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Everything posted by Tatave

  1. Hello, I have been researching Prepar3d and I'm looking at buying an academic licence for $49.95. I have a couple of questions before buying though. 1. Is it a new and stable platform or is it basically FSX? 2. Are PMDG add-ons supported within P3D? 3. What is the difference that makes P3D so great? Thank you very much in advance.
  2. PMDG is currently developing the 747 V2.0, which is a new and completely redesigned version of the current 747. Before or after full 747 development starts, they have the 777 and 737 expansion packs to make and release. After the expansion packs are released, they have the DC-6 to develop and release. After THAT, they have the Dash 8 which seems to be very low priority as of right now and might be cancelled. By the time PMDG would get around to making a 757 or any other Boeing jetliner apart from the new 747, they might have moved over to a new platform given that FSX is getting quite long in the tooth.
  3. I might be doing something wrong, but I can't find this paint in the library.
  4. Rich, thank you VERY much for all this hard work, this is definitely the best livery available for the 777 yet. THANK YOU!! :good:
  5. After following what Jim said, run Bojote's tweaking tool (http://www.venetubo.com/fsx.html). This will set some optimal settings and I believe that there are quite a few display tweaks in there.
  6. Hi, Does anyone have the airliner keyboard modification from Roger Dodger Aviation? I have been looking at this but I have a few questions before I buy it. -Are the keyboard commands on the 2nd keyboard different to the main one? -Is it compatible with PMDG? -What is that EICAS cutout that is pasted onto the numpad? -Are USB/Wireless keyboards adequate for this project? Thank you very much in advance.
  7. What a beautiful scene! I love #2 with the reflection off the forward fuselage.
  8. Mine is currently cold and dark at a remote stand at Brisbane. I've been flying heaps of circuits, getting used to the fly by wire and practicing those tricky landings.
  9. Tatave

    Too much T7 ?

    Avsim is the host of the PMDG forums and there is no other PMDG forum on the net. I personally don't mind all the topics, it's a fantastic aircraft.
  10. I'm waiting on these: PMDG 747-400/8 V2 PMDG NGX Military expansion pack Enigma 733/4/5 Any A380 Aerosoft A330
  11. Thanks Moe! I should have used common sense :doh:
  12. Avsim wasn't showing this topic as posted last night, and I clicked the "Post" button four times. This resulted in four topics being posted. :Doh: Can a moderator please delete this particular topic? Thanks.
  13. Avsim wasn't showing this topic as posted last night, and I clicked the "Post" button four times. This resulted in four topics being posted. :Doh: Can a moderator please delete this particular topic? Thanks.
  14. Avsim wasn't showing this topic as posted last night, and I clicked the "Post" button four times. This resulted in four topics being posted. :Doh: Can a moderator please delete this particular topic? Thanks.
  15. Hi, I've been trying to download some documentation for the 777 from the Operations Centre, but it never does anything. When I hover the mouse over it, it underlines, but when I click on it nothing happens. I've looked through the provided introduction manual but found nothing related to the documentation section of the ops centre. I have tried running the Operations Centre as admin to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi, I've been trying to download some documentation for the 777 from the Operations Centre, but it never does anything. When I hover the mouse over it, it underlines, but when I click on it nothing happens. I've looked through the provided introduction manual but found nothing related to the documentation section of the ops centre. I have tried running the Operations Centre as admin to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi, I've been trying to download some documentation for the 777 from the Operations Centre, but it never does anything. When I hover the mouse over it, it underlines, but when I click on it nothing happens. I've looked through the provided introduction manual but found nothing related to the documentation section of the ops centre. I have tried running the Operations Centre as admin to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  18. Hi, I've been trying to download some documentation for the 777 from the Operations Centre, but it never does anything. When I hover the mouse over it, it underlines, but when I click on it nothing happens. I've looked through the provided introduction manual but found nothing related to the documentation section of the ops centre. I have tried running the Operations Centre as admin to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi, I've been trying to download some documentation for the 777 from the Operations Centre, but it never does anything. When I hover the mouse over it, it underlines, but when I click on it nothing happens. I've looked through the provided introduction manual but found nothing related to the documentation section of the ops centre. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  20. I've been using mine extensively for the past week and found no issues apart from a download error in the operations centre. Nothing directly related to the aircraft though.
  21. I highly doubt that it will be added. It wasn't in the NGX and it isn't in the 777 given that PMDG is more focused on systems realism.
  22. I get about 15 FPS at ORBX YBBN. :( I've applied every tweak but it never nudges above 15-16 FPS. I got 10 in the NGX.
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