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Everything posted by FlyBaby

  1. What are the major differences between the two products? I believe that RWC places the clouds in the sim. Does FSGRW place clouds or does it just feed weather and XP places the clouds based on FSGRW data? If no, is this why I see some vids where both FSGRW and RWC are used together? Does FSGRW allow static or user created controlled weather (not live feeds).
  2. Thanks for your response and the pics. I do have a GTX 1080 and sparse coverage will work for now. I just want something different than the default blue sky I have now. After overclocking my CPU (4.7Ghz), i have a little more headroom and wanted to get a more realistic looking sky.
  3. Can someone confirm that the latest and greatest SMP v3 draws clouds out to the horizon? I had an earlier version of SMP that basically showed (like the default clouds) a ring of clouds around my plane. I am not looking to depict real weather (or even heavy cloud coverage), i just want some convincing light clouds that does not look like a ring around my plane.
  4. ORBX has always made good scenery, but the performance hit is always a factor and the costs for small regions adds up fast.
  5. The new autogen looks great for cities like New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, However, the Miami coastline looks empty; there should be many buildings along the coast. Up through Ft. Lauderdale etc., there are very few buildings along the coast. Has anyone else noticed this? I am running extreme objects.
  6. I have Windows 7 and recently purchased a GTX 1080 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487252). My "system specs" and Intel "Extreme Tuning utility" only show 4 GB memory for this GPU, when it should have 8GB. Is there a limit as to what Windows 7 can read or do i have a bad card?
  7. @Commanche Nice pics. I don't know much about OCing my cpu. My motherboard allows me to adjust the turbo boost speed to 4Ghz, but I am not sure how to take it higher (at a constant) without breaking something or having to go with a sophisticated cooler. But yeah, if I could get 30, even 20 fps (1/3 vsinc in NI) in NY, it would be a smooth enough flight for me. Where are you maxing out in Xplane stats, the CPU or the GPU?
  8. Thanks for your reply. I am running the latest 10.50 beta. Ditched all of my W2P scenery expecting the new autogen to really look good. Philly is nice, haven't tried NY yet (the vids are awesome), but Miami is lacking along the coastline (south beach). I am now considering DD Miami City XP, but I want to get my performance issues dialed in first prior to getting anything else for XP. I will take a look at the newer cpu you suggested. I had the Haswell-E i7-4790K, motherboard, and cooler priced at $550 this morning. I will see where the Skylake takes me price wise, but I agree, Intel should be pushing 5+ Ghz by now.
  9. I just purchased a GTX 1080 and I am now definitely limited by my CPU (i5 2500k pushed to 4Ghz), I barely get 15fps in Philadelphia, so I know New York is will be an issue. I am running... 1080p resolution extended dsf HDR with highest AA settings (8) Fill In trees Extreme Objects Extreme Roads (or maybe 2nd highest setting) Siberian Winter cars Overlay Shadows Complete Water No added scenery stuff (like HD Mesh or W2P) Do you think a higher CPU will get me 30fps? And if so, which CPU would you recommend? I am looking at upgrading my CPU & MB but I don't know what CPUs can do these days as far as 4+ Ghz etc. I don't want to spend more money for very little return.
  10. I am considering this product. Can anyone confirm that this is a full 3D environment (no flat / painted rooftops to represent houses / buildings)? The screenshots look like a full 3D environment, but some youtube videos look like flat painted objects (that look awful at low flight level). I am hoping that the graphic options may play a part in 3D vs flat painted objects, but I want to be sure that full 3D is possible. Any other feedback on this product is appreciated. Thanks
  11. I also wish that LR would increase the distance for light, and include a slider for us to maximize draw distance vs. performace impact. XP10 has the best night lighting environment, limiting it defeats the purpose. Where / how do we petition?
  12. Great video... Every sim will have room for improvement, but DTG has definitely "kicked" the ball forward. They are in the business of building sims and I think they have positioned themselves to be the "leader" in the flight sim world. Flight School (IMO) has the right balance for the new "younger" simmers, and their full release will capture the rest; DTG is attracting new users and growing their base. DTG's flight school is what MS Flight should have been years ago; narrowing down the scope while keeping the core intact. Yes, I want to see a flawless and super smooth flight sim, but you can't get there without a dedicated developer with the resources to deliver, and this is where I think DTG has LM and LR beat. Their platform is on steam for seamless updates They have a scenery partnership where I don't have to worry about integrating and updating (I hope they can they partner with REX). They are not off on the side building sims on mobile devices further diverting their resources from the PC product. I have DTG's train sim, and no...it is not perfect, but it is getting better all of the time. IMO, it is the best train sim you are going to find. I am sure that DTG will also dominate the flight sim world and I look forward to what they are going to introduce to this market.
  13. I purchased and downloaded the zip from Carenado's site, along with the G1000 dataset. I Unzipped the package (1,171 files @ 228mb) and then placed the aircraft folder in x-plane's general aviation folder, like I do every other purchased aircraft. I placed the G1000 Carenado folder in XP's root directory as instructed. The Sr22 does not show in x-plane for me to load. Did I miss an activation step for Carenado? This is my first Carenado plane for XP.
  14. Great thread topic... I am mainly in Camp 2 while a buddy of mine is definitely in Camp 1,...he could care less about graphics, the outside world visual etc...just give him some gauges to monitor and he is in heaven. I have the same experience with the train simulator....I am still in camp 2 while my father (having work on and driven trains) is a camp 1 guy. He always gets on me about the details when we sim together and he stays in the cab always...while I generally switch to the outside views, carriage views and take in the graphics.
  15. I agree, the XPScenery-KLASKLAS - GLITTER GULCH brings a much better immersion to the Vegas strip. Seeing that skyline at night from a distance is breathtaking, and then there are the additional airports and places of interest included. I don't regret this purchase.
  16. I would definitely recommend rudder pedals... I have (and regularly fly) the following: MD-902 Explorer MBB/Kawasaki BK-117 s-92 Sikorsky I also have the Bell 206 Jetranger III, but I could not get it to fly right so I have stayed away from other helis by the Dev. I have read good things about the Bell 412, so I will pick this up next.
  17. P3D v3 did it for me. I refused to pay more for bug fixes. At the time, I was about 60% XP (for night) and 40% P3D for (daytime) flying. But now I am 100% XP...the extended DSF and NI settings to really bring great Anti Aliasing effects in the daytime opened XP up for me.
  18. Not free, but the Glitter Gulch Addon Scenery is very nice with KLAS, the vegas strip, and several more airports included.
  19. I am also interested in the ability to further adjust the control (Axis) sensitivities.
  20. I had all three, but mainly used P3D and XP. I have a modest system (i5 @3.7 - 4GHz, GTX 670 4GB, 16GB RAM and SSD) With P3D, I could run the highest autogen / scenery settings (without all the shadow options) using FTXG, Rex etc @ 30fps with both default and less demanding aircraft. The buck stopped with Carenado's Sr22 glass cockpit and I could barely maintain 20 fps, With XP, I have really high settings (objects, roads, textures, HDR, extended dsf, etc) and can get 20 - 30 fps, The only thing I don't really push in XP are clouds (I just force a cirrus layer through SMP v2). I can get XP to really look good by turning off HDR in the day time and forcing Anti Aliasing through NI. The biggest plus for me is that I can fly GA glass cockpit planes in X-plane and not see a performance hit (especially my SR20 and SR22 planes) IMO, if you can run P3D fairly well, then you should be able to get similar, if not better, performance in XP. Of course, there will be setting compromises on both ends. For my visual taste, I get more bang for the buck with XP on my machine than I do with P3D. Can't you get the full version via steam (adhering to their return policy), try it out for an hour or so and return it if you don't like it?
  21. I bought X-Plane 10 when it was first released and what a huge disappointment....huge!!! I shelved it for years while I focused on FSX and then P3D. Today, X-Plane is all I use; it has come a long way and half, if not more, of the credit goes to the freeware and 3rd party devs who helped bring out the best in XP. I do mostly Ga flying and helos (under 6000 feet), the night and 3D ground environment leave the competition far behind.
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