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Everything posted by InTheAir

  1. Check here: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Google\GoogleEarth If you don't see the "AppData" folder you need to edit windows explorer folder options and tick "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".
  2. That's a camera trick Andy, all the camera is doing is picking the TCP. TIR is setup to use the TCP so not sure how the cameras IR's could be active. B)
  3. This is purely dependent on the setup. I never have an overlap issue with the TCP. Everyone's results vary. I can look back and reach anything I need in the NGX on the overhead. I believe the best setup is the camera is all the way to one side of your display or line-of-sight to which ever side of your head you have the TCP. Then the IR's on the TCP should be up relatively high, roughly a couple inches above your ear and arranged like in the pic below. Small adjustments might be needed to get it where it works as well as it does for me. Hope this helps someone.
  4. TIR5 and TCP user here. I suppose I've had my TIR5 for about 3 years now with the TCP and only recently broke one of the prongs on the arm holding it to the clip. I used a small rolled up piece of paper and jammed it in with the clip and now it holds together fine. (I'm kinda cheap that way if I can "fix" it myself). I'm in the same group of people that like their TIR so much we won't fly without it. I'm serious too, I have not flown without TIR5 since I got it. The immersion and ability to look around using my cranium is important to me.
  5. What a fantastic thing to wake up to this morning, thank you for the updates Capt. The flaperons are lowering to increase drag and lift allowing the plane to maintain the same AOA and thrust on approach? Ró beat me to it. I think our answers are pretty close though.
  6. I imagine at times it's very difficult to remain professional with such a bombardment surrounding a big PMDG release. Regardless of the apparent hassle this poses, it's customers demanding your product. I know this doesn't excuse anyone just saying. Many of us trust in your practices Sir!
  7. Exactly. Wish I could have been there for the festivities
  8. Great work Rich, if I ever get this plane I'll be sure to grab this.
  9. I agree with Mike, that was intense, great video Peter! I too would be interested in that route.
  10. Thanks for posting. I'm a big SweetFX fan and won't run FSX without it.
  11. Nice, I think you'll be satisfied with the purchase, the performance and handling differences alone makes it a great add-on.
  12. Looks like they're using the same VC gallery photo's for both product pages since the differences are so minute only a trained eye would notice. I suppose that since they cater to those who prefer quality and accuracy, unique photos of the 6/700 flight deck might be a good idea. I take it you did get it and noticed they modeled the differences?
  13. It is still good news though. I have to agree with Bill, these tools should have been made available at the get go. Better late than never i suppose.. I know.. so cliche.
  14. I just want to reiterate what has been said regarding this update to the Prepar3d SDK. Like others have said, this has absolutely no implications or meaning towards a 64bit Prepar3d. All this means is developers using 64bit 3ds Max can now author content for Prepar3d in a 64bit environment which has never been possible until now AFAIK. Now, if Prepar3d actually does one day get a 64bit overhaul, all these SDK tools will need to be completely rewritten.
  15. Thanks for the correction, learn something new everyday.
  16. Hi Pete, If I understand you correctly, you installed the SDK and are trying to access it through the FSX game interface? Just so you know, it doesn't work that way. After installing the SDK, you should have a folder called "Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK", IIRC it typically defaults to the same location as where FSX is installed. In this folder are the tools ACES and Microsoft provided us to make 3rd party content. There are lots of 3rd party tools that have nice interfaces that utilize the FSX SDK tools such as BGLComp and XtoMDL and Resample.. etc.. Some of these are: (Very powerful and free) SBuilderX3.13 http://www.ptsim.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=56 All of Arno's tools like ModelConverterX, CAT, Library Creator XML, etc... http://www.scenerydesign.org/ Free 3d modeling tool: http://www.turbosquid.com/gmax Most importantly, this website and wiki: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/index.php and wiki: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
  17. Absolutely. FSX is highly CPU dependent so overclocking is almost a necessity if you want to run HD scenery and add-on aircraft together along with weather apps, etc.. I'm currently at a modest 4.3Ghz and have good results but could go higher if needed. Good luck. BTW, all good advice above.
  18. Find and buy FSX Gold, should be very cheap. Hopefully thats an easy way to solve the problem. I've found it for $30 on ebay Radioshack.com: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=17718006&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=PPC&utm_term=55055810&utm_content=Exact&utm_campaign=PLA&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CPiGk_rM67YCFahCMAodcnIAAA&gclsrc=ds Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-X-Edition-Pc/dp/B001DPZE84
  19. Try here: http://cgtextures.com They don't have everything but almost! You can usually get away with the free 15mb a day limit and find some good quality texture sources and inspiration.
  20. Those wondering about Affinity Mask, here's what I know: [JOBSCHEDULER] AffinityMask=244 (Quad core w/ HT, 8 threads) AffinityMask=14 (Quad core no HT, 4 threads) BTW, the Q400 looks amazing and I'm seriously contemplating a purchase.
  21. Seriously fine work, going to grab this for sure. Thanks.
  22. Couatl manager? I think it's called that, can alter settings if you tell it to, then it will remember every time you start FSX.
  23. InTheAir

    Enjoy the 777

    Sounds like lots-o-fun there for you and the wife. Hope there's nothing but great weather and times ahead.
  24. Agreed but that's not for us to decide. This is also why they'll eventually get to "that" point and give us a definitive release date. My example was something like major earth shattering though not just one more feature! :rolleyes:
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