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Everything posted by SN737

  1. Sonny, I have the same GPU, it supports it but I don't understand what it does yet. You can activate it through NCP, manage 3D settings and the first feature in global settings is image scaling.
  2. Me, on the other hand, like it, it will replace PROATC X for me and what I liked about it, is that exact feature, the possibility to have the FO take care of the radios. I only fly IFR and tubeliners BTW.
  3. I'm glad it worked for you too Daniel, you're welcome. I also tried the same scenario landing at GCXO (which is known for its up and down drafts and wind shifts) with moderate to heavy wind and really didn't notice much difference with RealTurb installed or uninstalled. Just to add, the stutters with realturb weren't present in all airports, but the most fps demanding ones for sure.
  4. it did to me. With realturb I get the stutters you have, without it I don't. Try cutting realturb folders from documents, p3dv5 Addons folder and copying them in a folder of preference. Then try same scenario. I couldn't believe it when I found out it was this program that ruined smoothness.
  5. Daniel, do you run RealTurb dll's BTW?
  6. Well, for starters it brought back the brownish haze even with CAVOK METAR.
  7. The Universal installer will place a FSDT Live Update in your desktop, you should run that one.
  8. Hi Federico, version doesn't take into consideration the user aircraft, do you have a version that does.? Thank you
  9. Thanks a lot John, could it be that with your DynamicFriction.lua plugin the NGX (didn't try other AC when I ran P3Dv3 back then) taxied with one engine without issues. I mean without turning to one side?. If this is the case, it would be very welcomed in p3dv5.
  10. That always worked, what the OP is referring is chaseplane to detect all airport data and create all static cameras automatically (eg: all gates, runways, etc)
  11. Michael, I'm still getting the message: "Airport Data not supported in P3Dv5" in static tab. Where did you get that info?
  12. Would be great, may be it resolves the infamous and eternal CLN VOR pauses when departing eastbound from London.
  13. MSAA x4 with a 3440 x 1440 resolution monitor, was running MSAA x 8 but I reduced it to get more smoothness with my old GTX 1080 Ti. CPU is 9900K @ 5.1GHz HT ON. It's the first time in years that I'm running HT ON and have to admit it's very smooth and stutter free. This is my .cfg JobScheduler config. [JobScheduler] AffinityMask=21845 P3DCoreAffinityMask=21845 MainThreadScheduler=0 RenderThreadScheduler=1 FrameWorkerThreadScheduler=2 I set all other programs (chaseplane, AS, navigraph simlink, SODE, immersion manager, etc) to the cores that p3d has no workload at all using process lasso.
  14. Spoke too soon, AS is not ready yet, weather was loading from saved scenario with its WX file.
  15. I'm getting this too, but everything is working, even 122.000 with voice ATIS. Chaseplane needs an update too. I'm very pleased with v5.3.15.28131, seems very stable and smooth on my initial flight.
  16. Yes!!!! Great news. Now back to flying my beloved NGXu.
  17. Yes but you get the fps hit with them on, it would be nice if there was a possibility to turn them on with a frequency.
  18. Every airport with dynamic lights is affected.
  19. He must have deleted my topic then, the title in this one https://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=144125 was certainly clearer.
  20. This is a major bug IMHO. Just created a topic in prepare3d forums. If anybody knows a quick workaround would be best than having to wait for LM to reply/fix with a new build.
  21. Thanks for replying man, I'm testing with MCX now, trying to open effects parameters and see if changing to something else than what i had (DAY=0;NIGHT=1;DUSK=1;DAWN=1) has any effect. I'm going to try and post this in prepar3d forum, last time i tried to enter couldn't log in.
  22. Just made a full uninstall, deleted the recommended folder by LM's Prepar3D_Download_and_Install_Instructions_v5.pdf, full re-install of latest. Effects are always on in add-on airports that have apron effects for example. I'm specifically referring to light effects and during day (did not test other effects), they will stay on. Anybody else have this? Thanks
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