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Everything posted by marty2756

  1. mmmm Browsing now, again with bing maps,... I can see the same KSEA image , but without colour issues. :huh: just as the image above. Browser is the same, zoom level is the same, place is exactly the same, everything the same, except done in different moments. Absolutely lost.
  2. I tried google maps.. its generally better yes, altough it has a download limit. I wanted to know if anybody uses bing and have this problem so frequently. I would say of 10 major airports I tried within europe and US , I found 8 to have lets say "non-aceptable" texture colour variation , like this one I posted from KSEA. Seemed strange to me. Perhaps I was doing something wrong, and I had to change I don't know....... service version or something different in g2xpl.ini to fix it. At least looking it with a browser, bing just doesn't seem to be usefull for creating photoscenery. IF anybody knows any workaround for this please let me know. I will have to stay with google maps I guess.
  3. Hi I've been creating photosceneries with g2xpl program. Everything works ok, except that almost every airport I choose (doesnt matter if its on USA or Europe)... have textures with different colours and looks really awfull I'm using Bing as map provider. I just go to bing maps web page, and I can see already there the colour issue. Is there somethign I'm doing wrong ? Can't understand why most of the locations I've tried have this problems. As an example, KSEA.
  4. :mad: Sorry.... I may be the only one...
  5. Thanks alpilotx! and yes... I always got better FPS with photoscenery , except when setting "extreme res" , reaching near VRAM limit...then yes, FPS may be worse than default textures.
  6. this is weird... I use to have better framerate with photoscenery and I read over there that default textures are lower in FPS because the need of "merging" them or something like that in order to achieve the complete terrain texture. Perhaps someone knows about this..
  7. (Thanks Mario) I saw there is a texture download limit option in g2xpl ... planned to avoid this... as I suppose google has better quality than bing... anyone knows whats the daily limit for google ?
  8. Is there any limitation regarding regions with g2xpl ? I would like to create south america photoscenery
  9. just what I believed to have x-plane 10 when it was initially out....... usable ATC & scalable AI
  10. Hi, Yes, I already have it, and its very good , thank you for it ..... I was talking about real-time generated sound effects at touchdown
  11. Is planned anything like the touchdown effects that accu feel provides for heavies?
  12. I need south american scenery... so I will have to build it on my own I guess. I will try gmaps... even tough I prefer linux as O.S., I have Windows , to run other games .. and.. because of my wife..:=) it seems there is a way to run it under windows too.
  13. Hi, Is there any easy way like this to build large areas ? (not an airport) i.e. extracting images from google earth... personal use only obviously..
  14. whatever they want to add to the sim its finally a choice of Laminar... as every company do. That's ok. I will keep supporting it buying the product and addons.... but things that shouldn't happen are features that are supposed to be aleady functional.... and are not, like ATC.
  15. wasn't this going to be adressed with some technology called tessellation ? I remember Ben someday mentioned something about it on dev blog. (never said when obviously)
  16. Anybody tested "XPRealWX" ? how it compares with Noaa plugin and weather engine of EFASS (Ultra-WX)?
  17. I come from FS9 / FSX too.... and altough some things will take time to be completed, like ATC..... when you get used to the 'sensation' of being actually flying that gives you x-plane, there is no turning back After being a couple of months only using x-plane,I wanted to make some flights on FSX, and then I could really understand why they say 'its like flying on rails'. And by 'senstation', I mean physics.... just an example, take a look a heavy , hard landing on one and onther sim... the suspension, how aircraft body reacts based on forces, etc etc.
  18. I would say default aircraft is on par with FSX , more or less same level. Yes ATC is not good right now,, Pilot2ATC seems to be a great ATC addon, (didn't try myself yet) Ragarding AI .... "World of Traffic" is the way to go.... altough it requires work .. the final result can be as FSX AI traffic addons... (shame 64bit version still crashes to some users,, developer is working on it)
  19. I guess you are comparing only flight model or some particular point of view.... Only from v9 and v10 its a whole different sim. The only thing still bothers me is promoting a feature (ATC)... and after years not being even functional. (No excuse for the "you are off course " thing... they could even "disable" that part of the code)
  20. I bought a a GTX 780 TI a couple of months ago. Never exceeding 40% GPU Usage with x-plane 10. A beast, but unfortunately , 3 GB VRAM is not enough using photoscenerys at max texture res.
  21. 100% agree with this. I've been reading always the same in fsx forums as a stopper for switching to x-plane, and also applies to me: ATC , appropiate/scalable AI and seasons are foundation to immersion. I personally went back to fs9 as primary sim, until at least ATC and AI get fixed. I'm no criticizing at all, I'm developer myself and I could imagine the effort of building a beast like this, but its just lacking of some core features to me yet. (usable).
  22. Hi As there is no photoscenery areas for south america in simheaven.. I'm looking for tools to create my own photoscenery, I've found several tools like Photoscenery X , g2xpl , etc. 1) Which is the easiest way to create them , which tool ? 2) Could I use google earth ? i've read over there are licensing issues. Thanks
  23. One more question, It can be run on another PC right ? Because I tested it on a notebook , and I saw 30 / 40% CPU Usage used by EFASS process... are you running both sim and EFASS on the same machine ?
  24. It's montly fee or just one-time buy ? can't find the place to buy it on the website...
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