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Everything posted by ha5mvo

  1. @threegreen is absolutely correct. Beside that you might hit snags like ATC clearing you late for a variety of reasons and so forth, so you need to manage your energy carefully. If you're used to the fenix 320 then its a different ball game since the latter is grossly over dragged. On this 737 you will need to use the handle of shame on occasion which is perfectly normal, as the man said.
  2. So, doing it from the fmc screen is a big no-no. From the tablet screen on the other hand...well there's a huge difference...
  3. Those are GPS units they are making. How on earth does this relate to flight dynamics?
  4. Your response seems to be unrelated to his comments, never mind all the huffing and puffing...
  5. Since I'm not familiar with WT (?) , what plane did they make?
  6. For one, its limited to 10 custom views. You can't cycle through views the way you do it in chaseplane - basically you're limited to keyboard control of your views. In P3D for instance I have views assigned to a 4 way hat switch and with the cycle function you can set any view with 1-2 quick keypresses. If you set it up properly you can switch between dozens of views easily and smoothly without resolving to keyboard or getting your hands off the controls.
  7. @ckyliu I'm surprised you hold this opinion. Unlike others, you've been around long enough to know how things work. Sure, nobody's against a top notch feature out of the box. Unfortunately you'll need to turn to a third party if you want top notch. It's up to the platform to provide them with enough tools so they are able to take it from there. That's the way it has been since FS2000 when larger scale addons started to pop up and I don't see that changing as users expectations get higher and higher. Hence what I said, Asobo should polish its weather engine and leave the implementation to others. Very much the same way it should fix its AI traffics behavior rather than attempting to replace the likes of AIG.
  8. Point is, MS should concentrate on the sim core and let 3PDs do what they'll invariably do better. It applies to scenery, airplanes and weather is no exception. Developing an API is nowhere near the task of developing a full scale weather system. A team like HiFI had transformed the weather system in fsx/P3D, no reason for them not to do it here if only MS had let them in like they did with fsx or even work to accommodate them as LM did. No point in waiting years, as you suggest, to accomplish something that most certainly can be done now with some help on the outside...
  9. So if they open weather to 3PD like HiFi with decades of experience and a proven track record it will slow down progress...yep, makes perfect sense...
  10. IIRC, Aivlasoft EFB comes with Airac 1802 by default.
  11. Aivlasoft EFB is a good program. I use it too, but it’s payware and not the cheapest one in that. It does get airport data by reading the sims BGLs but if you want to keep AIRAC data up to date, you’ll need to pay for either navigraph or aerosoft subscription. Definitely not a must as long as you’re using the same cycle across all your addons.
  12. Supposed to be the other way around really, like you have with aero.sors for fsx/p3d that keeps this sort pf data up to date. At the end of the day, if you want to do some more serious IFR or even VFR there's no replacement for charts, certainly not by the so-called "VFR map".
  13. If you are already experienced with the likes of a pmdg 737 or an fslabs A320, the MD82 from Leonardo in P3D , I don't see any problem transitioning to the parallels in MSFS. If anything, they have somewhat less features at this point in time so you wont have any issues there. The camera system, as mentioned above, is more cumbersome and less user friendly than what you'll get with chaseplane or ezedoc but one can get used to it too. FSUIPC is not as pivotal as it might be in p3d as you can create various controller profiles in the sim. Those are not automatically assigned to the appropriate aircraft though as is the case with a registered version of FSUIPC in P3d
  14. Pretty much accurate. There are quite a few good 3rd party addons now. Ground and flight dynamics are pretty much problematic. The weather and the wind/turbulence effects, while better than in the initial release are also a glaring weakness. ATC and AI need fixing. Oh yeah, the visuals are really nice in most parts.
  15. This is gross oversimplification. at 50, check your speed and trend vector! this will effect the flare and power reduction. Start your flare with excess energy and you'll end up floating.
  16. The platform might not be niche, the addon market on the other hand, most likely is. Depending obviously on what you compare it with and your definition of "niche".....
  17. I think some of the guests ARE still around. I believe this has to do with the server crash that had wiped out large portion of avsim at the time. looking up, I managed to find my own posts as “guest ha5mvo” dating to way back than.
  18. The one who’s in charge of the pedrosa patch Actually, when one needs to explain a joke, it kinda loses its punch. Besides, to get it, one should be aware of the context…which those who were not there at the time, won’t get.
  19. I reckon most people here wouldn't get that joke....
  20. Unless I misunderstand you, anything that would start using Ctrl+E would be a bottom tier addon as this means that plenty of stuff is not modelled.
  21. I still miss the tinmouse 732. (Fs 2004 iirc). I would definitely welcome a high end classic. Those seem to have vanished over the last decade or so.
  22. Why does it come as a surprise? In the first year or so, FSX sold over a million copies in the US alone! When you had to get a hard copy on a CD (two CDs actually).
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