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Everything posted by JesC

  1. In that case it may not be prudent business practice to offer your product through re-sellers. That is your choice; not mine!!!
  2. Based on this I paid the fee to re-activate my downloads. Unfortunately the file I downloaded was still version C310R_v1.012011. I'm sure you have done all that you can do, so I will contact the re-seller for future support. Thanks. I always thought buying from a re-seller was a great convenience for the buyer... one account, one purchase process, one location for all my purchases and downloads. Seemed like a good way to do business; and, after all, developers regularly offer their products through these outlets so I assumed it was a benefit to them as well. Win Win!! Apparently that is not true; at least not in this case, anyway. And, after realizng this my subsequent purchase was made directly. Live and learn, I suppose. Now, back to flying and Blue Skies!!
  3. The file at fspilotshop.com does not appear to be updated. Can you confirm whether you have sent them the update?
  4. Although you say you tried carb heat it sure sounds like you have encountered FSX's Carburetor Icing effect. Unfortunately all piston aircraft in FSX are subject to this effect when flying near or below freezing outside air temperatures and there is no fix that I am aware of. Just hit the "H" key to activate the carburetor heat and power should be restored very quickly. Hope that helps. Jesse
  5. Thanks, Tom. I was missing them in a couple of the Carenado Subforums. They are indeed fine now.
  6. Thanks, Jaime! I knew I must be missing something. That seems to be what it was.
  7. Hmmm... I guess this is not terribly important but I admit the lack of response has made me more curious than ever. Wondering if I asked a really dumb question, or maybe I was not being clear? Maybe no one else knows how to do this, either? Or, did I just step in something and I'm too clueless to know it? :smile: If someone can straighten me out I would appreciate it, though.
  8. I notice some posts have the options bar for Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, etc. just above the signature line and others do not. Is there a way to get that to open or is there some other criteria that determines when it is available?
  9. If you ever decide to try the new 337.5 Beta it would be interesting to hear your results. I think it is having a very positive impact but I find it difficult to quantify and haven't seen many comments from other FSX users.
  10. Recently I have been flying very succesfully with 8xS plus 8xSGSS when making VFR flights in light to moderate clouds combined with LOD=6.5. This has given a great visual experience and good steady frames. However, if I am making intense IFR flights with multiple cloud layers, I normally dial back to 8xS plus 2xSGSS and take LOD back to default 4.5. These settings have little impact on the visuals in these situations and I'm usually too busy flying to notice if they do, anyway. This strategy has worked very succesfully for me and I am getting smooth, stable frames in the high 20's to steady 30 (locked at 30). I don't fly with AI traffic anymore and fly only GA aircraft (mostly RealAir Duke B60 v2) using ASN with REX4 in live weather. Since updating to the new 337.5 Beta driver I have the impression that the higher settings are being handled much more efficiently but don't have any empirical evidence of that.
  11. Mostly Lycomings or Continentals. Sweet!! ( When I am flight planning or after I land I usually listen to Willie Nelson or George Strait )
  12. I'm glad you found it helpful. After more consideration, I'm just a little uncertain about what you are looking for with "grass textures" and thought I should be more clear. If you are looking for Orbx style 3d grass "tufts", that's not what you will get with REX4. REX4 will only make a couple of options available for the bumpmap, adding some depth and pattern to the airport grass textures. Even so I think it will add enough emersion that you will hardly notice grass any longer. And, it won't be interfering with whatever else you choose to install for your airports. And as far as flying with ASN, I really enjoy the "challenge" of flying in real world weather everyday. Whether clear and calm, fair weather, windy or IFR, I like the day in, day out reality of flying in the world as it actually is. Whatever your choices I hope you will enjoy the flying!!
  13. Based on what you are saying I think you would be quite happy with REX4. It is simple to use and does a great job with the airport features including grass (bumpmap), runway/taxiway/ramp textures, markings and lighting. Cloud and sky textures are fantastic as well. I would also recommend using the low resolution settings. They are great for performance and, to my eye, more realistic as well. If someday you decide you do want to use real world weather I would highly recommend ActiveSky Next. A great combination for the best of the best in realism. Hope you enjoy it!!
  14. Good to see all this positive feedback on the Phenom. I have no jet experience at all, real or sim, but have been looking forward to getting my feet wet with this one. So much of what has previously been posted has been negative that I had become hesitant. Your pictorial and everyone's positive comments have renewed my interest. Thanks!!
  15. I just made a short flight in the Portland area and out of curiousity brought up BlueSky Scenery"s Moving Map (BSSMM). It certainly appears that this utility is taking advantage of the new data as well; although, I didn't find any verification on their website. Edit: After looking around at other areas this doesn't seem to be the case. Other areas appear to still be scanned paper charts. Sure would be nice to see them implement the digital charts, though.
  16. Today's Flying Mag E-News reported on the FAA's new digital charts, highlighted at Sun 'n Fun by ForeFlight last week. VFR sectionals are no longer scanned charts but new digitally created charts; resulting in much crisper, clearer data. The IFR charts are also being upgraded and the best part is that the geo-referencing is much more accurate. You can see the results at skyvector.com.
  17. Before re-installing be sure you have installed new drivers specific to the new video card, cleared the shaders cache and deleted the former device.driver entries from the fsx.cfg.
  18. Glad you got it worked out. I use it on most of my aircraft. An excellent addition and very simple to install!!
  19. Look in the library for "Cockpit Sounds v2" (cockpitsounds_v2.zip) by Daniel Gauthier.
  20. Can't vouch for the legitimacy of this but I have seen it referenced in quite a few places. http://irisdynamics....-yoke-pre-order Looks to be be pretty pricey, but if it finally makes it to market it might be an option. At least looks like someone is working on it.
  21. Oops!! Sorry, Ron. I must have still been in a state of awe over the great paint job!! Now I'm just embarassed. Guess I'm grounded for awhile.
  22. She's a real dandy, Rob. And I'm enjoying the black panel. Nice touch!
  23. I'm not sure how much difference you will see with the "World Terrain Mesh" product. It will be fairly subtle and in some areas of the world I think default FSX is going to actually have higher resolution than the World Terrain Mesh 76m. If you are comparing FSGenesis with FSX mesh at the same high resolution it may be even more difficult to see. I think it is mostly going to be correcting any errors or anomalies in FSX. Others are probably more knowledgeable on this than me.
  24. I recently set all my traffic at 0%. AI is much too big on Artificial and very short on intelligence. Besides the performance gain without it is welcome. After the initial withdrawal I haven't missed it at all. I spend most of my time flying.
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