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Everything posted by Hubinwa

  1. To both Robert's and Scott's points, I have found the touchscreen to be a delightful solution. Functionality and the uniqueness of the plane's VC. I still need the feel of a yoke, throttle, and some rotaries for the AP, but for buttons and toggles the touchscreen works great.
  2. Thanks Kyle, what a great way to present the 777. Letting us ride in the jump seat with you. Well done.
  3. Great to hear you guys are working on this. Thanks for all the work you do.
  4. And listen up when you open or close the ice vanes, F1 has modeled the ice vane motors. From the Raisbeck pdf: EFFECT OF ICE VANE DEPLOYMENT ON PERFORMANCE The engine produces as much torque at any given ITT with the RARS ice vanes deployed as it did with the basic ice vanes retracted. Thus, no performance penalties need be assessed to the performance parameters due to RARS ice vane deployment.
  5. Hubinwa

    777 and FSUIPC

    Thanks guys, I get a lot of enjoyment using my own hardware and not depending on a mouse. My only PMDG plane is the JS41 and it is hit and miss regarding FSUIPC.
  6. As far as success using FSUIPC, there are many guides online to help you. Here is one to start with. http://www.tropicairvirtual.com/company/misc/utility/tutorial/fsuipc-guide-v1.pdf
  7. Hubinwa

    777 and FSUIPC

    Now that we have many test pilots flying the T7, I hope someone has assigned some of their push buttons via FSUIPC to control this baby. I would love to hear details about how you have set up your controllers and cockpits for the 777.
  8. Hubinwa


    Yeah, I'd say being banned is a drawback to being selected. :lol:
  9. Ahhh, thanks Jerad, now the title makes sense.
  10. Totally forgot that you had a laptop, it looked desktop smooth to me. Why are you sitting in the FO seat?
  11. http://www.milviz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2660 That art work is looking great!
  12. I am literally out of breath just watching this, worse than a ride on a roller coaster! :Shocked: Doesn't anyone wear seat belts?
  13. Can't wait to see some screen shots!
  14. Thanks, I missed that one. What a plane!
  15. Right, the Mustang forum is also licensed and non-licensed. You could use the non-licensed support forum here: http://www.simforums.com/forums/flight-one-product-support_forum2.html. As Ryan said, I will be willing to pass along questions also. Many I am sure, but it's the best G1000 I have ever used. If you are looking for a specific function, I'll be glad to check.
  16. The radio altimeter on the PFD is a welcome addition.
  17. Just confirming the input file is located in the folder: FSX/gauges/flight1_garming1000_kingair_aux Similar to the mustang file, allows custom keystroke inputs for G1000, baro, anti skid, and AP functions, including pitch control. Makes me happy. :smile:
  18. Yoda has mentioned that this file is present in the KA, I am hoping it includes all the critical systems.
  19. Yep, one of my favorite family vacations was right there at the National Mall.
  20. Nice job Marco, looks much better than mine. Nice touch with the custom start panel.
  21. W49, Rosario, is a seaplane base.
  22. Pushed back to July with this caption...>PMDG B777 FSX. No idea... I don't like the sound of that.
  23. You will need a 1150 socket MB (Z87) for Haswell. This is a nice discussion of Haswell from an Intel rep. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylNT1Co-Q6k
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