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About tamba765

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    Colorado, USA
  • Interests
    Aviation (obviously), Video Production, Snowboarding, Animal Shelter volunteer.

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  1. I use P3Dv5, but let's face it there won't be anything new for it. Just look at the posts in this forum. It's mainly a rehashing of old posts and some of them are several years old. I'm not happy about all this, but what can you do? Maybe if the Microsoft servers are so overloaded that MSFS becomes unusable, perhaps some people will come back to P3D, but that's the only way. Like I said, I will still use it especially since you don't need to be connected to the internet for it to work. Ah, the old days were less complicated. You just shoved in the disc and off you went.
  2. I had a similar issue when I first got the Thrustmaster Boeing Yoke. I know you said you checked the P3D menu, but go to "Other Controls" and make sure the "Input Method" set as "Directinput" and not "Raw Input". Mine was set to Raw and when I switched to Direct it fixed the problem. Hope this helps.
  3. tamba765


    There haven't been any updates for P3Dv5 Orbx products in a very long time and I'm not expecting to see any.
  4. True, the topics here are boring with nothing new to talk about. I enjoy using P3D, but I don't expect see anything new in the pipeline.
  5. I've never had any problems with 5.4 that have made me to want to revert to 4.5. I think it looks and runs fine. I haven't had any serious freeze or stutter problems either.
  6. I've been using the FFB stick for a couple of years as a nosewheel tiller. I disabled all FFB axes and buttons I don't use, in the P3D controls menu. I sometimes get stick movement, but it doesn't affect anything in the sim. I would make sure your FFB throttle control is disabled. I also disabled FFB in P3D.
  7. In the real world if I made a smooth landing in the B777, I'd say bye bye to the passengers. If the landing sucked I'd stay in the cockpit until all the passengers got off. I never really needed to know what the landing FPM decent rate was, since it was fairly obvious. Same thing in the sim.
  8. Same here. I only use my Flight simming computer for flying and nothing else. I have no anti-virus installed. You just have to use common sense and stay away from garbage websites and their products.
  9. Yea, I've seen clouds slowly drifting by from left to right for years but have become totally desensitized to it.
  10. No wonder so many simmers call MSFS an arcade game for the "pilots" that "fly" with a tight grip on their Xbox controllers.
  11. I heard the entire Orbx library for v6 will be released next week. 😂 I also still believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
  12. I did a clean installation of 6.1.38. I guess it's just a habit of mine to delete the old stuff and install the new.
  13. I wish Orbx would come on board with v6. The latest v6 stock ground textures and land class don't look nearly as good as v5.4 looks with Orbx products. I know about all the tweaks you can make, but actual v6 products would be a lot better. Orbx said they were taking "baby steps" to support v6, but that's just another way of saying don't hold your breath waiting for it.
  14. I still occasionally get the DXGI error message with my 1080ti, which, of course, trashes the flight. If it happens at the beginning of the flight, it's annoying, but if it happens a few hours in, it really word not allowed me off. I'm going to have new system built soon, so I can live with it until then.
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