Cloud Draw Distance and EA mode with legacy (non-volumetric) clouds, where ASP3D would reduce the apparent cloud draw distance to 80 miles regardless of CDD settings Now we are talking, just tried it, works as before, very good update!
  10. Greg, very useful information, thanks very much for your contribution.
  11. I haven't, always forget of this method of support, I will, thanks for the reminder.
  12. Yes i agree, add this: AS ruins dusk and dawn, sun gets blocked by its haze not p3d problem. Try a clear CAVOK p3d metar at sunset and watch the come down to to the land horizon, then try a CAVOK with AS on and watch the sun blocked at a high altitude by haze, have already post this at their forum, not one answer or solution, very disappointing.
  13. mmmmm... I think you maybe into something as I made all my NGXu panel states custom. I will try further more with the default one (engines running)
  14. I'm suffering from the same exact thing, disabling road vehicle traffic (setting it to 0%) removes those stutters for me. If you're using orbx vector then it's worse, because with it, you'll have a lot more cars on roads.
  15. I noticed the same thing the other day trying what you mention. I ended up going with volumetric clouds medium and when scenery is too heavy on frames I tune it back to low and gain almost 10 fps.
  16. Hi, I don't use AIFlow nor AIGround but for your first question, it's a yes, you can remove ICAO airports and runways and the add-on app still works perfectly for every airport in the sim. What I do is just remove ICAO letters and runway numbers.
  17. It's Active sky problem 100%. Open p3d without AS (clr skies), at sunset. Increase or decrease time until the sun is half set, you can see the sun (clear yellow orange), no fog and it illuminates ground or sea and objects, now open active sky (clear CAVOK weather set manually) and watch how the sun becomes yellowish and grey and it will not illuminate as it did with AS off. They are adding a haze where there should not be haze. It's their fault and unwillingness of fixing this.
  18. I use 8xMSAA and it hits too much fps still. (GTX 1080 Ti)
  19. I'm with AE on, Vol clouds to medium and loosing almost 10 fps when clouds are present with and without AS. So it's not only your 2d REX clouds issue nor installation.
  20. My monitor have the same specs as yours, I run it with a GTX 1080Ti and my NCP settings are as follows: 100Hz, Output dynamic range Full, Output color depth 10bpc, Set up G-SYNC Enable G-SYNC Compatible: ticked and Enable for windowed and full screen mode also ticked, Enable settings for the selected display model: ticked. P3d Program Settings: FXAA off, CUDA - GPUs All, Low Latency Mode Ultra, Monitor Technology G-SYNC Compatible, OpenGL rendering GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. Power management mode Prefer maximum performance, Prefered refresh rate Highest available, Shader Cache off, Texture filtering Allow, texture filtering - Quality Hugh Performance (I used to have it in High quality but I compared screenshots with both and I can't see a difference).Last, Vertical sync, it is not recommended to set it to on but this is the only option that doesn't give me tearing when fps goes tp30or below (which very rarely does) P3d settings: target frame rate to unlimited, variable refresh rate: ticked Windows display graphic settings: Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling: ON Variable refresh rate ON The truth is, that comparing to setting monitor to 30Hz (if your monitor supports it) and limiting frames in NCP that gives almost no stutters, the fluidity of my settings (I use Track IR) is amazing, yes I have a few stutters but I can live with them if I have such fluid sim. To be more clear, I can't stand Track IR at 30 fps.
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