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Everything posted by DylanM

  1. I think that's where many are getting their backs up - given the pace of work, I'm pretty sure the Asobo devs have been anything but lazy. They were also pretty clear they would look at things like DLSS as part of the overall release schedule (i.e. after XBox and DX12); just look at what happened to SU5 when they tried to combine multiple builds - it did have performance improvements but with a lot of collateral. The new version of DLSS is significantly more straightforward to implement, but they also need to consider FSR for AMD (especially as the XBox runs that hardware). However given the issues with managing multiple streams of work, I'd rather them do one thing at a time - i.e if they're working on doing a strong build of DX12 to maximize performance and features with the API, work on that first as there's huge untapped potential there. Then layer on DLSS. Edit: If you haven't already, also vote this topic up on the official forums to perhaps bump up the priority: Nvidia DLSS support - Self-Service / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
  2. As smart as it is, you're still going to get results like this with people trying to run low resolution and complaining about "readability" NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 at 128x72 resolution in Remedy's Control - YouTube But if / when DLSS is implemented, DLSS swapper will come in handy DLSS Swapper makes your games look better! - YouTube
  3. Here's an objective video comparing TAA to DLSS. DLSS does introduce more shimmering, affects lighting and coloration, text legibility, and texture resolution on distant surfaces. RTX DLSS vs. TAA Analysis: RTX Finally in Use - YouTube
  4. Hi Robert - thank you so much for all the time and effort you've put in to this mod. Hope you're on the mend and all the very best.
  5. Any updates on how stable the latest build is? Any CTDs with SU6?
  6. Could you try a couple of things. - Update the drivers for your network adapters and firmware for your router - Connect to your router directly if you can rather than using wifi - Update the DNS settings on your router to Cloudflare, Google or OpenDNS (lots of good guides online / youtube)
  7. Thanks - that looks fantastic! Is there a another thread for this addon on Avsim? Must've missed it...
  8. Updates are looking good https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/167443-simple-traffic-preview/&do=findComment&comment=1059521
  9. There could be significant performance and memory benefits if things like mesh shading and variable rate shading are implemented (the sim would be a good candidate given the amount of autogen drawn at distance). Sampler feedback may also help with smoothness and load times. Some info here: DirectX 12 (DX12) Ultimate API | NVIDIA GeForce Asteroids Mesh Shaders Demo - YouTube
  10. I'm also just running a vanilla install at the moment which helps a huge deal! 🙂 And really looking forward to a good Intel / AMD battle again with the new architecture - helps us all...
  11. You can run GSync + Vsync + a frame limiter. For the longest time I only ran G-Sync (old FSX / P3D habits die hard...) - however Nvidia actually suggests running them combined. You don't get vsync back pressure and the frame pacing is more consistent. Had posted this in another thread: Running MSFS with G-Sync + V-Sync + frames limited - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - The AVSIM Community
  12. Did you end up doing a fresh install of Windows 11? If you do, try only installing the Win 11 drivers for your system and go one at a time (chipset, video, etc.). If there isn't one released yet, the standard MS ones are fairly stable. Hope you get to the bottom of this.
  13. Isn’t this only for beta testers? And there are usually instructors not to install the beta in the main flight sim folder.
  14. More info on DX12 ultimate here: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/geforce-rtx-ready-for-directx-12-ultimate/ Now as others have noted, the devs have said very clearly not to expect an increase in performance at initial release. It'll probably be a while until things like VRS, sampler feedback and mesh shading are fully implemented in the sim - but when they are there should be some happy campers...
  15. ~2:02 (from hitting "play" in the XBox app to the main menu). But no addons at the moment, apart from marketplace purchases. 5900X; Asus X570, 32GB 3600 DDR4, 2TB FireCuda M.2, 3080ti
  16. Hasn't been that way for single core IPC and clocks for a while...
  17. Here you go: Submit a request – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com) Make sure you submit it under "I need technical support (crash / performance issues)" rather than "I want to report a bug". The next steps are fairly straightforward but include as many specifics / pictures as you can. May also be handy to post this on the official forums in the bugs section: Latest Bugs & Issues/Install, Performance & Graphics topics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
  18. And I assume you have done all of these tasks as well - if not, run them all in sequence (including removing specific services, increasing VM, syncing time, etc): All versions - Crashing/CTDs issues Checklist – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com) All versions - Crashing/CTDs issues - Basic Troubleshooting – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com) All versions - Crashing/CTDs issues - Advanced Troubleshooting – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com)
  19. Agreed. If it is new and adequate, make sure you have direct power connects from it to the card inputs (not daisy-chained).
  20. Are you questioning whether the NXCub actually a real thing?
  21. Hi David - this was just acknowledged by the team in the "known issues" blog (that's a positive step): https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016027399-KNOWN-ISSUES-Last-update-2021-10-25- ACTIVITIES Bushtrip progression is not saved when completing a bushtrip leg We are aware of this issue and the team is currently investigating
  22. Please vote up this thread on the official forums (the bush trips and achievements really need to be fixed in the sim) https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/su5-su6-and-bush-trips/451346
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